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Author Topic: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the story  (Read 43489 times)

Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #30 on: May 03, 2003, 12:18:57 am »

I know the pact seems out of character, but think about it.  Would the Ur-Quan REALLY be the type to accept death before dishonor?  They're too pragmatic.  They *know* they're losing, and they know you're tooling around in a ship that can blow up Dreadnaughts from parsecs away.  It's kind of my point - late in the game, things have gotten so bad that the Ur-Quan, the terrible evil rulers you're supposed to hate, are offering a peace treaty because they know they're about to lose the war with the Kohr-Ah.  How's that for an indication of just HOW bad things have gotten?  It strikes me as more out of character that they would choose the destruction of all sentient life as preferable to asking for help.  (although I would buy that it simply doesn't occur to them to ask)
 But then of course, I make this argument mainly because the Ur-Quan are pretty much my all-time favorite bad guys in any game.  I love how they were set up as the ultimate Evil, but then by the end, you find out their actions are logical and justifiable, if arguably wrong-headed.  (from their point of view, they're doing the only thing possible to prevent the destruction of the universe)

 And by Syria, I meant the original homeworld that the Mycon blew up, not the replacement the Ur-Quan found.  

Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #31 on: May 03, 2003, 02:06:23 am »

They already DO extend a peace treaty in the game as it stands now -- they implore you to surrender to them, and offer amnesty to your crew if you do.  Of course, the plan also involves killing the Captain and senior officers, so if you surrender the game ends, but the option is already there, and in a manner much more consistent with their character.
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #32 on: May 03, 2003, 02:22:41 am »

I've always questioned the fact that you can convince the Syreen of the Mycon attack simply by bringing them the shards from Syria.  I'm not sure they'd fall for it, and it IS a really nasty trick to play.

Huh?  How is this a trick?  The Mycon did destroy Syra, and left a deepchild eggsheath behind.

I just got Death_999's joke about Syria (not Syra).

Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2003, 08:56:02 am »

Speaking of spheres of influence.. It seems kind of odd that the conservative and intelligent Commander Hayes should pin the entirety of his hopes on one dinky little ship. While it opens up the plot hole of 'why don't -I- get access to -all- the resources?', it strikes me that it would be relatively simple to begin truly mining the moon, Mars, and Mercury, to build the beginning of a real warfleet. Perhaps to reflect this, humanity could have a slowy expanding sphere of influence, no futher than the Centauris at the victory of the Kohr-Ah, patrolled by mainly Human Cruisers, but perhaps a smattering of allied ships, with a special subset of 'alliance' dialogue.
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #34 on: May 03, 2003, 09:50:37 am »

I really like the idea of other destroyed cities and ships scattered throughout the galaxy.  perhaps also some old mines that could offer a great deal of minerals when you visit.  And some more artifacts such as those in SC1 which you could apply to one of the ships in your fleet, and maybe some other, very non-essential items just to add a bit of new challenge for experienced people to find them.

Regarding the Ur-Quan, they are not quite as pragmatic as you say.  It would be very practical for them to employ the Sa-Matra in battle as they did in the first doctrinal conflict, rather than saving it to be a trophy for the winner.

Oh, and about the androsynth, i very strongly oppose their introduction to UQM.  the Orz specifically said there were no more androsynth here.  However, if you guys are cooking up a sequel, I think the Synth are in *prettyspace*, and could be met there...

I like the idea of cruisers patroling Sol and some surrounding systems after some resources have been built up.

On the Chmrr, however, i dont think its logical to make their sphere of influence huge right away.  they were just freed from the slave shield, and the Process was finnished prematurely.  they would need time to build up a fleet.  (On one of the really old battleboard posts we discussed that it probably took much more than a few weeks to subdue the UrQuan and Kohr Ah.)

Oh, and it always bugged me that the only thing you could find on Zex's planet was the shofixti maidens when in all actuality, he had a big menagerie and a military base there.  at least some graphics and text would be cool.

Enough of my ranting.

Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #35 on: May 03, 2003, 02:05:28 pm »

I agree with the earthling sphere but i would suggest something like this:

the commander suggests that if you store enough res, say something huge like 50k, he offers the option to begin mining operations in the local systems

the benefits would be that you start earning a small amount of res every day/month whilest the rest of the res generated goes to making the sphere grow bigger

and then once the sphere grows enough, earthling cruisers become free at the starbase
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #36 on: May 03, 2003, 03:44:39 pm »

This is all assuming that we have any of the equipment, or blueprints for the equipment needed to sttart a major mining operation on a planet.Somehow I fear that the Quan didn't leave that on the station, and that the Captain didn't think to bring anything like that back from Vela...

Also, the only humans you have access on in the game are the ones on the starbase, I don't think there's quite enough people there to both stock all these cruisers, your flagship, and a bunch of mines in different systems....

What's up doc?
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #37 on: May 04, 2003, 01:39:40 am »

I'll have to disagree... since most players (I think) only put up to 200 crewmen in their ship at the same time, and I had already killed 1000 crewmembers (according to Hayes) in a previous game, where I had NO allies at all... I think that you underestimate the number of crewmen aboard.

About the mining. What if you where to find plans for this scattered around the systems. Like, in destroyed fraighters and stuff... it would be a nice 'bonus quest' and it may solve the little issue about it.

And maybe a little more interactivity between Hayes, and the current situation. Once, when I played the game for the first time, I had the Kohr-ah's sphere over the starbase, and Hayes never commented it once. As well as new races. Once you meet new ones (ZFP, Utwig, supox, thraddash etc.) their info should be available with Hayes. especially with allies.
Note to UQM crew: sorry 'bout this... it will probably involve new speach and stuff... but it IS a good idea. (if not, let me know)

and about the androsynths (last time, I promise) you could also find the blueprints for the ships, in like the 4th city ruin (after the 3rd your crew doesn't report it anymore so...) and since the Androsynth are very much like humans, their ships should be flyable by humans. And if the human sphere thing works out, you could also meet guardians flown by humans.

just for those that like to see it, it doesn't involve the race itself, but the awesome ship that alot of people seem to like so much...

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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #38 on: May 04, 2003, 02:28:23 am »

Well, we could fly them if we could find anyone to volunteer having a coax cable put in the base of his skull... and we could remember how to do so. I'm pretty sure that the differences between human and Androsynth are pretty important to interfacing with the Guardian.

Also, there are 1900 crew on the starbase. I think it would be reasonable to have a mining operation kind of thing set up, (free RU per time, starting about a month after you set it up; will pay for itself after about a year and a half -- say, 500 days?).

But I think it would be pointless to build cruisers to patrol Earth, since if the UQ show up, it's curtains no matter how many they have (such a small group must rely on other means for victory).
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #39 on: May 04, 2003, 02:57:06 am »

I'm afraid I have to disagree with the captain earning RUs from mining every month/week/day whatever. If any mining operations were begun, they should be restricted to the moonbase and the moon base only.

About the Earthling sphere of influence - it was itty-bitty, but still... wouldn't there at least be smashed cities and the like left behind? A few slaveshielded colonies with abandoned/destroyed/mothballed starbases, perhaps? It seems it would be easy to put in the little lander-mission text, like at the Procyon starbase. They could offer helpful clues to newbie players / fun little facts.

My vote is behind the "old" starmap <the one in SC2 though, with the "unknowns" and such> entirely.

<referring to 1st post of thread> How would the Mother Ark of the Mrnmhrrm be implemented? Like the Sa Matra, with a sorta mini-version orbiting a blasted world? I think that would be cool, but it would have to be a large silvery world. Like the moon. Or, didn't they say they woke up around an airless moon in the manual? Perhaps around a gas giant? But in what system? One of the Virginis constellation?

<referring to one of the posts on the first page> I think a Captain's Log would be a highly cool feature. You could have it store old conversations by date <and you can expand 'em to full size for easy browsing> and keep track of what planets you've visited, what ships you've destroyed, how much RU / Credits you've harvested, etc. But, not being a programmer, I have no idea how ludicrous that request is.

