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Author Topic: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online  (Read 9013 times)
Zebranky food
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Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« on: June 03, 2003, 07:27:50 am »

Just a thought.

We've all loved and played the single player version of starcon2.

what about a huge online game, but instead of how most MMORPG are playing these days this one could be heavily story driven Smiley

for example you right the game with a time frame in mind e.g. 1-2 years

just using starcon2 as an example
after 2 years the Ur-Quan battle will be over and the eg black Ur-Quan will win and start to annihlate every race in the galaxy.

so we've got 2 years (real years) of play time to prevent this happening.

everyone who joins at this points start out on Unrevolt (I forget the spelling) a brief 2 weeks (Real time). players will engade in mini games of 'super melee' and 'empire construction', the top ten players from the super melee will be voted for by players and the winner will become the (initial) Captain of the precussor vessle. (the runners up my pilot aviable crusiers)
The top ten in the empire construction game will but forward plan for use of the limited recources.
e.g. 5000 players (avg of 800 on at any one time)
10'000'000 RU
PLayer 1
1. Precussor vessle (8'000'000 RU)
2. 2 earthing crusier (500'000 RU) (tot 1'000'000)
3. 1000 earthling fighters (double as recouce gathering landers)(1'000 RU) (tot 1'000'000 RU)
Player 2
1. Precussor vessle (8'000'000 RU)
2. 1 earthing crusier (500'000 RU)
3. 1500 earthling fighters (1'000 RU) (tot 1'500'000 RU)

the rest of the players will vote on the plan they like the best (i.e probably the pan the ensure they'll at least get a ship to pilot)
the plan is implemented

Fast Forward 10 yrs later (game time)

days15 to end of year 2
the massive precussor ship heads for Earth but this time is accompanied by smaller fighters and frigates piloted by the players.

players must defend the precussor ship during it's journey to earth, players in the crusirs may choose to takes some fighters and explorer local systems for recources etc and meet up later.

Prcussor ship reaches Earth intercepted by probe that heads off to report location. unless fighters can intercept in time (game event, if they dont destroy then a small fleet of damaged Ilawrath (mabe 50 ships) will come for them and players will have to fight them off. or if they destory the probe they remain undected and safe for now).

Find Earth in slave shield dock at local station. Earth station in need of repairs and radioactives (game event, timer activated , players must gather recouces of local planet for resupply quickly. if they dont resupply in time station becomes badly damaged and takes twice as many raws to repair as it would if they'd suceeded.)
precussor ship goes into week long (real time) retrofit

Station repaired and recources gathered can be used to make fighters of crusiers , decided upon by the current empire leader

Precussor Captain can use recources allocated to him by leader to upgrade the precussor ship (rare minerals are required for precussor upgrades so, upgrading will take a long time to gathers rare minerals)

all other players can acept missions for scouting , mining , or military training. each mission gains player prestige needed later for upgrades and new ships. e.g players can buy faster engines for thier ship using presitge points, (as long as there are enough recources in the public recoucse pool (allocated by the leader)

Game Event a player will evuntual stumble into fuiffo on pluto. fuifoo will end up travelling to Earth Station and as long as the leader knows who to sweet talk the AI (it anit that hard) fuiffo will give his ship which can now be used by one of the runners up of super melee.

NB weekly elections will be held so crap/inactive/unhelpful leaders can be replaced.
Similarly once a month the super melee is held and a new Captain is voted from the top ten (it can be the same one is a person is popular)

Once precussor ship retrofit done the captain can take out ship and explore local systems, as can pilots of crusiers etc

as empire grows more crusiers will become aviable and players with high presitge will be be able to buy avaiavble ones (prestige is like cash once spent you must work to get it back) top 10 winner of super melee as exempt for the month and can pilot any free crusier as long as there are more than 10 ships, otherwise crusier captinas are voted for.

Story contiunes as it does in star con 2 effected by player actions
mission goal is to defeat Ur-Quan by defeating Sa-Matra by final all out assult by every player along with any AI help they recruited.

They will either succeded or fail .

NB if precussor ship is destoyed players can salvage remains and rebuild

also once Chmmr help is obtained recources are plentiful and ship numbers are only limited by races recrutied and numbers of players on at any one time. however ships are still bought with prestige so crap pilots who constantly loose thier ship will never pilot anything more than a fighter/lander. player with alot of prestige will roam in Chmmr Avatars

anyway just a thought, could be fun, and of course the storyline could be chanegd to anything I just used SC2 story as an example of how it could be made into a workable MMORPG
Zebranky food
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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2003, 07:34:30 am »

Mabe when I'm an ecentric Billionaire I'll fund this out of my own pocket and we can all relive they days of our youth  Grin

or better yet, anyone know an ecentric billionaire that liked Star Control 2 who could bank role this little endevour.

could be an extreme sweet game with 100'000 players.

where any player can advance the story line as long as thier in the right place at the right time.

no reason your not the player that finds a rainbow world, or stumble unto a Arilou portal and convince them to send an emissery to Earth Station (giving you a shitload of presitge Wink )
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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2003, 08:32:14 am »

You know, all things considered, it would probably be far, far easier to set an mmorpg in the time of starcon 1.  SC2 is entirely too focused on zelnick, and with 10,000 players, that's 1 Zelnick, and 99,999 not-Zelnicks.  Since the storyline is focused more or less completely on Zelnick, that means a 1:99,999 ration of important people to not important people.
Zebranky food
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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2003, 10:12:06 am »

true but the main char turn over every week or month. super melee comps get to setermine who flyies the precussor vessle , and weekly elections are held to determine who handles the empires starship creation and recources.

thus the role of Zelnick is broken into 2 compenents that any player if good enough has a chance of playing.

sure everyone else is subordinate yes, but the general player pop still has a large impact on the game.

the precussor ship wont be able to fly everywhere to complete every lil task as in single player SC2, that what everyone else will do.

