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Topic: A Complete Catalogue of Lifeforms by Species and by Planet (Read 4927 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Hello. I am locked out of making edits on the Ultronomicon because some automated system looked at my IP address and decided I'm a spammer. I'm not. I have little enough interest in buying things, much less selling them. Anyway, I have messaged the user who nominally created the block, but I received no reply within a day or so, so I assume they've probably lost interest years ago and this is just a zombie process forever forbidding access to people like me with sufficiently crappy IP addresses.
In the meantime, I have (manually) compiled a catalog of lifeforms by species and by planet, and would like to publish it somewhere for safekeeping and for all to (theoretically) enjoy.
It's 617 lines long, though, and I don't know if it'll fit here without, um, some automated system identifying me as a spammer and blocking me from here too. Then again, what do I have to lose? Maybe I'll try to reply to this post with another post containing the table. If it locks me out, I'll just give up. Keep all the goodies for myself.
Wish me luck. Or don't. Probably won't make any difference.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Catalog of Lifeforms by Species and Planet ========================================== ==========================================
Below is a complete catalog of the populations of species present on all planets in The Ur-Quan Masters.
Lifeforms Possible ==================
Symbol Name Value Description ------ ---- ----- ----------- AT Amorphous Trandicula 9 Large red amorphous blob. BB Bug-Eyed Bait 4 Purple worm with large eyes. BM Blood Monkey 2 Three-eyed, single-tentacled squid with frill. BV Bubble Vine 6 Candy-striped tree shape with three white globes. CB Carousel Beast 10 Large, green, radially symmetrical, columnar legs topped with eyes. CH Chicken 1 White bird with a purple belly. CW Crazy Weasel 3 Brown, with large eyes, large round ears, and .large teeth DB Deluxe Blob 2 Small bean-shaped crawler with purple spots. FS Fungal Squid 7 Purple mushroom cap with three tentacles. GB Goo Burger 8 Purple and blue with two large eyes. GM Glowing Medusa 3 Large, gray, round with a fringe of short tentacles. HB Hopping Blobby 2 Small, green, and spherical. MB Mysterious Bees 3 Swarm of four winged insects. MC Macrocilla 6 Round pool of red with a purple border. MW Merry Whumpet 1 Single-eyed waddler with green wings and orange legs. NW Neon Worm 1 Eyeless, undulating worm striped with blue and purple. PC Penguin Cyclops 15 Green waddler with webbed feet and a single eyestalk. RD Roto-Dendron 1 Green stem topped with a rotating orange "radar dish". SM Slot Machine Tree 2 Large green tree with rotating yellow "slots". SU Stiletto Urchin 8 Small brass-colored hemisphere ringed with retractile spikes. SW Splort Wort 3 Mottled green-and-brown spheroid that spurts red liquid. WB Whackin' Bush 5 Brown tree with two whitish-green boughs that "clap" continuously. YY Yompin Yiminy 4 Large, bipedal, green leaping lizard.
EO Evil One 1 Brown, recumbent biped with large blinking eyes. BB Brainbox Bulldozers 2 Gray tank with a brain on a stalk. ZB ZEX's Beauty 15 Large, fast, tough creature resembling a demon-mask.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Lifeform Populations by Species and Planet ==========================================
