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Topic: The Ur-Quan Masters MegaMod has been released (Read 14416 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 209
When I started playing with a custom random seed, many planets important to the story were affected by this too (at least in the save file I kept from the version).
Spathiwa's moon is no longer a Pellucid World. The Pkunk homeworld is in the "gray" zone, meaning its surface temperature is well below zero. Unzervalt became a Primordial World with class 8 weather and tectonics, and a surface temperature of 117ºC.
Looks like the locations of the homeworlds in the original game were based on what was generated with the default random seed, and that all locations important to the story need to be generated manually, because otherwise many things no longer make any sense.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2019, 10:47:37 pm by PRH »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 209
It's not supposed to be 100% lore friendly.
That's exactly the problem I'm having. I'm fine with a homeworld changing from planet I to, say, planet IV. I'm not fine with Unzervalt changing from a Water World to a completely uninhabitable Primordial World. That's, well, a world of difference. And it's really immersion-breaking. So, yes, homeworlds need to be in the habitable zone and have the correct planet type.
Also, Vela I and Vela II are both called Unzervalt now.
And also, Commander Hayes now says that all my mineral loads are "light" no matter how much I bring him. I just brought two storage bays' worth of precious and radioactive minerals, and Hayes still said it was too little.
And finally, apparently I can now view ships' ComSim databank entries from the shipyard, but when I do so, those glowing... pathways... corridors... wire-like things from the flagship to the escort ships remain on the screen, and they are superimposed over the ship's image in the databank entry.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2019, 03:16:12 pm by PRH »
Posts: 1374

It's not supposed to be 100% lore friendly.
Also, Vela I and Vela II are both called Unzervalt now. And also, Commander Hayes now says that all my mineral loads are "light" no matter how much I bring him. I just brought two storage bays' worth of precious and radioactive minerals, and Hayes still said it was too little. And finally, apparently I can now view ships' ComSim databank entries from the shipyard, but when I do so, those glowing... pathways... corridors... wire-like things from the flagship to the escort ships remain on the screen, and they are superimposed over the ship's image in the databank entry. Quick question, did you replace all the content files and EXE because none of this is happening on a fresh installation for me except for the shipyard power lines. Which is definitely annoying and it only does it in HD mode for me. So should be easy to find and squash when I get back.
Also what seed are you using so i can see if it's that particular seed causing the double Unzervalt.
Also... I may have ran into that bug where entering a star system crashes the game (more like locked it up and made it unresponsive). I thought I fixed that problem but it'll have to be something I look into extensively.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2019, 07:08:54 pm by Serosis »
The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213. Get your MegaMod HERE
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 208
Great Job! Absolutely loving this release
Zebranky food

Posts: 12

how can I put the HD graphics in the megamod? I have the hd game but copy the files into the megamod folder doesnt work Pd: great work with this mod
Zebranky food

Posts: 12

Love the features you added to the mod. I enjoyed replaying the game in Hard Mode. Especially having to traverse the universe to get all the Melnorme Technology.
I have a few suggestions though if you don't mind. - Separate the godmode: I want to fool around with unlimited energy but I don't want to be invulnerable. Invulnerability takes the fun away. - Available ships: If possible, could you add the Mmrnmhrm and the Androsynth to the build list? I am wondering how they will fare against the Sa-Matra - Melnorme cost Hardmode: I like how you upped the price for fuel, but it would make it harder if you upped the price of new technology instead. - Quasispace Hardmode: Would it be possible to make the natural Quasispace portal appear in 2157 or later in Hard mode. That way you cant get the portal spawner right at the start so you have no choice BUT to travel those long distances through hyperspace in the beginning. I think this really combines well with the seperated Melnorme technology to make it Harder. - Sa-Matra battle: I know this is probably not possible but I have to ask anyways . Is it possible to make the Sa-Matra battle harder for Hardmode? I know the green push-balls act differently in the UQM-HD than in the original star control 2. The way the green balls act now makes it too easy to attack the shieldgenerators. And what I mean by that is, the way it is now, when you cross the border of the screen and go to the other side, the green balls move back to the Sa-Matra, but half way they go along with your direction away from the Sa-Matra. This leaves a big timewindow to do some damage. Only when you get close will they switch to attack you head on. So their action should be that when you cross the edge of the screen, they go back to the Sa-matra, circle around there untill you come close and then attack you and move linear in the way that they do.
I am no programmer, so these are just some wishes of an ignorant player. Anyways, thank you for your hard work.
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