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Topic: Are there any cheats in this GPL'd version? (Read 5759 times)
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Because there is no ranking for it which could make it enjoyable to get hight in. And it is not a murder other faces game. I do not know if anyone ever wanted to program one, cause it is just too much fun to blow someone up. And in TW it is not that easy for autoaimers, due to the very different types of weapons (front, side, back, autoaiming, rangedifference) and new weapons appearing every now and then.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2003, 07:38:41 pm by Krulle »
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

"You too can shoot as well as well as the UQM AI."
... gee, sign me right up. (Granted, a perfect teleport defense for the Arilou or a near-perfect shield defense for Utwig/Yehat would be nice.)
We're not putting multiplayer in because the only way to add it without totally rewriting the battle engine will be totally unplayable at pings longer than about 20 ms. (We'd need the ability to "turn back time" and resimulate based on when an event happened at the source. This capability -- indeed, this entire mindset -- is totally missing from the battle code at present.)
And even if we did that, it still would be unplayable except on LANs.
Imagine Arilou vs. Ur-Quan with a 100 ms ping; by the time the Arilou knows he's supposed to teleport, he's already died.
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