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Topic: Call For Testers: UQM 0.8 Release Candidate, Windows/Mac (Read 8248 times)
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

The menu and the flight controls use the same control logic, so if only one is breaking, this implies that the config file has been corrupted somehow. If you edit your flight controls in the configure menu you should be able to get somewhere, and deleting the uqm.cfg file should also reset all settings.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
I have a 1920x1200 display. The ideal 4:3 part of my screen is 1600x1200, which is 5x 320x200. With uqm-0.8-rc2-win32 I'm able to get a fullscreen 4:3 aspect ratio at 1280x960 whereas I wasn't able to with 0.7, even when specifying -f -k command line switches. This is just great! Thank you!
In terms of requests, a setting for 1600x1200 would be nice. There's a spot for it in the menu, and it's the next multiple up from 1280x960 which is 4x. I can't say what difference it would make, but I'll test it if you like.
I recently managed to get DOSBox to play the original at 1600x1200 with hq3x scaling. However now that 0.8 works correctly for me I'm pretty sure it'll be preferable, since the sound is better, there's voices, and to my eyes your HQ scaler works better.
Also, I don't really know, but the gamma correction slider might have a problem. The slider starts in the middle position, but when I move it then my only choices are hard left and hard right. Furthermore, the value of 1.0000 stays constant. I have an AMD Radeon R9 200 / HD 7900 series card.
Edit: I just found out that 0.8 was released yesterday. I tested it, and there are no changes with respect to what I wrote.
Edit 2: Apparently uqm-0.8-win32.exe is the same as uqm-0.8-rc2-win32.exe so of course there's no difference. I did find another problem though that doesn't happen with 0.7: every time I quit the game, Windows 7 pops up the following dialog box:
« Last Edit: January 12, 2021, 07:20:07 am by cjfp »
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

When running fullscreen, you'll actually be getting 1920x1200 -- one of SDL2's features is that its "fullscreen mode" is actually an undecorated window that covers the entire screen and that the GPU upscales as needed. So if you're playing fullscreen, you're getting the thing you asked for. You're right that there's room for a 1600x1200 windowed mode, though.
The gamma correction slider is bugged and tbh should just be removed. It might sort of do something if built with SDL1 options but SDL2 doesn't interoperate with gamma ramps the way SDL1 does and it's not really sensible to mess with it with a slider like that.
0.8 is indeed RC2.
The crash on exit is interesting and I don't get it on my Win10 machine, nor do all Win7 machines do it. If you can collect a MiniDump from it at that point I might be able to do something with it; other than that this might be some quirk with SDL2 itself or some interaction between SDL2 and your graphics drivers. (One fun thing that came up pre-RC1 was that some Intel chips' DX9 drivers made the game crash instantly deep inside the graphics driver).
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
Oh I see, yes 320 x 240 produces the same results as 1280 x 960 in fullscreen. That's great, thanks. I thought the scaler might behave differently depending on the chosen resolution.
I made sure my settings for minidumps matched but I don't get any created for UQM, even though I do have some from other applications.
I have Radeon Adrenalin 2019 19.9.2 drivers, at least according to the AMD Settings app.
If you would like me to test some builds I can do that, but I'm also happy to leave this alone.
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

This doesn't sound like a blocker and I'm not in a tearing hurry to start work on a 0.8.1 or anything, so this is definitely just a matter of "take the opportunity if it comes up"... especially since I suspect this problem is upstream somehow.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 136

Why don't all races have point defense lasers?
So, Shiver's balance mod won't work with 0.8?
Is it incompatible? Or would be a trivial matter for him to upgrade his mod for the latest version?
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Will there be controller support soon?
Posts: 817
How do I get a "stretched: fullscreen? I don't want the black bars on the sides...the only way I can get it is to manually set my resolution to match the one I'm using in the game. Version 7.0 had no problem stretching the image filling the whole screen in fullscreen.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2021, 06:31:40 pm by Defender »
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