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Author Topic: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?  (Read 5701 times)
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Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« on: May 18, 2003, 11:18:52 am »

How often do you get into impossible match ups? I don't mean ones that you're going to lose. I mean ones where noone can win?

Yehat vs Spathi
Arloo vs Ilwrath
ZFP vs Umgah
or anyone vs a comp controlled Arloo (Darned warp)
« Last Edit: May 18, 2003, 11:20:32 am by guesst » Logged

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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2003, 04:46:14 pm »

How often do you get into impossible match ups? I don't mean ones that you're going to lose. I mean ones where noone can win?

Yehat vs Spathi
Arloo vs Ilwrath
ZFP vs Umgah
or anyone vs a comp controlled Arloo (Darned warp)

spathi can win a yehat. just dont use butt missles

arilou can win an ilwrath too. just warp back and hit&run

ZFP vs Umgah? emm i dunno what's the difficulties here.. imo the stinger actually has a range advantage, and fast so he can get himself out of the backwarp. but this match isn't IMPOSSIBLE

as for my opionion the real IMPOSSIBLE matchups is like
Arilou* vs Mycon
Mycon vs Yehat\Utwig*
Eartling vs Chmmr*
Spathi* vs  Umgah
Spathi* vs kohrah(vs AI)
Mmrnmrm* vs Utwig

vs "awesome" comp, an utwig can easily win every match against kohrah, kzerza, and chmmr

« Last Edit: May 18, 2003, 04:47:44 pm by Slylendro » Logged

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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2003, 06:16:58 pm »

The fact thats its easy to win, doesn't mean its impossible for the other side to do so. Of corse this depends if your aponent is human or not.

"Arilo VS Mycon": If he's human, they can try and surprise the careless Arilo pilot with a plasmoid when he's in front of him, since they're quite fast on a small scale.

"Mycon VS Yehat\Utwig": Try ANY ship aside of Shofixti against AI Yehat. They can put on they're damn shield 23 damn hours of the damn day!

"Mmrnmrm VS Utwig": Who can't win here? If your Mmrnhrmm VS AI Utwig then you can just shot missils until there's no shield left. If your Utwig then you use a planet warp and fill your batteries when the stupid AI fires lasers at you, though its not easy, Its not impossible.
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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2003, 11:00:22 pm »

That's a real good question, because there are so many.
Stinger vs Avatar
Cruiser vs Avatar
intruder vs  Fury
Podship vs Fury
Scout vs Avatar
Scout vs Dreadnought
Scout vs Jugger
Scout vs Skiff
Jugger vs Broodhome
Maurader vs Blazer
Trader vs Molar
Avenger vs Nemesis
Podship vs Nemesis
alot more

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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2003, 12:46:27 am »

Anyone with medium range and speed cannot be beaten by the Vux without a really lucky warp-in.

EG: Spathi, Supox, Earthling, etc...
Captain Smith

Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2003, 12:53:06 am »

Although there's a few "no-chance" matchups, usually you have to get good at the ship and actually try the matchup.  I keep finding I can put a serious dent in anything else with anything I have if I just try it and try to be good with the ship.  A lot of it is melee skill too - if you want to improve that, there's lots of suggested matches in this board, but the good starter is either Arilou or ZFP (you) vs. Mycon.

There's always a way if you look for it....and shocking wins.  My latest is actually beating a Chmmr AI ship (at full power) with a Mycon.

A lot of it too is patience...I have a hard time with that, so in a way knowing I can win is enough on some things (like Spathi (me) vs. Chmmr...I can win everytime but it takes 10 minutes to do so  Sad )
Captain Smith

Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2003, 12:59:22 am »

Anyone with medium range and speed cannot be beaten by the Vux without a really lucky warp-in.

EG: Spathi, Supox, Earthling, etc...

Earthling I agree, but I can routinely beat a Spathi or Supox with the least with the AI.

That's kind of a problem with talking about "impossible matches"....they may be impossible for you but might be quite possible for someone else (of course if you consider the AI there's some stupid things it does, but I always thought the Spathi and Supox were pretty well programmed).
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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2003, 04:23:05 am »

a really neat trick
when you go get talking pet from the umgah
and when you fight them
use the  arilou skiff
hide under the south pole with the skiff
you know stay near hug planet and when umgah ship goes by
                  danger                                                                                     ( becarefull of falling rocks)  Shocked Shocked Shocked

i think it works with 3DO joy stick
does a computer have a joy stick like 3DO had
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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2003, 06:23:13 am »

I forgot one. Never go up against a Broodhome with a Molar.

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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2003, 08:27:52 pm »

I forgot one. Never go up against a Broodhome with a Molar.

Incisors and canines are much better, yes.

As far as the actual question is concerned, though:
Arilou vs. Earthling provides some SERIOUS problems for the Arilou.
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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2003, 12:36:05 am »


Incisors and canines are much better, yes.

As far as the actual question is concerned, though:
Arilou vs. Earthling provides some SERIOUS problems for the Arilou.

Makes you wonder how they "examine" the earthlings so easily...
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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2003, 03:35:12 pm »


Makes you wonder how they "examine" the earthlings so easily...

I don't think they 'examine' the earthlings by attacking armed starships...
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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2003, 03:47:47 pm »

The ONLY impossible fight I can make up is Earthling vs. Chmmr, when it has all satellites on place. But even then, there is a slim chance (A VERY SLIM) to win one but would take too much patience ... (try to shoot the satellites, and get speed from the planet). Well, okay. Mycon vs. Yehat is quite impossible. Tongue

The others like Slylandro vs. Ilwrath, Mycon vs. Utwig, Arilou vs. Mycon etc. are not impossible, some are just hard, some are easy. (Arilou vs. Mycon is easy.)

After having a conversation with my bro there are other almost impossible matches: Umgah vs. Avatar, VUX vs. Ur-Quan, Chmmr vs. Utwig and ... with Shofixti almost everyone is a tough one.  Grin

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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #13 on: May 22, 2003, 12:45:42 am »

I haven't seen any impossible match ups. Everyone's listed matchups where one side over powers the other. I started this thread thinking about where neither has the advantage. Aren't there a few matchups like that?
Earthling Vs Spathi or
Mycon vs Syreen

Sure, you could win one side or the other eventually, but it takes forever.

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Re: Which ships do you NEVER use against whom?
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2003, 01:40:29 am »

Mycon vs Syreen is HARDLY an even fight.  Not impossible, but hardly even either.
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