Earthling crusier ships, can jump into hyperspace and travel nearby star systems (e.g. 10-20 units of fuels range) the precussor ship will have to setup depot in other systems to allow every player access to more systems.

The precussor ship will take time to repair and refuel after each trip, so it will only be able to visit mabe 20-30% of all star systems in 2 years.

everywhere else must be explored by regular players. encountr with Zot Fot Pik would be made by a regular player in a scout ship that happend to be exploring the system when the Zot Fot Pik were passing through.

regular players would be the ones to find the Arilou Quasi Space and would have to find the componets and materials to fit the precussor ship with the portal spawner.

The Precussor ship will simply be the tool moving the story forward , by meeting other empires , negotiations, buliding out posts, while it can fight it's a flagship and will not be involved in most battles, only the major ones.

E.g the precussor ship with fleet will travel to the Zot FOt Pik homeworld to destory the small Ur-Quan force there. Once the Zot Fot Pi join, missions will be giving to players to patrol the Zot Fot Pik small number of systems engading Ur-Quan ships, and ensuring the Zot Fot Pik dont leave the alliance.

if not players protect the Zot Fot Pik then you loose them (just like in the game) but unliek the game, regular players in fighters and crusiers will be the ones protecting them long term. The precussor vessle will have more important thing to do than sentry duty.

And the time needed to e.g. find the slylandro homeworld and stop the probe scourge , wil be done by regular player scout ships as the precussor ship wont have enough time to find it flyigna round blindly.

But hey like I said was using SC2 as an example, story could be differnt and focus can easily be shifted.

hell the dosent even have to be a precussor vessle, just regualr players in a range of ships exploring and building the alliance for the final showdown.

giving every player the chance to find a Game Event and effect the story.

you enver know you may be exploring by yourself and stumble on the melnarome and it's up to you to convince them to travel to Earth station to do buisness with the current elected leader.
Zebranky food
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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2003, 10:13:58 am »

Or ya could always have an NPC Zelnick if u dont think my method of selection would be fair (weekly elections, super melee comps etc)

Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2003, 06:54:02 pm »

Death 999
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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2003, 08:53:42 pm »

Sucks to be you...

Basically, he's saying that you can get hundreds of players, each takes over one cruiser and does the mining and grunt-fighting of the SC2 game, all cooperative.

I am not sure how we could get that to work; SC1 seems like an infinitely better place to play
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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2003, 03:46:37 am »

or better yet, anyone know an ecentric billionaire that liked Star Control 2 who could bank role this little endevour.

Hey, I'm an ecentric billionaire.

no, wait.

I'm just ecentric.

Which, if you're not a billionaire means you're just weird.


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Death 999
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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2003, 04:28:53 am »

Well, are you really old? That will do it too.
Zebranky food
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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2003, 05:33:17 am »

Being as im hooked on mirc scripting... (Basically I cannot be f**ked to learn anything else lol.) I have been thinking about creating something like this, hell... someone attempted to make something in Qbasic (starconx), why not try this?

Sockets are piss easy in mirc and I understand them fully so thats fine.

I was thinking of starting somewhere simple with First...The main part... Making the melee... After that I could make it load a chat when you start or something and maybe add the normal play in SC1... Then move it on if it gets more support... But bah... I doubt itd work anyway =|

But hey, if your intrested and or know mirc scripting contact me:

Zebranky food
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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2003, 05:38:26 am »

Sorry to double post but I thought it was relevent since the other ones about something different.

The Coop idea when some people may not want to be doing together...this could be worekd on... the place can be changed by ones action maybe yes... BUT you can encounter other people when there in the same place... Then you can Converse (opens a chat) and choose to Fight them or Allie or wateva... I also thought that you could setup your starbase where you wanted (or it was randomly generated) instead of at earth.

Another Idea... If theres lots of players you could only have people build on other planets in your galaxy if you were the first there, and you automatically become allied... Creating like teams... I dont know... Its intresting thinking about and im sure this would create such a good game even if its not up to standards of like Doom 3 or Half-Life 2... Who Cares... Gameplay is more important then graphics...

Blah.. Anyway... Ill shutup now... And sorry about the "..." thing... its a habit...   ...
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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2003, 07:58:20 am »

the idea for an online game where you play with others  is a good idea
you can be human or the or good aliens
run a star base set up a colony and some mines
or captain a star ship and explore the stars
but this idea might be good for sc1 or the remake of sc3

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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2003, 10:29:47 pm »

the idea for an online game where you play with others  is a good idea
you can be human or the or good aliens
run a star base set up a colony and some mines
or captain a star ship and explore the stars
but this idea might be good for sc1 or the remake of sc3

               wake up from you dream hunam

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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2003, 01:56:17 am »

Well, are you really old? That will do it too.

No, no. Not old either. Just a weirdo I guess.

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Zebranky food
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Re: Massively Multiplayer Star Control 2 online
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2003, 05:21:27 am »

You could always do a StarCon 2 where you can play any race that was in Star Con 2 e.g. Thradds, Earthling, Ur-Quan etc

each race would have it's own story line to follw that would sometimes clash with other races.

outcomes of such events where 2 races will be competing to complete oppsing missions , will depend on the human players behind the races.

e.g. Mycon are about to drop a lil deep child onto a Yehat or Vux World, obivously the Yehat or Vux mission is top prevent the the insertion of the child and hopefully destory it as well to prevent anothr atempt later.
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