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Topic: Simple question needs simple answer (Read 2926 times)
adam hurst
Ok, this may sound dumb, but all I want to do is disable the freakin subtitles (they are driving me nuts), put the game in full screen mode, and maybe change the keys, although that isn't as high a priority as the other 2. Explain this in a simple manner, because I don't know what files to open and where to add the "-f" or any commands like that.
All of the run-time options for the game are in the manual. I'm guessing that the installer for the game did not put an entry for the manual in your Start Menu. This is unfortunate, and should probably be addressed before v0.3. In the meantime, search your harddrive for the file "manual.txt", and read up on all the knobs and dials you can twiddle..
For a very nice blow-by-blow on how to add these options to your shortcut under Windows, look here These instructions should also probably be added to the manual for v0.3, since it comes up so often.
Core Team
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Posts: 121

Installer actually does put manual.txt to Start Menu. But for some reason a lot of people doesn't seem to notice it at all..
adam hurst
Actually I did notice the manual, and I read up on all the additions I wanted to use, but the problem was I didn't know where to type the commands " -f " for full screen or " -u " for no subtitles. The manual is well written except for which file to acutally enter those commands in.
adam hurst
Thank you, the link to the "no Sound" problem helped tremendously. I wouldn't have thought of adding that in the target line. I got so used to adding lines of code in autoexec.bat and config.sys files way back, that seems way too simple Now it's perfect One more question. Is there a way to quit the game from the MAIN MENU (New Game, Melee, Load Game) OTHER than pressing F12? I tried F10 like the manual says but nothing happens.
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