The species present on a planet are listed in descending order of population. If two species have the same number of individuals, the one with the greater trade value per specimen is listed first. If two species have the same populate and the same value per specimen, the species are alphabetized by symbol.
This table contains entries for 562 planets.
Total Creature Cluster Star Planet Value Count Species Present Notes ------- ---- ------ ------ ----- --------------- -------- Alcor Prime II-c 42 7 7MC - Aldebaran Prime II 62 9 5CB, 4GM - Aldebaran Prime II-a 64 8 8GB - Aldebaran Prime III 8 1 1SU - Aldebaran Prime IV 10 10 10RD - Aldebaran Prime V-a 50 19 8WB, 6NW, 4MW - Aldebaran Prime V-d 7 5 4MW, 1SW - Almagest Prime II 62 16 15BB, 1BM - Altair Prime II 122 22 9BV, 9YY, 4SU - Altair Prime III-a 24 17 10CH, 7HB - Andromedae Alpha V-a 31 7 4FS, 3NW - Andromedae Alpha VI 15 10 5SM, 5RD - Antares Prime VI-a 5 5 5RD - Antliae Alpha III 38 19 14HB, 5BM - Antliae Delta I 33 15 10RD, 4DB, 1PC - Antliae Delta II 10 10 6NW, 4RD - Antliae Epsilon II 10 10 10MW - Antliae Epsilon III 21 21 9MW, 7NW, 5RD - Antliae Epsilon IV-a 44 10 7BM, 3CB - Antliae Zeta I-b 104 24 8FS, 8WB, 8CH - Apodis Beta VI-b 12 7 6NW, 1BV - Apodis Beta IX-a 14 7 7HB - Apodis Beta IX-b 49 19 10CW, 8HB, 1SW - Apodis Gamma I 38 15 8SM, 5BB, 2MW - Apodis Gamma IX-b 43 17 9SW, 8SM - Aquarii Alpha I 107 18 10WB, 7FS, 1SU - Aquarii Beta I 39 Utwig homeworld Aquarii Beta I-a 48 6 6SU - Aquarii Beta II 15 10 5HB, 5CH - Aquarii Eta III 48 8 8MC - Aquarii Eta IV 103 19 7FS, 6SU, 6NW - Aquarii Gamma V 68 11 8GB, 2RD, 1HB - Aquilae Delta I 68 13 9FS, 3CH, 1BM - Aquilae Delta V 8 1 1GB - Aquilae Epsilon I 9 2 1FS, 1SM - Aquilae Gamma I 77 8 7CB, 1FS - Aquilae Gamma II 60 9 8FS, 1YY - Aquilae Gamma VIII 70 10 8SU, 2GM - Arae Alpha I-a 12 7 6NW, 1BV - Arae Delta VI 96 18 6CB, 6WB, 6MW - Arcturus Prime I 82 18 10SW, 7FS, 1MB - Arcturus Prime I-a 94 18 10FS, 8MB - Arianni Gamma I 50 17 7YY, 6MB, 4CH - Arianni Gamma II-b 2 1 1BM - Arianni Gamma IV-a 86 17 9BB, 6GB, 2NW - Arietis Beta I 58 20 11BM, 9YY - Arietis Delta II 49 16 9SW, 5BB, 2RD - Aurigae Alpha II-a 10 5 5BM - Aurigae Alpha III 70 25 10SW, 10RD, 5BV - Aurigae Alpha V-a 24 17 10CH, 7HB - Aurigae Delta I-a 50 18 8WB, 6NW, 4MW - Aurigae Delta I-b 66 8 6MC, 2PC - Aurigae Delta II 90 21 10BB, 7MC, 4HB - Aurigae Delta II-a 7 5 4MW, 1SW - Aurigae Delta III-a 40 10 6YY, 2MC, 2HB - Aurigae Delta VII-a 3 1 1CW - Aurigae Gamma II-a 85 15 8SU, 7SW - Aurigae Gamma II-c 21 7 7CW - Aurigae Gamma III-d 35 5 5FS - Betelgeuse Prime I 152 - - Syreen homeworld Betelgeuse Prime III 32 10 7HB, 3BV - Bootis Alpha II 52 10 6GB, 4RD - Bootis Alpha IV-a 168 23 9YY, 8PC, 6DB - Bootis Alpha IV-c 8 7 6MW, 1HB - Brahe Alpha II 74 16 14WB, 2SM - Brahe Alpha VI 52 18 10HB, 8YY - Brahe Delta IV 8 4 4DB - Brahe Delta VIII-b 83 24 10RD, 9FS, 5DB - Brahe Epsilon I 60 12 8CW, 4AT - Caeli Beta II 22 3 2CB, 1BM - Caeli Gamma II-a 66 16 7BB, 5BV, 4SM - Camelopardalis Alpha IV-a 38 17 9RD, 7MB, 1GB - Camelopardalis Beta I-a 31 7 4FS, 3NW - Camelopardalis Beta VII 34 14 10CW, 4NW - Camelopardalis Eta I 36 9 9BB - Camelopardalis Eta III 90 9 9CB - Camelopardalis Gamma IV 92 23 10FS, 9HB, 4CH - Camelopardalis Zeta II 23 15 7HB, 