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Topic: The Black Spathi Squadron (Read 2538 times)
Joseph Tek Fox
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

Not An Average Spathi
How many of you remember Commander Hayes mentioning something about the Black Spathi Squadron? I know I certainly do. "Black. . .Spathi Squadron? What the Hell?" Okay, here's the skimmy. Basically, a group of rouge Spathi broke off from the general Spathi population. These few Spathi were brave, and noble fighters. What they did was they painted their Spathi Discriminators jet-black, with red sprites here and there.(See also, my new avatar(Note: This is little more than a fan-spriter's rendition. This is not officially what designers made, if they made anything.).) These group of Spathi called themselves the Black Spathi Squadron and devoted their lives to patrolling the galaxy, in search of wrongdoings, and the sort. They weren't afraid to tangle with the enemy in the least.
What's the point of this new thread? Just to show off my cool new avatar perhaps? Well. . .partly. But, I'd actually like some opinions on the rumour of the Black Spathi Squadron, and whatnot. Like, do you think it's a possibility? Think the Black Spathi Squadron might make an appreance in Star Control IV? Etc. etc..
"We are the Black Spathi Squadron. Identify yourself, or be destroyed." 
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, we might have a plotline where Black Spathi ninja abduct Fwiffo to see if he's really made of the right stuff.
We are fast approaching the point on this forum where all possible relevant topics have been previously discussed to death.
For instance, here is a previous conversation about the Black Spathi Squadron.
It's true, I really am no fun whatsoever.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I think they'd orbit their target and shoot in a full load of peas. Even when the battery emptied, they'd try to keep the enemy's tail so they wouldn't have to charge again (a dangerus proposition).
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