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Author Topic: Forum FAQ -- READ THIS BEFORE POSTING!  (Read 13056 times)
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« on: May 06, 2003, 09:56:43 pm »

Please let me know if I have anything wrong in the FAQ or if there are some good questions/answers to be added!  Thanks for visiting the forum and playing The Ur-Quan Masters!

UQM General Discussion Forum FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: I need help!

A: I'm sure you do, otherwise you probably wouldn't be here, no?  The very first thing you should read is the project's FAQ. This FAQ tries to hit all the FAQs not answered there.

Q: When is the next version of UQM going to be out?

A: The best answer is "when its ready".  You can also check out the current open bugs in the Bugzilla database.  You can also view the change log since the last major release.  The larger that list gets and the smaller the bug list gets, the closer to the next release.  Mostly importantly, please consider that all of the members of this project are doing this in their spare time and have Real Life commitments.

Q: How do I get the latest version of the game in between major releases?

A: You can build your own version from the project's CVS repository.  If you do not know how to do this or you do not have the tools, you are in luck.  Forum members Striker and Nic. are providing unofficial Windows and MacOS X versions available from their websites.  These are unofficial, unsupported releases and you may ONLY report bugs when using them if you include the CVS timestamp of the build you downloaded.

Q: Why is there not an ending or opening sequence?  Where are the opening and ending videos that were originally included with the 3DO version?

A: The PC version slide show opening and ending will mostly definitely be included in an upcoming official release (if they are already not there). You can see them now if you have a relatively fresh build and content.

UQM is now capable of playing the original 3DO videos. You will need a relatively fresh build (not official v0.3) and the movies themselves. Please look here for instruction on how to get and use them. It is still uncertain if they will be distributed together with UQM as there are copyright issues (TFB doesn't own the videos) to be worked out, if ever.  More information and issues about the videos have been discussed with the core team in the past.  I think we'll just have to wait and see if they are able to be included in the project. You can also download the captures in mpeg via PNF if you want to check them out.

Q: What are the major differences between this version and the PC version?

A: A list of the major differences can be found on PNF.  This list was compiled from posts found throughout this forum and will be cleaned up and organized better *sometime* in the future.

Q: I've noticed some differences/discrpencies between the PC version and 3DO version dialogues/conversations.  Is this a bug?

A: No, it is not a bug.  Some of the differences can be explained by people like Fred Ford.  Specific discrepancies about the Mycon, Syreen, and Melnorme Metrachron are well known about.

Q: I am stuck!  I have a question about the gameplay, story, quest or puzzle of The Ur-Quan Masters.  Can you help me?

A:  Most definitely my child.  There are many *happy campers* around here that would love to help you figure out how to get past your *difficult time*.  Ask away!

Q: I don't like some of the "features" included with the 3DO version!  How can I use the PC version's features?

A: Most of the PC menus and features can be accessed via command line switches.  These switches are explained in the manual.  Please give it a read before playing.

Q: I don't like some of this version's music.  Can I use the PC's original MOD music?

A: Yes, you can.  This is easily accessible via a command line switch outlined in the manual.

Q: Can I use my own music in the game?

A: Yes. You can use music as .mod or .ogg files.

Q: I've found a bug, how do I report it?

A: First, head on over to the project's Bugzilla database and see if your problem has already been reported and/or fixed.

If your bug hasn't been reported, you'll have to create an account.  Get to it!

Q: I have a problem getting the game to run or it crashes a lot.  Can you help me?

A: These sorts of topics are best discussed in the Technical Issues Forum or reported in the bug database (Bugzilla).

Q: What are some of these Acronyms I see people using?

FF: Fred Ford. The programmer of Star Control 1 & 2 and other fine games from TFB.

PNF: the Pages of Now and Forever. A fan-run web site for everything Star Control. As such, an excellent resource for UQM players.
Lots of good stuff there


PR3: Paul Reiche III,  The plot and story man for Star Control 1 & 2 and other fine games from TFB. Also, the voice of the talking pet.

SC: Star Control. The game which spawned a sequel that caused all this. Name is a play-on-words from a previous game that PR3 worked on, Archon.

TFB: Toys For Bob, the company which developed Star Control, and Star Control 2, The Horde, The Unholy War, among others. Mainly, Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III.

TW: Timewarp. An in-development Star Control Clone, open-source. Supports network play and multiple ships in battle. Suggestions are welcome at their boards.
No, we aren't competitors.

UQM: the Ur-Quan Masters. The name of our project here, because we can't call it Star Control, because Accolade owns that name. No, we can't call it Star Controller, Star's Control, Controller of Stars, StarCon, Stark On, Star Khan, etc.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2005, 12:31:33 pm by fossil » Logged

"...Dogar And Kazon Clack Their Mandibles Against One Another And Snicker With Amusement."
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