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Topic: Re: make a game (Read 6423 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 26

.... umm.
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
plus im not dumb i had a stroke in 1989 i could come out with a game if i could i just cant do math any more im just amazed i wrote a story
Okay. Public, sincere appology follows.
CK, and anyone who will read this in the future. My comments are not personal and I am deeply sorry that my words are sometimes tactlessly harsh. I feel even worse when those words are taken personal. I appologize that I am unable to express my sometimes outspoken viewpoints tactfully. I am working on it. Changing behavior is a hard thing, but I am determined not to let myself get in the way of future interactions with other, vaulable humans, like yourself CK.
Keep dreaming. Keep writing stories. I meant my comments to encourage you to do more with them. The fact that you have drawings of the aliens you had listed is a great start. Why don't you scan them in and show us? Then draw more.
I never meant to say that you were dumb. I never meant to imply that you couldn't do anything. I am of the firm belief that you can overcome or get around even physical limitations with enough time and effort. I realize that, in your case for example CK, a stroke is often accompanied by depression, making it's limitations seem insurmountable, but don't believe it for a second.
Don't everyone think I waffle. I still stand by what I said before. I don't, when I hear a pittiful story, turn around, hold the hand of the teller, and promise to make all their hopes and dreams come true. You've started something. Don't let some insensitive words stop you. If you want to see this thing finished, finish it. Don't let me stop you.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2003, 11:28:45 am by guesst »
Eran Mekhmandarov
What ARE you saying then? "If you can't\won't do it yourself, don't tell others about it!"?
I enjoy hearing other people's ideas and I enjoy talking about them even if they're not feasable. When I say: "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we could play Star Control with virual reality boots?" I don't mean "Hey you! Go make Star Control compatible with VR boots!", nor do I expect anyone to do so. I HOPE someone does and if they don't, so be it. Persenoly, I tried to learn progaming, but it was just so boring, so I shouldn't suggest anymore ideas?
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
No, no. And you're right. Yes, go ahead and post your ideas for a game. I know I've got a ton of them myself. If I see one on the boards I have been known to comment on them myself.
I've been on the boards and the timewarp boards before that and I've seen more than a few "I've got a great idea, if only I could get a programmer, poor little old me," and it kinda wore into a pet-peeve with me. As this threads title (even tho the inital post was delete, which sad effect I never intended) suggest, this thread was one of those and I snapped.
I was out of line.
I realize now I should have expounded the good points of the initial idea, which has become completely lost, before I ripped into CK, or anyone else for that matter, and if there were not good points I should have said nothing at all and let this thread die off the end of the page. I know I had a good point, but I chose the preciesly worst moment to express it.
I've taken enough flak about the subject that I will now and forever back off on it. If you want to post a game idea, I'm more than willing to read and comment on it. If you're asking for help, I will bite my tounge and say nothing about how a loosly concieved blurb is as effective in making your "great idea" come about as a fan letter to [insert pop star of your choice] is to get him/her in bed with you. I'm done. If you don't get the point, I'm tired of trying to make it.
If you want to just bounce ideas around, however, hey, I'm totally cool with that. That's what these boards and infact the internet is about. I'd be happy if CK re-posted his initial idea so it could continue to be bounced around. Just don't ask anyone to make it into a game for you and I'll be happy. As stated before, tho, if you do, I promise no to say a thing.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2003, 10:51:21 am by guesst »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I would like to point out that the 'idea', as posted, had virtually no content. Captain Kirk -- I understand that there is content to your ideas -- you mentioned images, and I bet there's species information beyond the names. THAT is what we'd like to see.
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