7CH, 1SM - Cancri Alpha I 10 1 1CB - Cancri Alpha III 69 15 8MC, 7MB - Cancri Beta I-b 104 24 8FS, 8WB, 8CH - Capricorni Alpha I 24 8 8CW - Capricorni Beta II-a 89 9 4GB, 3PC, 2MC - Carinae Beta II 7 7 7NW - Carinae Beta III-a 18 8 6HB, 2GM - Carinae Beta III-b 90 15 10SU, 5SM - Carinae Beta IV 107 27 10FS, 10GM, 7NW - Carinae Beta VII-a 82 21 10FS, 10MW, 1HB - Cassiopeiae Beta III 45 18 9MB, 9SM - Cassiopeiae Gamma I 96 18 10GB, 6CH, 2WB - Cassiopeiae Gamma III 6 6 6NW - Centauri Beta III-b 76 18 10WB, 5YY, 3DB - Centauri Beta V 16 8 8HB - Centauri Delta II-a 186 22 10PC, 6GM, 6MB - Centauri Zeta I-a 56 6 5CB, 1BV - Cephei Beta I-a 50 18 8WB, 6NW, 4MW - Cephei Beta II-a 18 6 6MB - Cephei Beta IV 7 7 7NW - Cerenkov Alpha I 136 12 4PC, 4CB, 4AT Admiral ZEX, Shofixti maidens Cerenkov Alpha IX 19 10 9SM, 1CH - Cerenkov Beta VII-a 10 5 5BM - Ceti Beta II-a 105 19 11CW, 8AT - Ceti Delta IV 27 9 9GM - Ceti Delta V-d 28 17 8RD, 7DB, 2SW - Ceti Gamma I 9 3 3MB - Ceti Gamma II 38 11 9HB, 2CB - Ceti Zeta III 86 10 6AT, 4GB - Chamaeleonis Alpha III 34 24 10HB, 8RD, 6NW - Chamaeleonis Alpha V-b 74 16 14WB, 2DB - Chamaeleonis Alpha V-d 40 8 6MC, 2BM - Chamaeleonis Beta V 111 17 7AT, 7BV, 3HB - Chamaeleonis Beta VII 29 10 6BB, 3RD, 1SM - Chamaeleonis Beta VIII 76 12 7SU, 5YY - Chamaeleonis Epsilon VII-a 66 16 7BB, 5BV, 4SM - Chamaeleonis Epsilon VII-b 35 5 5FS - Chamaeleonis Eta V-b 85 26 10HB, 9CH, 7GB - Chamaeleonis Eta V-d 18 6 6MB - Chamaeleonis Gamma I-b 85 26 10HB, 9CH, 7GB - Chamaeleonis Iota I 84 12 10SU, 2BM - Chamaeleonis Kappa I-a 4 2 2SM - Chamaeleonis Kappa I-c 43 17 9SW, 8SM - Chandrasekhar Alpha II 64 10 6MC, 4FS - Chandrasekhar Alpha IV-a 16 7 6BM, 1YY - Chandrasekhar Alpha V-a 44 10 7BM, 3CB - Chandrasekhar Alpha IX-b 41 8 5MB, 2AT, 1GB - Chandrasekhar Alpha IX-c 10 10 10NW - Chandrasekhar Delta III 134 15 8SU, 7CB - Chandrasekhar Delta VI 67 9 6GB, 2SU, 1CW - Chandrasekhar Delta VII-d 58 13 8BV, 4DB, 1BM - Chandrasekhar Gamma III-a 8 4 4HB - Chandrasekhar Gamma V 4 2 2DB - Circini Alpha II-b 62 16 7WB, 6NW, 3FS - Circini Alpha V 60 14 8MB, 4BV, 2MC - Circini Beta I 62 17 10SM, 7MC - Circini Beta II-a 18 9 9BM - Circini Beta III-a 168 23 9YY, 8PC, 6DB - Circini Delta II 8 4 4BM - Circini Delta IV 18 9 9HB - Circini Delta VII-a 2 2 2CH - Circini Epsilon I 35 11 7MB, 3YY, 1HB - Circini Gamma II 89 19 8FS, 6MB, 5GM - Circini Gamma V 54 13 8SW, 5MC - Circini Gamma VI 104 17 9SU, 8YY - Circini Zeta I 55 24 10NW, 9MB, 6GM - Circini Zeta III-a 7 5 4MW, 1SW - Circini Zeta VII-a 24 4 4MC - Columbae Gamma I 11 8 5NW, 3BM - Corvi Beta I 135 9 9PC - Corvi Beta III 24 10 3BB, 3MB, 3CH - Corvi Beta VI 72 9 9GB - Corvi Epsilon I-a 85 15 8SU, 7SW - Corvi Epsilon I-c 66 12 7SU, 5BM - Corvi Epsilon II 30 5 5BV - Corvi Epsilon VII 38 10 6WB, 4HB - Corvi Eta IV-b 43 17 9SW, 8SM - Corvi Eta V-b 57 10 9BV, 1SW - Corvi Zeta IV-a 189 22 10GM, 9PC, 3GB - Corvi Zeta IV-b 6 3 3HB - Crateris Beta I 18 5 4SW, 1MC - Crateris Delta I 36 8 5MC, 3SM - Crateris Delta IV-a 66 8 6MC, 2PC - Crateris Delta IX 70 10 10FS - Crateris Epsilon I 103 19 10YY, 9FS - Crateris Epsilon IV 6 6 6CH - Crateris Eta II-b 6 3 3HB - Crateris Gamma II 30 10 10GM - Crucis Alpha I-a 5 5 5CH - Crucis Alpha III 2 1 1BM - Crucis Beta I 44 6 4SU, 2MC - Crucis Beta II 120 8 8PC - Crucis Delta I-a 24 4 4MC - Crucis Delta I-d 82 14 8MC, 5BV, 2BM - Cygnus Alpha IV 28 12 8SW, 4RD - Cygnus Beta III 54 6 6AT - Cygnus Beta IV 60 10 10BV - Cygnus Delta I 120 8 8PC - Cygnus Delta III-b 62 16 7WB, 6NW, 3FS -
