Zebranky food

Posts: 25

I get the impression that this Dnyarri is more powerful than the originals, due to the umgah enhancements beyond the repair.
You are right:
Dnyarri This evil alien race consists of small, grayish creatures resembling a cross between a toad and an unhealthy mushroom. The Dnyarri’s unassuming aspect belies its true nature as one of the most hostile and dan-gerous species in the galaxy, because each Dnyarri possesses psychic compulsion men-tal powers. With these powers, a single Dnyarri can hold an entire planet enthralled. A Dnyarri mental command is so strong that only one race, the extinct Taalo, had been able to resist its power.
This is from the Star Conrtol 2 Resrouce file that came with the Star Control 3 package with SC1 and SC2 on one CD-ROM. So a Dnyarri able to control alone an entire species and it´s entire fleet within the species sphere of influence is certainly stronger than the original "1 Dnyarri controls 1 planet". bye Michael