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Topic: A question please (Read 3377 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I ALMOST beat SC2 a few years back, as in I just had to get to the Sa Matra and kill it. But, I lost my copy (the SC 1 &2 pack) and our computer was formated . Bye Bye Star Control. Any way, I know that this version still has a few bugs and when I wen't to the Mycon shattered world on Beta Brache (?), I ended the conversation with 'Goodbye sen device' and they replied 'GOODBYE SUN DEVICE' and the mycon in that system left me alone. Is this another bug or a twist in the plot line? Please let me know.
That sounds like a big fat bug.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Already in the database.
Justin Chang
OK, Thank you
Zebranky food

Posts: 26

is there anyway to proceed beyond this point? because i think i just encountered this well-documented bug. or do i just wait for the next version?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Well, do you already know how to proceed or are you confused? As far as I can tell, the game doesn't prevent you from proceeding -- it just declines to give you the information you need, under certain circumstances. Also, the bugs I was thinking of are that you SAY 'good-bye sun device' A) when you don't even know what the sun device is B) they then repeat it back to you, which is really weird.
Zebranky food

Posts: 26

ahh no, this got answered in another thread. it was the "mycon question." where to go to tell the mycon about organon. you have the option of telling any free floating mycon, but apparently it only "works" at ep. scorpii. i would have remembered this eight years ago. but not today.
Zebranky food

Posts: 26

BUT, i should mention that i have encountered a bug similar to the one described in this thread.
when you speak to a mycon about organon, it evokes no unique response at all, but instead repeats the introductory greeting, something like "You are the non, leave this place." maybe that's a 3DO specific error, but it should be corrected as it doesn't make any sense at all to get the introductory greeting repeated after you convey serious information.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 156

Spathi? What spathi? You're imagining, hunam.
That's not a bug. That's the mycon version of "Pike off, go find someone who cares". They don't react at all if you tell them that there.
Zebranky food

Posts: 26

but it's the same exact dialogue from the opening of the conversation? guess that's okay, but it seems a little sloppy to me.
on the subject of dialogue that may or may not be a bug:
melnorme trader greenish states that the fee to answer the question about the bridge turning purple is 12 million credits. the text, however, says 12,000. guess this is probably something missed in the sync between voice and text in the creation of the 3DO version, but still needs to be corrected.
So let me get this straight: the Technical Issues forum implores you to report bugs using the bug tracker, and NOT talk about them on the Technical Issues forum, so you've decided to follow the "letter of the law" and discuss them here instead? Do you think you guys could "miss the point" to a higher degree?
Above all, I consider myself "solutions-based"; I find no joy in bitching about something, satisfaction for me comes in the form of solving problems. So, here's what you can do to fix Trade Master Greenish's "problem":
- Locate file named melnorm.txt on your hard drive; open in your favourite text editor.
- Find the line of text that has the number "12,000", and change "12,000" to "12,000,000"; save the file and exit your favourite text editor.
- Brag to all of your friends that you just found and fixed a bug in the game. Segue into the virtues of open-source, if that kind of thing floats your boat.
- Report the problem via Bugzilla, and if you want bonus points for extra effort, attach your "fixed" file as well
The bug tracker is a good and virtuous thing, please take the time to use it.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2003, 05:15:26 pm by Nic. »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 156

Spathi? What spathi? You're imagining, hunam.
On the mycon thing, I don't think it's actually sloppy at all, but rather perfectly fitting with the mycon character. This is the same race that often responses to statements like "I wonder what you will taste like broiled in butter" with talk about planetary terraforming.
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