« Last Edit: September 29, 2024, 04:10:07 am by thiscouldbebetter »
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Doradus Beta II-b 42 7 7MC - Doradus Beta III-b 104 24 8FS, 8WB, 8CH - Doradus Beta IV 48 16 8CW, 8MB - Doradus Beta VII-a 14 7 7HB - Draconis Beta V-c 10 10 10NW - Draconis Beta VI-a 30 18 7HB, 6RD, 5SM - Draconis Beta VII-c 20 2 2CB - Draconis Delta I 39 Thraddash homeworld Draconis Delta II-a 92 12 5SU, 4CB, 3YY - Draconis Delta III 9 9 9RD - Draconis Delta IV 9 1 1AT - Draconis Epsilon II-a 31 7 4FS, 3NW - Draconis Epsilon III 4 1 1YY - Draconis Epsilon VII 9 3 3CW - Draconis Epsilon VIII-a 186 22 10PC, 6GM, 6MB - Draconis Eta I-a 50 18 8WB, 6NW, 4MW - Draconis Gamma III-a 50 18 8WB, 6NW, 4MW - Draconis Gamma III-b 52 9 5SU, 4MB - Draconis Gamma III-c 33 9 4FS, 3MW, 2NW - Draconis Gamma III-d 20 10 10DB - Draconis Iota I 123 19 10BV, 9FS - Draconis Kappa V 16 8 4DB, 4HB - Draconis Lambda II 31 4 4MC, 1FS - Draconis Lambda VI 18 6 6SW - Draconis Nu II-a 55 22 9NW, 8HB, 5BV - Draconis Zeta I 39 Aqua Helix, no lifeforms Draconis Zeta IV 30 3 3CB - Equulei Beta I 92 25 9BB, 8WB, 8SM - Eridani Beta III-c 6 1 1BV - Eridani Beta III-d 35 5 5FS - Fomalhaut Prime IV 27 7 5CW, 2MC - Fomalhaut Prime V-a 120 8 8PC - Fomalhaut Prime V-b 44 16 10DB, 6YY - Fornacis Alpha I 4 4 4NW - Fornacis Beta III 70 13 7GB, 4HB, 2MB - Fornacis Beta VI-a 44 16 10DB, 6YY - Fornacis Gamma I 3 3 3MW - Fornacis Gamma II-c 44 21 9MB, 7NW, 5SM - Fornacis Zeta III-a 11 5 3GM, 2RD - Fornacis Zeta III-b 20 10 9HB, 1DB - Fornacis Zeta III-c 18 6 6MB - Geminorum Beta I-a 8 4 4SM - Geminorum Beta I-b 71 17 8SM, 5GM, 4CB - Geminorum Beta II 3 3 3CH - Geminorum Beta IV 20 7 5HB, 2WB - Geminorum Beta VI 3 1 1CW - Geminorum Delta I 3 3 3NW - Geminorum Gamma I 141 15 8PC, 7MB - Geminorum Gamma III 156 14 9AT, 5PC - Geminorum Gamma IV-c 44 21 9MB, 7NW, 5SM - Giclas Alpha IV 110 18 10GM, 8CB - Giclas Alpha VII-a 39 9 5FS, 4RD - Giclas Alpha VII-b 12 7 6NW, 1BV - Giclas Alpha VII-c 70 14 10GM, 4CB - Giclas Delta VIII 16 4 4YY - Giclas Eta V 37 13 6CW, 6MB, 1RD - Giclas Theta II-c 8 7 6MW, 1HB - Giclas Theta IV 72 8 8AT - Gorno Alpha I 114 19 10GB, 7DB, 2CB - Gorno Alpha VI-a 89 9 4GB, 3PC, 2MC - Gorno Beta II 90 16 9CH, 4PC, 3FS - Gorno Beta III-a 82 18 10NW, 8AT - Gorno Delta IV 70 10 8GB, 2CW - Gorno Delta V 5 4 3RD, 1DB - Gruis Beta I 103 18 7GB, 6FS, 5NW - Gruis Delta I-a 104 24 8FS, 8WB, 8CH - Gruis Epsilon I 32 32 32EO - Gruis Gamma III-b 10 10 10NW - Gruis Zeta I-a 105 19 11CW, 8AT -
« Last Edit: September 29, 2024, 04:10:47 am by thiscouldbebetter »
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Herculis Alpha I-a 18 2 2AT - Herculis Alpha II 25 16 9BM, 7RD - Herculis Alpha III 56 7 4GB, 3SU - Horologii Alpha II 115 13 8AT, 4FS, 1PC - Horologii Alpha V 39 6 3CB, 3GM - Horologii Beta II 64 6 4PC, 2BM - Horologii Beta VI-a 86 17 9BB, 6GB, 2NW - Horologii Gamma III 23 11 10BM, 1SW - Horologii Kappa V-b 9 9 7MW, 2NW - Horologii Kappa VI-a 8 4 4SM - Horologii Kappa VI-d 62 23 9SW, 7CW, 7HB - Hyades Alpha VIII 11 2 1GB, 1SW - Hyades Beta II 67 9 8GB, 1GM - Hyades Beta IV 125 25 9WB, 8FS, 8CW - Hyades Epsilon II-a 1 1 1MW - Hyades Epsilon III 28 16 12MW, 4YY - Hyades Epsilon IV 48 7 5MC, 2AT - Hyades Eta