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Topic: walkthrough (Read 7159 times)
I saw that question about the slave shield and I was wondering where are the walkthroughs.
gee aren't we smart shiver and for your information it didn't work.
Zebranky food
Posts: 2
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Actually I just checked the walkthrough info on the above URL. I just finished the game yet again (very amusing game for some reason, must be the nifty music. ) and can assure you that the method listed in the walkthrough for the device-thingy should work as stated, *IF* you did everything you were supposed to, like **KEEPING** the item from the Broken World, not selling it off to the Druuge. And getting the info about the Children. And all the rest. Really, just play it. I had hella fun playing it the first time I did, way back when it was a new release.
Just play. Follow the hints in-game and all is good. The only thing in the game I couldn't see being obvbious is the Vux 'Linch-Nas-Poh' thingy. That one's quite a trick to puzzle out. I did get it though, and without a walkthrough even. Strictly speaking, I don't even think that section is critical to the game really. I've never tried without though.
Hmmm, maybe I'll try a new game and see how little I can do and still finish the game.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 156
Spathi? What spathi? You're imagining, hunam.
GAH! That walkthrough screws up the Beta Brahe thing again.
This is another case of the tight-lipped Mycon mess up. Sadly, neither the walkthroughs nor going through the game will remedy this problem, since every single walkthrough screws this part up, and since the conversation with the solution was removed from the 3DO version.
Now, if you followed that walkthrough above, you probably got to the part where you tell the Mycon at Beta Brahe about the planet, and they told you to leave, and did nothing. Right? Well, here's the problem - they should've said something akin to "We don't make those kind of decisions, go talk to the boss", but it didn't make it into the 3DO version, and thus didn't make it into UQM. Another conversation that would've given you the co-ordinates of the planet where the bosses are was similarly cut.
So, sadly, you end up with no clue what you did wrong, no idea there were bosses unless you chanced upon them while mining, and are generally angry at people on messageboards.
Fortunately, I'm not a complete sadist, so instead of inviting you to go fly around Mycon space until you find those in charge, I'll suggest you go pay the fungus lords a visit at Beta Copernicus I. Tell -them- about the syreens little planet, then go back to the syreen. Bring prophylactics so you can safely claim your reward
« Last Edit: June 29, 2003, 11:55:40 am by AnonomouSpathi »
If you're mapping Quasi-Space to Hyper-Space, (don't we all?), you'll notice that the leftmost portal on the Quasi-Space map pops you out right next to the system with the beast. This is how I found the beast when I first played -- by accident.
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