Topic: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the story (Read 43484 times)
Christopher Butz
About Zex - I'd like the surface of the planet to have a lot critters and the ability to re-capture the bad monster to sell back to the Melnorme.
Chmmr - Have their sphere of influence start small and grow quickly, the game is almost over when they awaken (at least for me it was) so I think every time you access the starmap, the Chmmr sphere should grow significantly until they start making headway into Ur-Quan space.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Has everybody forgotten about the Black Spathi Squadron?!!! I know I spent countless hours searching for them. I always hoped to find them on some backwaters planet outside of a sphere of influence (but near the Spathi sphere) slowly biding their time until they could help the 'cowardly' Spathi rise up against the Ur-Quan. They'd be a welcome addition.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Black Spathi certainly sound like a good idea. What would you have them do though? I mean, if they join you, we need a new ship (not very new, but different still) if they don't, they'll just be a random conversation, they certainly can't giver you anything. Well, they would be interesting trivia at hte very least
As for the mining, I like the ideas of finding some old blasted mining station on pluto or something with blueprints and such.However, I still think mining would be very hard. I mean, while the technology used is certainly much better than today, I still imagine you'd have to tie down quite a lot of resources in the project (transports, mining equipmnet, rations for miners, fuel, air and water...) for it to become cost effective very quickly. Once you have a mine set up with replicators and whatnot, maybe it'd run just fine. Or maybe all these personnel you have on the starbase who've never done any mining would pull the wrong switch and blow themselves to kingdom come.
And over a thousand ppl? Sure, but seeing as you (in the game) don't know how many you are going to eed before it's over, you might not want hem too spread out. Also, does anyone remeber, how many are absolutely essential to running the staion?
As for Zex base, maybe there could be another graphic, and a more detailed transmission from the lander crew, buth what else would you want from there? There's nothing but critters down there....
What's up doc?
Talking Pet
A couple of things:
1. Hayes specifically mentions that he "has 1900 men and women under his command", and that is well-emphasized by having him mention your loss of a thousand crew and their price rising following that. However - nothing at all happens when you pack up the remaining 900 crew and beyond. I checked. Both as a plot-hole fix and as a bit of an added challenge, I think the price should again rise - even more dramatically - at 1500 and then at 1800, each time mentioning how crew is running out. Then, after having recruited 1900 crew, this option is no longer available. The only solution is to get the Shofixti to replenish the base's stock. Actually, this is mostly theoretical, as even the freshest of newbies is unlikely to lose 1900, or even 1500 for that matter. But that's good, because the game should still be winable if the Shofixti thing somehow goes wrong.
2. Hayes really doesn't say anything about the Kohr-Ah starting their whole cleansing trip, not even when their sphere surrounds Sol or when they're specifically coming for you. The the game is practically over at these times, it's only logical that Hayes will urge you to make haste so that not all be lost. Besides, a huge armada of Kohr-Ah closing in on the starbase from all directions would be a nice touch.
3. Added starbases and possibly colonized planets, good idea. Adding the wrecked Mother Ark - I second the idea. Having starbases or new colonies pop out of nowhere, signifying "build-ups" or natural growth, no. Changing the original code s hard as it is without needing to add new orbits in-game.
4. I agree with what's been said about the Androsynth: Having them around in UQM is against the basic plot concept of the whole thing. Finding them locked up in *pretty space* (which has gone **frumple**, as you may recall) is a splendidly good idea - for a sequel, not here. And besides, I don't think that a long range exploration mission could stop the Orz from *smelling* them, obviously a trans-dimensional ability that transcends space and possibly time. The Orz got them all, no doubt there, but no one said they're all DEAD. Just gone. Great sequel stuff.
5. Old sphere-of-influence map: Interesting idea, that could be incorporated by having the spheres appear after having spoken with the commander about information about old Alliance races, thus eliminating the need of extra dialog. Alternatively, an old map could look significantly different than the curent stellar map, giving the SC1 rotating-star-map effect.
6. Forget about mines. The idea is alien to a game built so heavily around exploration, and is besides impractical for such underequipped, understaffed civilizations such as the post-war Earthlings.