III-a 56 6 5CB, 1BV - Hyades Eta V-a 24 4 4MC - Hyades Gamma II-c 28 17 8RD, 7DB, 2SW - Hyades Gamma III 96 10 9CB, 1MC - Hyades Iota II 66 20 8WB, 7CW, 5NW - Hyades Iota VII-b 6 3 3HB - Hyades Kappa II 104 18 9FS, 8WB, 1NW - Hyades Kappa IX-a 82 21 10FS, 10MW, 1HB - Hyades Lambda I 82 20 10FS, 8MW, 2HB - Hyades Lambda II 9 9 9RD - Hyades Lambda III 44 18 10BM, 6SM, 2BV - Hyades Lambda IV-a 82 21 10FS, 10MW, 1HB - Hyades Lambda VII 112 17 11HB, 6PC - Hyades Zeta III 41 11 8BB, 3CW - Hyades Zeta V 14 7 7HB - Hyades Zeta VIII 31 13 6BM, 4NW, 3WB - Hydrae Alpha I 49 11 5CW, 4MW, 2PC - Hydrae Alpha II 125 13 8CB, 5AT - Hydrae Alpha V 27 9 9SW - Hydrae Gamma IV-c 10 10 10NW - Illuminati Alpha VI 64 13 9BB, 4FS - Illuminati Delta V-a 6 3 3HB - Illuminati Eta I-a 31 7 4FS, 3NW - Illuminati Eta VI-b 12 7 6NW, 1BV - Illuminati Gamma II 10 10 10MW - Illuminati Gamma VI 91 10 7CB, 3FS - Illuminati Zeta III 50 10 10WB - Kepler Alpha I 42 11 10YY, 1HB - Kepler Alpha VI-a 44 10 7BM, 3CB - Kepler Alpha VIII-d 10 5 5BM - Kepler Gamma I 144 23 10FS, 7BM, 6CB rainbow Krueger Delta IV 42 21 10SM, 7HB, 4BM - Krueger Epsilon IV-b 6 1 1BV - Krueger Gamma I 39 - - Pkunk homeworld Krueger Gamma II 30 14 12CH, 2AT - Krueger Zeta III 19 5 3NW, 2SU - Lacaille Alpha IV-a 7 7 7RD - Lacaille Alpha VIII 35 5 5FS - Lacaille Beta I 30 10 10CW - Lacaille Gamma III-a 28 12 6CH, 4BM, 2FS - Lacaille Gamma III-b 62 23 9SW, 7CW, 7HB - Lacaille Gamma V-a 1 1 1MW - Lacertae Alpha II 6 2 2GM - Lacertae Beta III-a 66 16 7BB, 5BV, 4SM - Lacertae Beta III-c 20 10 10SM - Lalande Beta II 72 16 9YY, 6WB, 1BV - Lalande Delta IV 100 10 10CB - Lentilis Alpha I 24 4 4BV - Lentilis Alpha II 33 10 9SM, 1PC - Lentilis Beta I 8 8 8CH - Lentilis Beta II 106 12 10CB, 2CW - Lentilis Delta II 55 12 5BV, 5RD, 2CB - Lentilis Gamma IV-b 16 7 6BM, 1YY - Lentilis Gamma VI-a 10 10 10NW - Leonis Alpha I 76 12 10BV, 2GB - Leonis Alpha II-b 47 15 8WB, 7MW - Leonis Gamma II 30 10 10MB - Leonis Gamma II-a 8 4 4SM - Leonis Gamma VIII 33 9 6MB, 2FS, 1RD - Leporis Beta I 8 8 5NW, 3MW rainbow Leporis Beta VII-a 43 17 9SW, 8SM - Leporis Beta VIII 104 17 8AT, 8SW, 1GB - Librae Alpha II 46 20 10RD, 8BB, 2DB - Librae Alpha V 9 9 9CH - Librae Beta I 39 - - Supox homeword Librae Beta I-b 30 9 6MB, 3BB - Librae Delta II-a 20 2 2CB - Librae Eta II-b 6 1 1BV - Librae Gamma I-a 31 7 4FS, 3NW - Librae Zeta I 65 12 6SM, 5CB, 1CW - Lipi Alpha III-c 18 6 6MB - Lipi Alpha VIII 38 13 8RD, 5MC - Lipi Beta I 60 11 7YY, 4SU - Luyten Beta I 39 - - VUX homeworld Luyten Beta VIII-b 76 18 10WB, 5YY, 3DB - Luyten Beta VIII-d 33 3 2PC, 1SW - Luyten Beta IX-a 56 6 5CB, 1BV - Luyten Gamma V-a 5 5 5CH - Luyten Gamma VI-b 62 23 9SW, 7CW, 7HB - Luyten Gamma VIII-b 57 10 9BV, 1SW - Lyncis Alpha III 30 9 6GM, 3YY - Lyncis Beta V 8 1 1SU - Lyncis Delta I 55 11 5WB, 5GM, 1ZB VUX beast Lyncis Epsilon I 61 13 9BB, 3SU, 1RD - Lyncis Epsilon II 48 6 6GB - Lyncis Epsilon III-a 89 9 4GB, 3PC, 2MC - Lyncis Theta III 62 18 8BB, 6MW, 4BV - Maksutov Alpha II-a 28 17 8RD, 7DB, 2SW - Maksutov Alpha V 56 20 10DB, 8CW, 2MC - Maksutov Alpha VII-a 20 10 9HB, 1DB - Maksutov Beta I-a 44 21 9MB, 7NW, 5SM - Menkar Prime I 48 15 9BM, 6WB - Menkar Prime II 24 8 6SW, 2CW - Mensae Beta III-d 20 10 10SM - Mensae Gamma IV 86 17 10GM, 7GB - Mensae Gamma IV-a 74 16 14WB, 2DB exact same as 7b Mensae Gamma VII-b 74 16 14WB, 2DB - Mersenne Beta I 41 13 7WB, 6RD - Mersenne Beta III 64 17 10WB, 7SM - Mersenne Beta VII 10 3 2DB, 1BV - Microscopii Prime I-a 27 3 3AT - Mira Alpha I 82 12 10FS, 2MC - Mira Beta I-d 90 15 10SU, 5SM - Mira Delta I-a 120 8 8PC - Mira Delta I-d 26 18 10MW, 8SM - Mira Delta II-b 8 4 4BM - Mira Delta III 36 8 5SW, 3FS - Muscae Zeta IV 7 7 7NW -
