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Topic: Re: make a game (Read 6429 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 26

about five thousand will do.
and i think they should all be named "eh steve!"
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Don't get started with your moral relativism. The Draconians are as evil as the Meev; they're just better at explaining away their actions.
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Posts: 109

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
i just need someone who knows computer code game design wise
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Posts: 109

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
the names i came up with like the meev the draconians are from doctor who but i guess i can get rid of there name and come up with something else but the rest i came up with the meev do look neat as the rest of my art work
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Our point was, why are you asking someone to make a game about a large number of species about which you have said nothing but their names? If you want to get anyone to do something long and difficult with you, like program a game, an important step is to impress them with coherence, creativity, an understanding of priorities, and persistence. Otherwise the project will be doomed, and they will know it.
Anyway, why do you want to start a new highly complicated game just like this one which isn't finished yet?
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
I haven't chimed in my 2 cents on this subject because I knew if I got on my soapbox and ranted that I'd be at it all day.
Disclaimer before I go on. These comments are not directed towards one person, not even the original poster of this thread. This just happens to be a pet peeve of mine from my childhood.
Check it out.
If you want someone to go throught the difficult and laborious process of programming you game for you because you don't have the programming skills and are too lazy to be bothered learning them, then expect noone to take your request seriously. You want to recruit people to your project. Then make a demo, do an animation, write a script, and I mean the whole dang script, not just some loosely concieved ideas on a half a napkin written around the maranara sauce you wiped from your mouth.
In other words, if you want someone to put forth effort for you, put forth effort to make them want to.
Programming is a intensive thing. Even if you were smart enough to be a programmer you can't just expect to whip out a game in a week or so in your spare time. Professional games take 2 years or more of a team of full time programmers working on it. Even the suckiest of one-man projects has taken the dedication of hours to the project.
So don't say, "I've got a great idea." SHOW me. Actually put forth the effort to make some cleaned up, finished work. A completed script or novelization. Some completed, colored artwork. Some animations, 2-d or 3-d. Or even better, learn to program, download a complier (Borland Builder has a ton of free stuff if you know where to look. MSVC is also free) and PRODUCE something. Anything cleaned up enough that can stand on it's own might even be marketable.
And I think if every 'idea guy' actually took the time to focus on developing something with their ideas in this way, instead of just spamming every wet dream they have, alot more would go "nevermind, it wasn't that good an idea to begin with," and the rest of us would have to find something else to rant about.
Instead, what happens is someone comes up and says, "I want someone to do my work for me, here's what I thought of...." Then every other idea man ends up posting, "cool idea man, I'm worthless, but I hope someone else will do it for you," thus boosting the ego of the original idea making them think that it's actually worth someone else taking the time to develop it, neither realizing that, in reality, it's not. Stepping off my soapbox now and taking a nap. Me tired.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2003, 01:09:08 am by guesst »
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
Yeah, what happened to the first post on this one? I'm afraid CK may have deleted it because of my post. Again, it's not personal, guy! I'm just one loud-mouth on a soapbox, yo.
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Posts: 109

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
i got part of a story wrote for a game like star control and find someone to help make it but i think ill just give up and im going to dump my alien art work in the trash and im going to grow up because star control is starting to suck and im starting to hate star control 3 too because the game clock make it go to fast or to slow everything else is fine thanks accolade 
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Posts: 109

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
also ships in trash and the rest of art work
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Posts: 109

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
plus im not dumb i had a stroke in 1989 i could come out with a game if i could i just cant do math any more im just amazed i wrote a story
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