Zebranky food

Posts: 2

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Yes, the Precursor 'Solution' was interesting and unique for SC3. The Owa were kind of spiffy too, visibly anyway. The Doog were cool as far as a storyline and character type. Their ship was mean too! The planet lander thingy was awful. The story was a bore. The ending was very very so-so. And I wanted to kill every single Daktaklakpak I could get my hands on, but NoooOOooo, I needed to *understand* them! Gah. The Arilou subplot was interesting but not very good, and I think the Orz section had some seriously fun potential (that they never followed up on; some day I still want to *slip* to the *pretty space* and *enjoy the sauce*! Or even *smell* *many colors*...), but overall the story was a bore, with ICOM leading you around by the nose. Nothing was sensible. I felt little sense of connection to the characters.
When the Pkunk finally got 'gobbled up' by the Yehat in SC2, I was totally bummed, I loved those birds! When the Ur-Quan went bad in SC3 I only regretted the loss of an otherwise useful planet. I never did figure out what they were up to. I won the game eventually, but only to have closure on it. I didn't have all that much fun. It wasn't strictly *bad*, but I didn't much like it.
Many thanks to all the marvellous folks who made the TFB SC2 port possible, I rather enjoyed playing it, and am sure I will enjoy it again in the future. There's so much fun to be had there!