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Author Topic: what is the most hostile planet with life  (Read 7953 times)
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Re: what is the most hostile planet with life
« Reply #30 on: April 21, 2003, 12:06:01 am »

Hehe.  If anyone does not want to feed unsuspecting newbies of false SC2 information, it's yours truly.  If you guys want to find the most hostile planet with life in the galaxy, it'll take alot of time and effort to find it.  After years of searching, I found a turbulant little planet orbiting a big yellow star called 'Sol'.  It was the third planet, blue with a lifeless moon and the native aliens were frightening at first glance.  Do not be afraid, however... for they are easy prey, even for your primitive little laser bullets.

newbie? wheres the newbie? ready the laser guns. kill the newbie, rip out his life force! rise up aginst the newbie threat. destroy, mame, kill! ah... i feel much better now. newbies indeed Roll Eyes im no newbie, im just... well... im... ok im a newbie...not!

but on topic, i wrote this post for something for the people whove beaten this game a dozen times over, something new to do. im not too worried if no ones interested, after all ive havent been looking in to it much myself. too busy with work and all to play much. just read and post ~DEFIANT
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Re: what is the most hostile planet with life
« Reply #31 on: May 08, 2003, 10:02:49 am »

something with big bugs.big lizards. cave aliens with big clubs. plants that will eat man or beast or spray something
a living evil  planet with a face evil goes system to system
eating other planets i guess this evil has a name Zeadod
Zebranky food
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Re: what is the most hostile planet with life
« Reply #32 on: May 08, 2003, 10:49:32 am »

 I got this nickname from playing star control on the genesis with a friend. We would build our ship of choice, then jump stars until we had that ship loaded with as many precursurs as we could find. Then fight to the death.

In  one battle, he had a mycon loaded with a few dynamos but no thrust power, in a previous battle, he managed to destroy my ship of choice.

 I chose a Chenjesu ship to fight the last battle against his Mycon. Only thing I could do was try and keep away from him, and build as many doggies as I could. Somehow my doggies trapped him, and pushed him against the planet, holding him there so he could not move. And you know what happened next.

We ended up calling the planets in star control 1 "planets of death". That battle was so hard to win I just yelled in victory. He got angry and stomped out, but later returned laughing. Funny how I can remember something that happened in a game nine years ago.

Games seemed better then...I hope to someday witness the return of star control to best all the crappy games currently in release, or being planned.

Edit: So much for memory, I got the Chenjesu confused with the Chmmr. Doh..
« Last Edit: May 08, 2003, 08:12:22 pm by Planet_of_death » Logged
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