7. I second the idea of adding other crash-landed craft, and especially precursor items. Exploration never ceases!
8. Lastly, though it obviously entails a lot more work than it's actually worth, it would be nice if the Ilwrath (Dill-Rats?) would actually be using the new pronounciation rules given to them by "their gods", perhaps Thraddash-style.
I guess I should shut up now.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
1) Saturn has more moons than Jupiter. If we could get those in, even if there are zero minerals on them (having already been mined out, probably), it would be way cooler than just the one we have, which looks silly sitting there alone.
2) Speaking of Saturn -- RINGS on GAS GIANTS!
Zebranky food

Posts: 2

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I wouldn't add extra moons, currently the game only shows the large moons in the solar system (roughly equal in size to our moon and bigger) which is a good thing. saturn has only one big moon, as in sc2, jupiter four. Adding all the moons would create a huge mess since jupiter and saturn both have well over fourthy moons each .... It would be nice if the game used real maps of mars/io/ganymede instead of the current ones though. But it's not much of an issue, it doesn't have any gameplay implications, so it might be better left unchanged, It isn't that important.
Now this is rather a trivial point, and correcting it would mean altering the speech files a bit (which I know is a slim chance), but when you first reach the Earth starbase, Hayes tells you to find the radioactives at Mercury.
He can't scan your vessel, so he has no idea who you are or what race you belong to. Why does he assume that you know which planet is called Mercury? Shouldn't he tell you that you can find the radioactives on the planet closest to this system's sun?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, probably he figured that if you didn't understand, you'd ask.
With regard to Precursor items: The point of precursor items in Starcon was, quite simply, to encourage players to play offensively and to explore. Any player who boxed themselves in by only fortifying the systems around their starbase eventually had a fleet of "super-ships" knocking on their door. So it was in every player's best interests to rummage around the systems looking for upgrades, if only to keep them out of the hands of their opponent. In SC2/UQM, exploration is the entire point of the game, so that "itch" has effectively been "scratched" already. And Sc2/UQM already has Precursor items; I seem to recall ten of them, arranged in a pattern, that you can collect and use to get fuel, upgrades for your flagship, and information 
Also, in Starcon, the items and their locations were distributed randomly around the system, and the upgrades were non-transferrable; whichever ship landed on them first got them, and kept them. This was good, because players could either explore with multiple ships and gain their upgrades quickly (and have multiple "super-ships"), or explore with a single ship and create an upgraded "mega-ship" (at the cost of slower exploration) As proposed so far, the upgrades would be done in the opposite fashion: they would be found by the lander on planet surfaces, and transferred to/installed on the ship of the captain's choice. And since the game is wired the way it is (currently), they would have to live on the same planets every time. Since the "character" of the upgrades would be in such contrast to the original version, and since there is already an upgrade path (if only for the flagship), I can completely understand their omission from SC2/UQM, and support keeping them out. Besides, "perma-shielded" Terminators have no place in the Sa-Matra battle.
With regard to Mines: As proposed so far, I would posit that if you had enough resources to get a mine running, you wouldn't need to. e.g., if you've got 50K RUs sitting around, you can buy as much fuel as you're ever going to need, and can safely ditch your cargo bays for the remainder of the game. In that case, why bother with mines? They would be a pointless and costly distraction, and would add nothing to the game at that point.
Also, according to the story and current game dialog, the Precursor ship is supposed to be HUGE. Far bigger than any Hierarchy vessel, it requires much, much more maintenance and fuel. All starbase resources are supposed to be put towards just keeping that colossal bucket of bolts held together, which is supposed to be why the Commander raises such a stink about losing too many crew in the game.
Solution Looking for a Problem: I think that a very nice addition to the game would be for ships in hyperspace to be able to "follow" you in and out of star systems; i.e., not only do the probes follow you around hyperspace, but they chase you around the planets as well. This would make them seem much more tenacious, and would augment the severity "probe problem" quite nicely. Thoughts?
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
Me likey the idea of ships following you into the planet system. It would prevent the 40 or so Ur-Quans of various persuasions who sit on your planetary system's door step waiting for you to inevitably come out that you have to fight before going on. Has anyone ever had to fight so many ships that you just gave up and started the game over?