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Author Topic: Need help, very very confused  (Read 8456 times)

Need help, very very confused
« on: June 15, 2003, 09:55:41 am »

I was referred to this game and it looks very cool but I have not the slighest clue what to do, what to be doing , or why I'm even here. Could someone point me in the right direction? Like, what I should do first or what do I do with my cargo or telling me why everything like blasting me to bits and what's this crew thing and why do the ur quan not like and who are the ur quan and why are my capitalization and punctuation skills are so bad and how do I not get blown to bits and how do I lead a productive space lif----

Okay, sorry, but I'm confused completely and enraged at the lousy Ur-Quan for not letting me go to Earth
Zebranky food
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Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2003, 10:03:39 am »

Go to the starbase orbitting earth and talk to the captain there.  The start of SC2 is kind of confusing, but part of the fun is finding out exactly what you're supposed to be doing yourself.  The game's trying to put you into that scenerio.

Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2003, 10:04:37 am »

Ugh, I'm back with a few more questions after playing

After travelling through hyperspace I was encountered by these red rubies on crystal looking things that wanted me for component parts. I was like "Cool, a battle" Then, after getting into battle my ship moved so slow I didns't stand a chance against the quick enemy I was going against. Could someone please explain the battle system?

How the heck does hyperspace work?!

How do I stand a chance in the universe If I have not a clue where to go or how to get anywhere!? Someone please help
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Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2003, 10:10:31 am »

You've can battle with your flagship or one of your escort ships -- at the start of the game you've got an earthling cruiser; you can build more and different types of ships as the game progresses.  Practice in super melee to get the hang of fighting.

The first thing you've gotta do is go to the starbase orbitting earth and talk to the captain.  Hyperspace'll eat you alive.

Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2003, 10:25:08 am »

wait a second.

Aren't you supposed to be able to choose your own name in this game? Or do you have to use Zelnick?
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Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2003, 10:41:07 am »

yep, you can change your name and the name of your ship, it's in the menus somewhere.
Kizor,still not logged in

Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2003, 02:55:18 pm »

Indeed, though I'd recommend reading the bug reports regarding name changing first. It might crash your game iwhen you next get a transmission from a surface exploration craft.

The best way to get used to the battle system is to Melee.
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Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2003, 03:42:25 pm »

I first recommend for background information like who are the urquan, here, the first PC intro

and after it, watch the into movie for the 3do version(which currently this version lacks)

and there's also the tutorial on PNF.. if you are totally stuck
i myself couldn't finish the game alone... Sad
it was a really long time ago like 5 years ago, even more, i was stuck so got a few hints from #Starcontrol and finished it

but believe me, try to finish it by yourself! see the intro and you'll get into it Smiley

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This is not a complex idea.
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Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2003, 02:11:05 am »

I used to play this game years back when DOS o/s was popular... there was no internet at available at our house, so I had to play it offline all alone but me, my computer, my game, and the star control II map (which we had to xerox and laminated so it won't "disintegrate" from abuse Cheesy).

The game had no voice, only music. There was no list of rainbow worlds, so we had to scavenge minerals from surfaces of many worlds. Everytime we found a rainbow world, we had listed them on paper. I didn't even know until I found this version, that there are 10 rainbow worlds available, and only 8 of which are sufficient to purchase all Melnorme's technology (and probably all current events and histories too).

One time I had no idea how to play but to gather minerals (for RU/$) and biological data (for Melnorme/credit), I ran out of time and I saw Ur-Quan Kohr Ah started moving and 'cleansing' everyone. I didn't know what happened because my english was not very good... and then finally it was 'game over'  Smiley.

I had trouble getting to the quasi space. Didn't know I had to kill so many traddash ships to get the aqua helix. Didn't know how to get yehat to rebel against their queen. Didn't know that selling 100 crews to druuge would be a bad thing because there is another way around it. Didn't know how to get the syreen to join the fleet, and didn't know the connection between them and mycons. Didn't know how to fix the utwin's ultron. Didn't know how to get the self-destruct code for malfunctioning slylandro probes. Didn't know what/who Sa Matra is. Basically didn't know much of the stories until now Smiley. All I knew was to get spathi, zfp, and pkunk to join the fleet.

But with some help, later on, I finally finished the game. Not really knowing what's going on besides knowing these:

"Sa Matra is bad. Destroy it. How to destroy it? get Chmmr to implant a huge bomb in the flagship. Where to get the bomb? Don't really know... How to talk to Chmmr? Hmm, I forget."

And of course, the 'super' melee... me, my brother, and cousins used to play melee, and we always get the keyboard jamming. I think there was a program that can set up the keyboard configuration and test for keyboard jamming (so we can choose which keys are best). It would be frantic not to be able to shoot... or not to be able to steer out of a planet's gravity at maximum acceleration.... ("GA BOOM!").

Can't believe spathi has that much power against certain other powerful ships, but they show such cowardice. Mycon has no chance against utwig, period Smiley. Pkunk can be irritating with the resurrections. One time I was fighting pkunk (in melee) and I had to spent over 30 minutes just to win because I was using a slower ship and the pkunk resurrected itself about 6 times!

Good game!
Sentosa Salim

Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2003, 02:15:07 am »

I'd like to point out that Fileplanet does NOT have these files stored anymore, so the links stated are dead. Too bad, I hadn't seen the 3d0 intro/ending yet Sad

Are you sure? I downloaded them not more than a month ago. I still have 'em, though the size is like 30mb (open) and 38mb (end).
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Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2003, 12:17:24 am »

Yeah, I'd like to point out that FilePlanet sucks in some ways but good in others (you eventually get your file after waiting a bit and its free for everyone involved - me and you).  The files are definitely there, but sometimes when you are not logged into Fileplanet, it acts funny.  Also, sometimes reloading/refreshing the page finds the file the 2nd time.  I don't know, all I know is that is free for me and you  Tongue

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Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2003, 02:36:54 am »

Now, this is the sort of great thread that I love. A newbie coming in and getting help on the game. This is obviously Ken's first time playing SC2 ever. This is what it's all about. This is why project UQM exists. Forget hypothetical, "How do you introduce it..." Someone actually went and the SC community has been joined by one.

Man, gotta love it.

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Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2003, 09:28:36 am »

Another participant in UQM Juffo-Wup!

Wonderful! My feathers ruffle with excitement! I shall consult the stars and find a more suitable time to rejoin our Yehat brethren!


Like, where did all the Pkunk go?

Duuuude, they're all down at the KFC!
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Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2003, 05:04:43 am »

yes, this is a definely good discussion, but um, please don't post spoilers! Sad

I mean we could post about getting the cloaking device, and resurrecting the Taalo to get the Precursor Mauler Cannon for your ship, and how to get the resurrection device from the Pkunk, but who would want to see that?

(I'm yanking your chain, Ken.  None of this stuff is in SC2)

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Re: Need help, very very confused
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2003, 06:56:43 am »

Shh!  Don't tell him, for crying out loud.  The Precursor Mauler Cannon makes the whole game too easy anyway.  Smiley
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