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Author Topic: UQM Mem Edit - Edit fleet ships (now also with device/item editor)  (Read 23451 times)
Frungy champion
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« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2013, 03:39:20 pm »

I had a look at updating it yesterday and the modifications needed to support the HD mod weren't that big luckily. Just finding some new pointers was needed, even the offsets from the pointers to the individual values were the same as before. Here are links to the updated version, feel free to comment with problems or suggestions:

UQM Mem Edit 2.1 (
UQM Mem Edit 2.1 (
UQM Mem Edit 2.1 (
UQM Mem Edit 2.1 (

By the way could someone who is a moderator let me edit the first post again or update the links there?

If you need any help, let me know.  Also, we can see about including it as an additional download option in UQM-HD. I've used the older version a few times to minimize grinding (since the DOS bug is fixed). Great program.

Thanks! Like I mentioned above fortunately the changes were not that big, just the typical thing that when a program is changed and recompiled memory locations and pointers will change place. Having it as an additional download option to UQM-HD would be great.

If someone wants to take a look at the current results I am using a program called Cheat Engine to find the memory locations and pointers that I then use in my code. Basically I first find the value of interest (e.g. crew in escort ship #1) and then a pointer to that location that remains even if UQM is reloaded. I actually posted a file with the memory locations on the Cheat Engine forums. Also I just posted an updated version that contains the memory location for devices there.

I tried keeping the things you can edit with the memory editor to a minimum to avoid overlap with the save game editor which can edit a lot more values. Anyways the main thing I would like to add is the ability not only to edit current ships but also add new ones, unfortunately the way this is saved eludes me. It seems to be some sort of linked list or other complex structure in the memory. Also adding support for editing triggered events would be interesting since from what I understand each event in the game is just a binary flag in the same way the items are stored.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 01:34:25 pm by jucce » Logged
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Re: UQM Mem Edit - Edit fleet ships (now also with device/item editor)
« Reply #31 on: June 01, 2014, 01:13:17 am »


can you make this compatible with shivers balance mod or any compiled source code? im playing the story and wold like to edit my save. plus it does not recognize compiled exes.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 05:47:04 am by Defender » Logged
Frungy champion
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Re: UQM Mem Edit - Edit fleet ships (now also with device/item editor)
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2014, 05:49:22 pm »


can you make this compatible with shivers balance mod or any compiled source code? im playing the story and wold like to edit my save. plus it does not recognize compiled exes.

For simply editing save games did you try the save game editor linked in the first post?

As for making the memory editor/trainer compatible with any compiled source code it would be difficult as the memory locations and pointers used move when the code is recompiled. Currently it only works with specific versions of UQM and also the HD mod. For every new version released the code has to be updated with new memory locations.

I would recommend downloading the Cheat Engine program and the file with memory locations I posted above. Typically the offsets are the same, only new addresses to the pointers have to be found.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 05:51:50 pm by jucce » Logged
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Re: UQM Mem Edit - Edit fleet ships (now also with device/item editor)
« Reply #33 on: June 11, 2014, 11:45:48 pm »

i see..will do. thank you jucce.
Zebranky food
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Re: UQM Mem Edit - Edit fleet ships (now also with device/item editor)
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2021, 05:25:18 pm »

Thank you for all of the work on this!
So there are a few things I wanted to do.  I require assistance in order to make sure it happens.

1)Collect as much of the files as I possibly can from UQM project so they are all (all versions possible) available in one place.
(I will host and post the location)

2)Gather as much info as I can in order to make use of the files more comprehensive.  Each folder for each version will contain a text file outlining the specifics of that version and use of.

3)Find out if there are more than PC platforms circulating to determine what I am seeing online.  I have 0.8 and 0.7.0-1 currently.  I am playing .7x b/c from what little I know, it seems it is the latest version that will allow use of the UQM Editor (saves)  Now am I wrong here or correct in thinking that there WILL be or is now an editor for .8? Part of my understanding is that it is only with memory states and not saves? I am not sure.  Also escort ship modification, not possible yet due to compression of saves correct? Or maybe it is possible but only on MAC?
I am still reading up on this so PLEASE forgive me.  Also "HD Mod" Is this a PC version (like  let's say 0.7.0-1) which has additional items other than the music and speech packs?

I ask this because I saw a YouTube video of UQM being played and it was identical to my installed 0,7x version however the graphics were notably different. (better)

a)Does this break UQM editor?
b)Is there a working solution for editing saves using the "HD mod" version?
c)Can it be applied (if for PC) to any version or must it be 0.8?

If anyone sees this as thread abuse please let me know and I will move it to where I am instructed.

I hope I do not get flamed but I thought this was the most relevant discussion given my ultimate intentions on providing a comprehensive one location repository that is permanent.
It's $100 a year to host the files so I don't see that as a big issue.  If money actually becomes a problem I can just host it privately in my house.

I appreciate any assistance on this and please forgive my ignorance.  YES I am going through the sticky/read me first/FAQ posts as we speak. 

There really is no way to avoid this post as it's a collaborative ask and that involves people and I would have questions no matter what I have read prior.

Please forgive.

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Re: UQM Mem Edit - Edit fleet ships (now also with device/item editor)
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2021, 07:41:08 pm »

All the versions of Official UQM, from 0.1 to 0.8 are right on the Sourceforge page:

HD-mod's betas are also on its respective Sourceforge page:


UQM Extended Edition:

Project 6014:

Balance Mod:

Cheating Zelnick's UQM Mods:

UQM-HD Drawn Out:

UQM 0.7.0 Rogue-like:

Elvish Pillager's Crazy Mod:

Adjusted Ship Price Mod:


UQM-Native Client port:



UQM-RG350 port:

UQM-MegaMod main website:

My fork of Jucce's UQM save editor:

There could be more but that's what I could find in a short amount of time.

The artist once again known as Kohr-Ah Death 213.

Get your MegaMod HERE
Zebranky food
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Re: UQM Mem Edit - Edit fleet ships (now also with device/item editor)
« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2021, 10:14:50 am »

See also Some mods and utilities for UQM & UQM HD
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