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Normae Alpha I-a 5 5 5CH - Normae Alpha I-c 33 9 4FS, 3MW, 2NW - Normae Alpha I-d 18 6 6MB - Normae Alpha II-a 44 10 7BM, 3CB - Normae Alpha II-d 40 8 6MC, 2BM - Normae Delta I 104 14 8BV, 7SU - Normae Delta II 19 12 7HB, 5NW - Normae Epsilon III-a 71 17 8SM, 5GM, 4CB - Normae Epsilon IV 50 5 5CB - Normae Gamma V-a 18 2 2AT - Octantis Beta I 66 19 7BV, 7DB, 5SM - Octantis Beta II-d 90 15 10SU, 5SM - Octantis Beta III 12 4 4GM - Olber Alpha III 81 16 9BM, 7AT - Olber Alpha VI-a 44 10 7BM, 3CB - Olber Alpha VI-d 40 8 6MC, 2BM - Olber Alpha VII 76 16 10CW, 5AT, 1CH - Ophiuchi Alpha II-a 50 18 8WB, 6NW, 4MW - Ophiuchi Gamma I 13 3 2SM, 1AT - Ophiuchi Gamma I-a 20 10 10SM - Organon Prime I-a 39 10 9BB, 1SW - Orionis Beta I 39 - - Umgah homeworld Orionis Beta IV-b 28 14 14BM - Orionis Delta I 9 7 5RD, 2HB - Orionis Delta II 61 19 10HB, 5WB, 4YY - Orionis Delta V 1 1 1NW - Orionis Eta I-a 24 8 8GM - Orionis Iota I-b 104 24 8FS, 8WB, 8CH - Orionis Iota II 6 2 2CW - Orionis Kappa II-c 2 1 1BM - Orionis Kappa III-a 50 18 8WB, 6NW, 4MW - Orionis Kappa IV 27 9 9GM - Orionis Kappa V 19 10 7NW, 3YY - Orionis Theta IX 167 17 9PC, 8YY - Orionis Zeta I 96 12 9CB, 3SM - Orionis Zeta V 161 23 10WB, 7PC, 6RD - Pavonis Alpha VII 96 22 9BB, 7MC, 6GM - Pavonis Beta III 77 19 10WB, 9MB - Pavonis Beta V-a 120 8 8PC - Pegasi Alpha I 68 9 8SU, 1BB - Pegasi Alpha VI 32 13 10HB, 3YY - Persei Alpha I 64 16 9YY, 7BB - Persei Delta III-b 28 14 14BM - Persei Epsilon VII-b 20 10 10DB - Persei Eta VI 65 23 19MB, 4HB - Persei Theta II 6 6 6MW - Persei Zeta I 39 - - Druuge homeworld Persei Zeta IV 106 9 6PC, 2BV, 1BB - Phoenicis Alpha II 66 10 8FS, 2WB - Phoenicis Beta V-a 14 6 4MB, 2CH - Phoenicis Beta V-b 10 10 10NW - Phoenicis Gamma II 115 13 6PC, 5RD, 2CB - Pictoris Alpha III-c 40 8 6MC, 2BM - Pictoris Delta I 108 20 10SM, 7CB, 3BV - Pictoris Delta VII 102 14 9SU, 5MC - Piscium Alpha II 87 12 9AT, 2NW, 1BB, - Procyon Prime III-a 168 23 9YY, 8PC, 6DB - Procyon Prime III-b 44 21 9MB, 7NW, 5SM - Ptolemae Alpha II 13 9 7MW, 2GM - Ptolemae Alpha IV 40 8 8WB - Ptolemae Alpha VI-c 18 6 6SW - Ptolemae Beta I 37 6 5FS, 1HB - Ptolemae Beta III-a 14 6 4MB, 2CH - Ptolemae Beta III-b 57 10 9BV, 1SW - Ptolemae Beta V-c 6 3 3HB - Ptolemae Delta VI-d 33 3 2PC, 1SW - Ptolemae Eta IV 49 19 8CW, 7GM, 4RD - Ptolemae Eta V 54 9 9BV - Ptolemae Zeta I 152 12 10PC, 2NW - Puppis Alpha II 61 18 9MB, 8SW, 1CB - Puppis Alpha III-b 74 16 14WB, 2DB - Regulus Prime I 9 9 9NW - Reticuli Alpha III-b 42 7 7MC - Reticuli Beta III 32 8 8BB - Sagittae Gamma VI-a 24 4 4MC - Sagittae Gamma VI-c 70 14 10GM, 4CB - Sagittarii Alpha II 64 11 10MC, 1BB - Sagittarii Alpha V 40 10 6YY, 2BV, 2HB - Sagittarii Beta I 54 9 5GB, 2MC, 2MW - Sagittarii Beta III 78 18 7GM, 6SM, 5AT - Sagittarii Delta II 87 13 9GM, 4PC - Sagittarii Gamma III 7 3 1MB, 1BM, 1HB - Saurus Alpha II 52 14 8SM, 3AT, 3CW - Saurus Alpha III 59 10 5BV, 5WB, 1YY - Scorpii Alpha I 16 2 2SU - Scorpii Beta III 36 12 9CW, 3GM - Scorpii Beta VI 51 6 5AT, 1BV - Scorpii Beta VIII-b 84 27 10MW, 9SM, 8FS - Scorpii Beta IX-a 7 7 7RD - Scorpii Delta I 61 11 5GB, 3MC, 3RD - Scorpii Delta II 56 16 10WB, 6MW - Scorpii Zeta III 38 16 10SM, 3BB, 3DB - Scorpii Zeta VIII 82 10 8CB, 2NW - Scorpii Zeta IX-a 189 22 10GM, 9PC, 3GB - Sculptoris Alpha V 20 4 4WB - Sculptoris Epsilon I 9 9 9MW - Scuti Beta II 4 4 4RD - Scuti Delta I 70 10 10FS - Scuti Epsilon III-a 4 1 1BB - Scuti Epsilon III-b 40 8 6MC, 2BM - Scuti Epsilon IV 20 11 8MW, 3YY - Scuti Epsilon V-b 83 24 10RD, 9FS, 5DB - Scuti Epsilon V-d 28 17 8RD, 7DB, 2SW - Scuti Gamma V 19 6 5MB, 1YY - Scuti Zeta IV 6 6 6NW - Serpentis Delta I 87 13 9GM, 4PC - Serpentis Delta VII-a 18 2 2AT - Serpentis Delta VII-c 43 17 9SW, 8SM - Serpentis Epsilon V-b 20 10 9HB, 1DB - Serpentis Gamma I 39 - - Yehat homeworld Serpentis Gamma I-a 12 4 4SW - Serpentis Gamma II 8 4 4SM - Serpentis Gamma VII 42 13 7YY, 4CW, 2RD - Sextantis Alpha I-a 31 7 4FS, 3NW - Sextantis Alpha I-b 44 16 10DB, 6YY - Sextantis Alpha III 173 19 8CB, 6MB, 5PC - Sextantis Alpha V 9 9 9MW - Sextantis Delta I 98 19 10GB, 9HB - Sextantis Delta II-b 71 17 8SM, 5GM, 4CB - Sextantis Delta II-c 33 9 4FS, 3MW, 2NW - Sextantis Delta V-a 120 8 8PC - Sextantis Epsilon II 159 19 10PC, 9NW - Sextantis Epsilon III 57 9 5AT, 4SW - Sextantis Epsilon VI-a 37 19 10MW, 9MB - Sextantis Gamma I 77 21 10YY, 9SW, 2WB - Sextantis Gamma III-a 90 9 9CB - Sextantis Gamma III-b 104 24 8FS, 8WB, 8CH - Squidi Alpha I 18 6 6CW - Squidi Gamma II 32 11 10GM, 1HB -
« Last Edit: September 29, 2024, 04:11:48 am by thiscouldbebetter »
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Tauri Alpha I 39 - - Ilwrath homeworld Tauri Alpha III-d 33 3 2PC, 1SW - Tauri Beta I 101 14 9SU, 3AT, 2MW - Tauri Beta II 34 13 8GM, 5HB - Tauri Beta V-a 48 6 6SU - Tauri Beta V-b 85 26 10HB, 9CH, 7GB - Tauri Beta VI 9 5 4BM, 1CH - Tauri Delta III 167 20 10MB, 9PC, 1DB - Tauri Epsilon III 68 10 6FS, 3BV, 1SU - Tauri Epsilon VII-a 85 15 8SU, 7SW - Tauri Gamma I-a 31 7 4FS, 3NW - Tauri Gamma II-b 168 23 9YY, 8PC, 6DB - Tauri Gamma III-b 20 10 9HB, 1DB - Tauri Zeta I 37 19 9RD, 6BB, 4NW - Telescopii Alpha II 139 29 10GB, 10WB, 9MW - Telescopii Gamma I 22 12 7RD, 4CW, 1GM - Telescopii Gamma II 36 10 6DB, 4BV - Trianguli Alpha I 154 11 10PC, 1BB - Trianguli Alpha V 70 10 10FS - Trianguli Alpha VIII-b 28 14 14BM - Trianguli Beta I 21 7 7SW - Trianguli Gamma I-a 92 12 5SU, 4CB, 3YY - Trianguli Gamma III 34 10 8YY, 2MW - Trianguli Gamma IV-a 14 7 7HB - Tucanae Alpha I 39 - - Zoq-Fot-Pik homeworld Tucanae Alpha II 115 20 10MC, 7YY, 3AT - Tucanae Beta II-a 120 8 8PC - Tucanae Beta III 30 5 2SU, 2BV, 1DB - Tucanae Gamma I 23 6 5MB, 1SU - Tucanae Gamma II 36 5 3SU, 2BV - Vega Prime IV 51 21 10MB, 10DB, 1RD - Vela Prime I 39 - - shielded Virginis Alpha VI-a 85 15 8SU, 7SW - Virginis Delta II 37 14 9HB, 3MW, 2SU - Virginis Gamma I 53 17 8SM, 5WB, 4CW - Virginis Gamma VI 18 9 9BM - Vitalis Alpha I 19 8 4BM, 3MW, 1GB - Vitalis Alpha II-a 35 5 5FS - Vitalis Beta I 31 23 10MW, 8HB, 5NW - Vitalis Beta III 11 7 3NW, 2DB, 2SM - Vitalis Delta VI-b 43 17 9SW, 8SM - Vitalis Delta VI-c 28 17 8RD, 7DB, 2SW - Vitalis Gamma IV 36 10 4GM, 3MC, 3HB - Vitalis Gamma VI 52 14 10HB, 4GB - Volantis Alpha I 70 20 10BB, 10CW - Volantis Alpha II 54 6 6AT - Volantis Beta I-a 9 9 9NW - Volantis Beta I-b 189 22 10GM, 9PC, 3GB - Volantis Epsilon I 74 16 8SM, 7BB, 2PC - Volantis