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Topic: Game freese during biologial scan. (Read 3616 times)
Martin Hansen
I often experience a game freeze during a biologial scan if the scan finds lifeforms. This is about 100% of the time when using auto scan and abaut 25% of the time when selecting bio scan seperatly.
I have searced for report on this bug on this page but found none. I haven't read all of the messages, in this forum, i have just scanned the topics and looked in to the most relevant ones. So everyone please write informational topic lines A topic line saying "bug" is as good as no topic line, a line saying "wiered sound in combat" is much more usefull when someone else has discovered that bug and wants to see if someone has reported this.
Frungy champion
Posts: 88

Me developer. Here me roar!
Are you usng CVS or the 0.1 alpha? or some other snapshot?
If you are using 0.1, this bug report is of almost no value, since there have been huge changes in CVS since then. If you are using a snapshot from somewhere, do you know when it was created? If you are using CVS, it is very interesting, and I can try to make you a patch that will spew out more information
It sounds like a deadlock issue, with the Graphics Semaphore, which could be interesting.
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