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Topic: Talking Pets (Read 6461 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 6

The fire burns below us
Here is something not really SC2 game related, but more after the game ends.
We know about the Talking Pets, and how the Ur-quan use them translate for them like slaves. My question is would the new Alliance make the Ur-quans stop using the pets as slaves? Or would the Captain speak-up and say it's alright because of what they really are? (Curious to see your ideas on this)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 156

Spathi? What spathi? You're imagining, hunam.
I wouldn't wager on it being any more possible to force the ur-quan to accept other species then it would be to force the dynarri to accept them. More likely then not, genocide against the dynarri will probably require genocide against the ur-quan too....unless you've got a brilliant plan for how to convince the ur-quan to just hand over their pets. I wouldn't bet on that. Especially not after the way you're bound to have pissed them off.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, YOU don't need to kill them. Simply tell them what happened. There are several possibilities: 1) They will kill the pets and use a modern version of babelfish instead 2) They will make the dreadnaught's auto-destruct more redundant so there's never another Alpha Pavonis 3) They will annihilate the Umgah who know how to do this.
There's no need for them to turn the pets over...
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134

Robot in Disguise
They'll probably kill the pet, upgrade their self-destruct mechanism, and the Kohr-ah would try to exterminate the Umgah, but they will try that anyway. 
Two more things: 1) The talking pets are not sentient (or semi-sentient) but they DO have psy powers to some extent. After all this is how they translate. 2) Primat, you're on something BIG here! The pets translate thoughts, so I wonder what would happen if they'll try to translate the Orz... If they can, then maybe after one conversation the entire Ur-quan race will disappear, and many Orz would appear instead 
To quote one scared Arilou: "Oh no! It's a *party*!!!"
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, the Ur-Quan would probably not share their enlightenment with the slaves, so things would get very hairy, but it would not be a simple situation like with the Androsynth.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 134

Robot in Disguise
If the Pets won't be Psychic anymore they won't be able to translate the Ur-quan. Of course, I still say that if the Ur-quan would learn that the Pets can regain their sentience in any way, they would exterminate them.
But would they believe you if you told them?
Zebranky food

Posts: 6

The fire burns below us
IF nothing else but out of Pure Fear and hated They probably would. BUt I think they wouldn't destroy them, as much as Torture them, and maybe alter them even more.
If i remember All pets are Sentient, but have parts of their Brains disconnected so they are like mind-less drones. That's why the "First" Pet came back, because the Umgah just reconnected all the parts of the brain, not just the parts hurt in the crash.
I thought it might be interesting to see the Alliance be against the use of the TalkingPets, and ask for them to be freed (not believing your story about them). Making another SC saga where you [safe due to some Taloo Shield residual effect] need to find a way to destroy the now reborn Dynarri race. Funny part would be that your first allies are probably gonna be the Ur-quan this time.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2003, 02:59:18 am by Skyfire42 »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Ur-Quan as allies makes for a dull game... On the other hand, I guess the same could be said for the Utwig and Chmmr. Still, it had better be something you EARN.
Frungy champion
Posts: 55

Why not? the Kzer-za are supposed to be thinkers. I'd think that eventually thay should be able to overcome their xenophobia. The Kohr-ah, on the other hand, I can see as bieng the perpetual enemy of any alliance.
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