Epsilon III-a 24 4 4MC - Volantis Epsilon IX-a 48 6 6SU - Volantis Eta II-b 35 11 8DB, 2BM, 1PC - Vulpeculae Beta II-a 56 6 5CB, 1BV - Vulpeculae Beta II-d 86 16 6MW, 5PC, 5NW - Vulpeculae Beta V-b 8 4 4BM - Vulpeculae Beta VI 64 8 8GB - Vulpeculae Delta I 76 13 9YY, 4CB - Vulpeculae Delta VIII 104 25 10DB, 9GB, 6BM - Vulpeculae Eta I 143 16 7PC, 5HB, 4FS - Vulpeculae Eta II 20 6 4GM, 2BB - Vulpeculae Zeta V-a 38 17 9RD, 7MB, 1GB - Vulpeculae Zeta V-b 9 9 7MW, 2NW - Wolf Alpha IV-a 92 12 5SU, 4CB, 3YY - Wolf Alpha IV-d 14 14 10NW, 4CH -
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Well, that seemed to work. Hope it's all still here in a week. Thanks for listening.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
This isn't going to get you banned here, at least!
Posts: 802

I don't know, looks suspicious. What with all the numbers and weird abbreviations Also, being banned from somewhere is a clear sign of malicious intent. Needs an IP ban here.
Just kidding, of course, awesome job, ThisCouldBeBetter, and unlike your username, this is as good as it needs to be
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
Catalog of Lifeforms by Species and Planet ========================================== ==========================================
Below is a complete catalog of the populations of species present on all planets in The Ur-Quan Masters.
Lifeforms Possible ==================
Symbol Name Value Description ------ ---- ----- ----------- AT Amorphous Trandicula 9 Large red amorphous blob. BB Bug-Eyed Bait 4 Purple worm with large eyes. BM Blood Monkey 2 Three-eyed, single-tentacled squid with frill. BV Bubble Vine 6 Candy-striped tree shape with three white globes. CB Carousel Beast 10 Large, green, radially symmetrical, columnar legs topped with eyes. CH Chicken 1 White bird with a purple belly. CW Crazy Weasel 3 Brown, with large eyes, large round ears, and .large teeth DB Deluxe Blob 2 Small bean-shaped crawler with purple spots. FS Fungal Squid 7 Purple mushroom cap with three tentacles. GB Goo Burger 8 Purple and blue with two large eyes. GM Glowing Medusa 3 Large, gray, round with a fringe of short tentacles. HB Hopping Blobby 2 Small, green, and spherical. MB Mysterious Bees 3 Swarm of four winged insects. MC Macrocilla 6 Round pool of red with a purple border. MW Merry Whumpet 1 Single-eyed waddler with green wings and orange legs. NW Neon Worm 1 Eyeless, undulating worm striped with blue and purple. PC Penguin Cyclops 15 Green waddler with webbed feet and a single eyestalk. RD Roto-Dendron 1 Green stem topped with a rotating orange "radar dish". SM Slot Machine Tree 2 Large green tree with rotating yellow "slots". SU Stiletto Urchin 8 Small brass-colored hemisphere ringed with retractile spikes. SW Splort Wort 3 Mottled green-and-brown spheroid that spurts red liquid. WB Whackin' Bush 5 Brown tree with two whitish-green boughs that "clap" continuously. YY Yompin Yiminy 4 Large, bipedal, green leaping lizard.
EO Evil One 1 Brown, recumbent biped with large blinking eyes. BB Brainbox Bulldozers 2 Gray tank with a brain on a stalk. ZB ZEX's Beauty 15 Large, fast, tough creature resembling a demon-mask.
Thank you for sharing this catalog.
Zebranky food

Posts: 35

aka SLY
Cool stuff, thank you very much!
I made a picture for convenience:
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