Just wondering if there is word on the license that will be adopted for the content of this game. I think a lot of people might like to know before they jump onboard.
I'm also interested in this. At some point this may be packaged for Debian (I might do it myself too) but the content license has to be clarified first, not only for legal reasons but so we know which section of the project it belongs under.
TFB have indicated that they want people to be able to play the game and make their own versions of it, but they want to prevent, as Chris put it "that Pepsi would use their syreen in a commercial" (paraphrased from memory). It might be that trademark law would prevent that, even if copyright law doesn't. I've just sent a mail to Chris asking about the status, and I'll let you know once I know more.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”