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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2003, 09:42:06 am »

The VUX themselves mention how repulsive they find the Androsynth.

Yuck! Don't show your tongue like that. It makes me sick.
You are just as gross as those Androsynth from Eta Vulpeculae!

It's like Nic. says; it was all a matter of who ran into them first and signed them up.

I imagine if they'd run into some other race, like their fellow mollusks the Spathi (who unfortunately were also enslaved) or the squishy tentacly Umgah (also eslaved) they would've probably joined up with the Alliance. And also used some excuse to screw over the Humans every chance they got. (Oops, was that friendly fire? -dreadfully- sorry!)

And they'd probably wreak havoc on the Androsynth... or try to, anyways.

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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2003, 02:31:25 am »

They're certainly not the best negotatiors... or even the best fighters... as we've all learned.    Leave that to the Chenjesu.

The Yehat were the alliance's best fighters, not the Chenjesu. The Ur-Quan always hit the toughest spots last so they can have their newly joined battle thralls take high casualties instead of the catterpillars themselves. The Yehat were the last race they subdued before going after the Kohr-Ah, with the combined forces of the Mmrnmhrm/Chenjesu coming in a close second.

I agree with Chenjesu being the best negotiators, though.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2003, 02:34:10 am by Shiver » Logged
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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2003, 02:46:56 am »

Come to think of it, for the most part the Alliance had some pretty cruddy ships in its membership... heck the manual even discusses the Ur-Quan's treatise on the Alliance's ships and how pathetic they are.

Not to say the Ur-Quan didn't have some cruddy ships as well, but I mean... the Androsynth Guardian and the Ur-Quan Dreadnought and the Spathi Eluder?


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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2003, 06:18:37 pm »

Come to think of it, for the most part the Alliance had some pretty cruddy ships in its membership... heck the manual even discusses the Ur-Quan's treatise on the Alliance's ships and how pathetic they are.

I always felt this trait was appropriate, since the Alliance was in some pretty deep waters during the war.  Alot of the ships you mention (Guardian, Eluder...)  are pretty easy to defeat once you master the Alliance ships.  However, the challenge is beating the Dreadnought.  The dread of Star Control is basically only a match for the Broodhome and the Terminator.  It was the Yehat who made the Alliance.  If you couldn't pilot the Terminator, you were screwed.

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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #19 on: April 24, 2003, 12:45:04 am »

Teehee, except, the Terminator fleet never was allowed to go head to head with the Ur Quan Dreadnought fleet... Ol' Queenie commanded a mass surrender.

So basically, the Broodhomes were the only ships even remotely capable of taking out the Dreadnoughts, and most of them were used to take out the Ilwrath, who from my best recollection have twice as many ships as the Thraddash do, even post-war.

It's a good thing the Shofixti were so insane...

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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2003, 02:12:16 am »

Teehee, except, the Terminator fleet never was allowed to go head to head with the Ur Quan Dreadnought fleet... Ol' Queenie commanded a mass surrender.

I'm talking about Star Control 1, silly.  Tongue  I don't know if you played it, but it became essential for the player to master the Terminator, because of its realtive abundance and strength versus the almighty Dreadnought.  In the Star Control 2 case, the captain can unite a whole array of sweet-@$$ ships.  I dunno why you'd complain.  You can recruit the Eluder and the Terminator in SC2, so it's no big deal.  Whatever, the odds are supposed to be stacked up against you at the start... you are just one measely human.

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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2003, 02:17:47 am »

I looked for it, but the copy I found was...well...all screwy and such. I suppose it's for the best, given the protest against copied software.

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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2003, 08:01:46 pm »

I don't think the protestations were against copying software in and of itself, but more against the notion that it was a "good thing"(tm)

If you're going to do a bad thing, do it, acknowledge that you're doing it, and be prepared for any consequences that may come.  But don't try to paint the action as "good", that is simply dishonest.
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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2003, 02:42:22 am »

I highly doubt that Accolade makes a profit on Star Control anymore.  In fact, since the company has all but disappeared into the big, bad Infogrames, I'm absolutely certain about it.   Grin  If you're looking for a copy, you can always download yourself a genesis emulator and the SC rom.  Of course, that would be ignoring whatever system of morals you may play by...  I would've thought yours would be pretty lax with this kinda situation.  *shrugs*

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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2003, 03:17:33 am »

*shrugs* Yeah you could say I'm pretty morally lax. I will pay for a great game even if I borrow it from someone and beat it, just because I respect the game that much (even if I don't play it ever again) so I guess you could say my sense of morals are warped.

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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2003, 03:22:59 am »

you could say my sense of morals are warped.

Ok, anything you want.

Your sense of morals is warped.

Happy now? Wink

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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2003, 03:35:56 am »

Again, you forgot to put: HAR HAR HAR.

Seriously Luki, I really think you should slap an Umgah pic in there.

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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2003, 03:40:27 am »

Nah, I'm more os a Synth guy really. Cool and composed, efficent and stylish... And cast out from humanity and eaten up by fishes. Dunno, the Synth appeal to me for some strange reason, maybe opposites attract?

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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2003, 03:45:20 am »

Once you've had Synth, you'll never go back?

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Re: Human role in the Great War
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2003, 03:47:10 am »

More on the lines of, once you've had Synth, they'll never let you go back, but I suppose the effect is the same.

What's up doc?
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