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Topic: 2-player (not hotseat) melee? (Read 3461 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 6

Are some guys working on multiplayer (not massively) super-melee? Wouldn't it be a great idea?
-To avoid key jamming -So we can play with our distant friend -We can see where our cloaked ilwrath is at (opponent won't be able to see, of course... but the player controlling the avenger should know/see).
Some possible added bonuses, which appear at random time at random place (except 'inside' a planet): -health bonus (+2 crew up to +10 crew) -health curse (optional (at random) damage over time, -2 up to -10 or until ship only has 1 crew left) -temporary speed boost (10% speed increase, 2 seconds up to 10 seconds) -temporary speed stall (10% speed decrease) -temporary turning speed boost & stall -temporary power/battery charging boost (10% battery charging increase, 2-10 secs) * -temporary power/battery charging stall (10% battery charging decrease, 2-10 secs) * -temporary primary fire boost & stall (5-20 secs) ** -temporary secondary fire boost & stall (5-20 secs) ** -RU box (or minerals) (small, medium, large) *** -temporary Mirror image -temporary ship's size growth/decrease (5-20 secs) #
Other stuff: -asteroids actually do some damage when hit at certain acceleration -different planet sizes, each with different gravity settings
* Some ships won't be affected, ie: druuge, utwig ** For examples: Boost: increased damage, increased projectile speed, increased projectile seeking ability, increased projectile turning rate, longer laser reach, damage over time when hit, increased splash radius. *** RU box could be collected, and then at the ship selection menu, with sufficient RU, one could re-purchase ships, or purchase a combat drone, or purchase a repair drone, or upgrade a ship. # Increased in ship's size will make the ship more visible thus vulnerable to opponent (easier to spot, to hit, and to hit asteroids/planets). However, it's also easier to get bonuses. Decreased in ship's size will do the opposite.
Ship Pricing Policy First purchase is say at 100% ship's price. Second purchase is at 110% ship's price. Third purchase is at 125% ship's price. Fourth purchase is at 175% ship's price. Fifth and last purchase is at 300% ship's price. -This is to prevent ships with high speed to keep collecting RU box instead of fighting and buy Chmmr Avatar or other high-class ships.
Combat Drone This drone would be like Chmmr Avatar's drone, it would either follow at side, at behind, at front, or circling the player's main ship. The ship drone is INVULNERABLE against: planets, asteroid, and its master's attacks. This drone would shoot either with laser or seeking missile to incoming asteroids, projectiles, or enemy ships. Each ship can only have up to one (1) combat drone.
Repair Drone This drone will be unavailable to certain ships (those who already have drones ie Chmmr Avatar, those who are considered to be high-class ie Dreadnought and Kohr Ah, and those who have healing/resurrecting ability ie Mycon & Pkunk). This drone would slowly regenerate its master ship's hull/crew, at the rate of 1 crew per 10 seconds. This drone is very vulnerable even to asteroids and planets. This drone does not attack, so it's best to protect this drone. This drone will follow only from behind, it will not be at side, at front, or circling - only follow from behind. Each ship can only have up to one (1) repair drone.
Ship Upgrading Policy With sufficient RU, one could upgrade one (1) selected ship. This costs a LOT, so probably only two (2) upgrades should be allowed in each round. when upgrading, player will have to choose two out of many choices: -Increased speed (+10%) -Increased turning speed (+10%) -Increased crew pod capacity (+10%) -Increased battery charging capacity (+10%) -Increased battery charging speed/rate (+10%) -Increased primary fire rate (+10%) -Increased secondary fire rate (+10%) -Increased resistance to laser (10% dmg absorption to laser ie Chmmr, Vux, mrnhmrn (sp?) laser, etc) -Increased resistance to matter (ie slylandro, umgah, mycon, etc) -Increased resistance to explosion/heat (ie earthling, mrnhmrn (sp?), druuge, orz, etc)
Temporary Mirror Image This will create an AI-controlled image, that would appear to be an exact duplicate to its original caster, into the combat area. This image has full health, full battery/energy as its original ship, as vulnerable, with same speed, acceleration, and turning rate. This image will have no secondary attack, only primary. And its attacks will only do 20-80% damage (instead of 100% damage).
Ilwrath Avenger Player controlling Ilwrath Avenger ship, will be able to see his/her ship that it is cloaked. But he/she will still be able to know where the ship is, and at what direction the ship is heading. The opponent/enemy, however, cannot see this (as usual) until the Avenger ship fires or uncloak (of course).
What do you think ?
« Last Edit: June 19, 2003, 05:17:53 am by Sentosa »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Whoa... this has ceased to be Star Control, except for those first three. It could be a fine game in its own right, but it is certainly not within the scope of this project.
Incidentally, a proportional regeneration boost won't unbalance Druuge and Utwig. +100% of 0 is still zero, and +100% of jack is not an unbalancedly large amount.
Also, 20-80% damage doesn't make much sense when you're already dealing with damages on the scale of 1 or 2.
Zebranky food

Posts: 37

Iirc, there's a mini-game component (called "GOB") of TimeWarp that does part of that. It's more like an arcade game; you get resources from destroying enemies and asteroids, and you can spend those resources on upgrades at a starbase.
The website hasn't been updated in a while, but work continues.
-neo b
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
And if I recall correctly, the May 02, 2003 version has a network playable GOB (don't quote me on that).
Edit: I just verified that network play for gob works between two computers.
The latest version of timewarp can be downloaded from
« Last Edit: June 19, 2003, 11:58:48 pm by Culture20 »
Cape Webb
I'm not sure if the current version of Timewarp has network melee... but I know that earlier in the development (When I was very active on the timewarp development scene) it did have this feature, and that it was typically VERY laggy.
On a Timewarp note, does anyone know if ALstar's still around. He's not on the ICQ list anymore and i'd really like to get in touch with him... not to mention his 3D models kicked ass.
Cape Webb
I just checked, and the new version if timewarp has, not only working network play, but I experienced almost no lag while playing it. It does crash up every once in a while though.
A visible cloaked Ilwrath would be a very welcome addition.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2003, 07:16:56 am by Shiver »
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