Starbases around major planets / homeworlds would be nice. One thing that bugged me was that the aliens seemed just a tad 2-d. I mean, they only had their /homeworlds/. No thriving interstellar trade/commerce/civilization. Changing that would be cool, like having the systems with water worlds or habitable zones inside spheres of influence should have blasted cities in war areas or colonies/starbases. Starbases around gas giants and stuff would also be cool <I wouldn't mind seeing more stuff in the Sol system, after all it was the last stronghold of humanity. how about an abandoned star base at Jupiter or the like? Crashed cruisers?>

Just my thoughts.

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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #40 on: May 04, 2003, 03:38:52 am »

1 zek should have a castle and when he dies you find all this neat stuff
2 keep androsynth you might get them on your side i hate the orz
3 set up mines and you need to have cargo ships
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #41 on: May 04, 2003, 03:52:18 am »

well, that's for THEM to do, not this team. In the direction of SC3, the best we are looking at is having this inspire enough support that we can get Fred and Paul to return to the Star Control world themselves and make a good sequel to supplant the steaming file of bytes that is SC3.
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2003, 08:31:05 am »

 ::)who built the mmrnmhrm no one said the precursors built them)idea the race that made them show upwith more mother arks and start there colony 12 dif race of aliens good guys
the united galactic acord and they help fight both the green
and black Ur-Quan till the green Ur-Quan play hid and seek Grin Shocked

Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #43 on: May 04, 2003, 08:57:35 am »

<referring to 1st post of thread> How would the Mother Ark of the Mrnmhrrm be implemented? Like the Sa Matra, with a sorta mini-version orbiting a blasted world?

That was what I had in mind as I was writing it.  Just some kind of "big space thing" in orbit around a planet, that you can run into and have your team explore it; it would have no real "value" other than to make the game seem a little "bigger", the story a bit more "complete", and to possibly throw another hint on the pile re: the Chenjesu/Mrnmhrrm.  That was the intent behind all of my suggestions, note that if you read them closely, they offer no monetary gain whatsoever (a point that seems to have been lost on some other participants to this discussion) but have the potential to add tons of "atmosphere" to the game, for those who pay attention to such things.
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Re: Looking post-1.0: "Shoring up" the s
« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2003, 12:46:44 am »

mines: no.

the VERY BEST part of SC2 was planetary exploration. Admit it! At least, it was to SOME people. So ruining it with "mines" and crap like that in SC3 is out of the question.

Androsynth: The Andros... are DEAD, people. At least, they were dead in SC2. The point is, they're out of the reach of the Captain and any other players. You shouldn't be able to "revive" them or "rescue" them from the evil orz in a game that's SUPPOSED to be about the Ur-Quan <Hence the title: The Ur-Quan Masters>. I'm not saying having the Andros come back later is out of the question, but it's in a total tangent to the overall plot of the game of SC2. I personally like the idea of bringing them back, but in a different game. Maybe an expansion after the Ur-Quan are defeated or something like that.

Besides... the Orz kick ass. Don't be a *sad cow* and hate the *happy campers* in their *Taalo playground*. I will become *frumple* and we shall *dance*. Besides, even if they are evil nasties, they invented the word *frumple*. And THAT is a noble accomplishment.

Zex having a castle: please be joking. please, please, please be joking. I'm thinking maybe a moonbase-like fortress or military complex and stuff, but no "cool stuff". That's just absurd. Next you'll be proposing a radical redesign of the Precursor Service Vessel!

The Mother Ark was the first Mmrnmhrm. Not an actual ark of any kind, at least, not like the biblical variety of arks. 12 extra races = no.

Oh! A thought: If the Chmmr get a sphere of influence, which they should, it should expand slowly. And it would be real neat if they built colonies and space stations and the like.

Hmmm: I like the idea of there being tons of starbases around: perhaps allied ones you can buy fuel from? but nothing more, you need to be dependent on Earth Starbase.

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