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Topic: favorite games other than Star Control? (Read 9994 times)
Posts: 692

Ancient Shofixti Warrior
The only other TFB game that I've played is Unholy War. I own it and find it ok. Some of the story aspects (the unseen little boy who maintains the killer tank robots, the bit about a quicksilver and angel having a child together, etc) were enough to keep the game interesting. However the graphics are such that the backgrounds are as colorful as the characters and tend to make it hard to see them. Overall, I liked it but couldn't really play it for very long. If it were to ever be re-done with updated graphics on the PC it'd be really cool.
Voldenuit, If you are a guy, I tip my hat to you. It takes a real secure man to admit being a fan of Space Channel 5 
LOL! although I do think it's strange that people would bring up Space Channel 5 and not Harvest Moon (at least Ulala has a hot electric orange miniskirt).
Like I said, there is a huge dichotomy in my PC vs console tastes. Dark, gritty games on PC (Fallout, Planescape) vs generally brighter, happier games on the PS2 ( the aforementioned Space Channel 5, Harvest Moon, Sheep Dog 'n Wolf). 'Course, Silent Hill throws that theory completely out the window.
I think in the end, I like games that dare to be different. Maybe I'm just a jaded old "been there, done that" S.O.B., but I appreciate the creative spark that goes into something like The Last Express, Rez or Planescape. And I also like games that are lovingly constructed, like Ico, and especally Star Control 2.
The last thing I want to buy is another FPS where you play a tough space marine armed with a shotgun, rocket launcher and railgun-equivalent. Maybe Half-Life 2 will change my mind on this, but I'm pretty damned sure that Doom 3 won't.
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