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Topic: Human role in the Great War (Read 6882 times)
They're certainly not the best negotatiors... or even the best fighters... as we've all learned. Leave that to the Chenjesu. The Yehat were the alliance's best fighters, not the Chenjesu. The Ur-Quan always hit the toughest spots last so they can have their newly joined battle thralls take high casualties instead of the catterpillars themselves. The Yehat were the last race they subdued before going after the Kohr-Ah, with the combined forces of the Mmrnmhrm/Chenjesu coming in a close second.
I agree with Chenjesu being the best negotiators, though.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2003, 02:34:10 am by Shiver »
I don't think the protestations were against copying software in and of itself, but more against the notion that it was a "good thing"(tm)
If you're going to do a bad thing, do it, acknowledge that you're doing it, and be prepared for any consequences that may come. But don't try to paint the action as "good", that is simply dishonest.
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