Mark Vera
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 219
Me?You mean me,personally? How nice of you to ask!
(31/05/03) WIN32 Requests: Dos Promt as Console - not good, it should be hidden and could be bought up in game like games like quake have.
It's one way to debug the game. I'm quite certain that it will be removed/hidden to the final 1.0 release.
Full Screen - I know it has been coded at that size which I suppose is ok, but maybe it could just be stretched? Otherwise just blacken out the rest and have the stuff in the middle. Stuff in the background can put you off sometimes.
Maybe you should read the manual.txt for command line parameters how to change the resolution (smoothing + "stretch").
Smoother on older specs - I doubt you guys will be able to do this since the coding side has been done but. Would at some stage things be able to be changed a bit so it will run smoother on older pc's? A game like this should not require a high up speced pc and it will not work on my old pc.
Disable the smoothing, etc. It should run on older pc. Though, depends how old yours is. If it's very old, I'd suggest you just play the original DOS version..