Zebranky food

Posts: 5

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hi, first of all let me just say how great it is to see sc2 alive once again, i was a big fan and have been looking for a project like this for a long long time.
now for my questions : 1. full screen - i might have missed it on the option but is there really a way to go into full screen ? i mean im setting the resulotion to match my screen but thats not really full screen (need to take down the toolbar, mouse still present etc...) if there isn't, are you planning to make one anytime soon ? 2. this is actually about the forum. the fonts you use do not work well in my comp (im using winxp and have default font set for Israel) i have placed the font size to max and can still only bearly read what i write here :/