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Topic: Question about the Druuge. (Read 8505 times)
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Posts: 156

Spathi? What spathi? You're imagining, hunam.
Yeah, that's kind of the point. The druuge know this, and so they don't start any wars. They only attack people who won't or can't attack back, or ones who they expect won't survive.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

If it sells, it's art.
I know it's a different situation when the Druuge cheat someone, but I guess that when they don't have a choice they would rather compensate their angry clients before getting into a war.
Hmm.. yes they probably would resort to paying the race money over going to war. But what if it is a race that either has taken being cheated too hard, and become extremely violent, (Probably a race of a lower thinking mind, and is too angry with the Druuge to accept conpensation), or has no use for money or Precursor artifacts in their environment? There would be no way the Druuge could avoid war. The way I see it, if the Druuge keep up their streak of cheating and snubbing of other races, they're bound to come across a race that fits either of these catergories. Then again, I suppose the Druuge would try to avoid war with them at all costs, assuming they know a little about the race they're trading with.
"I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
But what if it is a race that either has taken being cheated too hard, and become extremely violent, (Probably a race of a lower thinking mind, and is too angry with the Druuge to accept conpensation), or has no use for money or Precursor artifacts in their environment? There would be no way the Druuge could avoid war.
I assume the Druuge also run some sort of risk analysis of each race they deal with. I think it is safe ta say, that they would be much more careful in cheating, say the Traddash or Ilwrath, than they would be putting one over the ZFP or Spathi. With some races, they are probably completely straight, as even one mistake could be far too costly.
And just because the Druuge try to avoid a war, it doesn't mean they'd be unable to fight one. I imagine that if the Crimson Corporation found itself in a situation where the only way out was battle, they would act swiftly, and wiith a LOT of force. Thus they would ensure a swift return to a more profitable status quo. After all, a fleet of Maulers is not to be laughed at.
What's up doc?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 495

Lady Marauder
...of course, after they won, I imagine they'd also insist on 'reperation from the defeated party for the loss of financial resources due to the war, and the compensation for lost income incurred to the Crimson Corporation'. The alternative being, of course, fed to the furnace...
Oh, and don't forget, 'compensation in the form of monetary fees for the costs incurred in the replacement of key personnel within the Crimson Corporation'.
On a brighter note, I am moving to Waterloo-Kitchener on Tuesday (I'm going to be in Omni-Fot's neighborhood! Prepare to be cleansed!) and probably won't have net access there, so the lot of you can probably breathe easy (for a couple months anyways) at not having old topics resurrected anymore.
Or being spammed by erroneous 'Primat facts'.
We are the Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah. Our nature, the fulfillment of our fate requires your destruction. You are filth. It is now your time to be cleansed.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

If it sells, it's art.
Wow, that was pretty cool, you broke down my seemingly complex response into a couple of posts. Good show! 
Anyways, the only reason i'm really responding to this thread(which is getting real old), is because I'd just like to add that the Druuge getting rid of the Burvixese, although it was in self-defense, was a rather cold and deceitful thing to do was it not? This just proved what sort of cheating devils the Druuge are (literally). Another option to the whole, be at war with the Druuge thing, is if a bloodthirsty, aggressive, easily pissed off race is close allies with a race that has been cheated by the Druuge and forced to spend a lifetime in some sort of agony, or has been wiped out completely? I dunno, whatever, no need to respond to this if you dont want to.
"I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets."
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Like I sadi, the Druuge probably make an EXTENSIVE check of the race in question, and also check wether there are any other races nearby who might ally with this race and bring it on.
allies with a race that has been cheated by the Druuge and forced to spend a lifetime in some sort of agony, or has been wiped out completely? I dunno, whatever, no need to respond to this if you dont want to.
How many races spend a lifetime in agony? if you are thinking of the Quan, it doesn't really aply, cuz the Druuge will have to fight wether they cheated, say, the Mycon or not.
And if a violent and psychopatic race that needs no further excuse to go to war than that their friends have been cheated exists near one of the Druuge trading partners, they probably know and checked it out.
Also, I doubt the Druuge have committed genocide more than that once, it was a special circumstance. Killing your customers is bad after all.
What's up doc?
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Posts: 109

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
were they in the last war i dont think they are from the zeta persei i think they showed up after the war never i never heared of them till star control 2 i played star control 1 there where not in it i think they are from some place else off the map i think they just started there colony trading shop
Death 999
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Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, look at the map that came with SC2. There is a circle labelled "Unknown" way off on the side. That is, btw, the map from the time of SC1. So they've been there at least that long.
Interestingly, their main planet is not their 'homeworld' but their 'trade world' or some such. Of course, that could simply be due to their corporate-centeredness.
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