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Topic: New packaging/IO system committed. (Read 3903 times)
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
I've just committed the long-awaited new packaging/IO system to cvs. This is the largest portion of new code committed to date, so it's important that many people try this and report any bugs or performance issues they might experience. In particular, I'd like to know if it even compiles on other platforms than Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows.
If you want to use packed content, you'll need to do the following: (in the next release, this is all to be done automatically by the installer) - create a content/ dir where it would usually be - Copy the file 'version' from the unpacked content into that dir. - create a 'packages' dir - copy the .zip files you want into the packages dir. All these .zip files will be 'unpacked' in memory (in alphabetic order) and the content dir will be overlaid on this. This means that the files in the .zip file will have to be stored as 'comm/arilou/arilou.txt', and not as 'content/comm/arilou/arilou.txt'. Note that there have been some changes in the content dir since 0.2, so if you use these .zip files, it won't work directly. You can copy the changed and/or added files in the content dir, and these will be used instead of the ones from the .zip file. You can put these changed files in a seperate zip file in the packages dir if you want. Be sure to give it a name lexicographically after Another way would be to make a new .zip file from the content dir from cvs.
A note on compiling: If you want to use .zip files, you'll need zlib (see the INSTALL file on where to get it). If you do not want to use .zip files, MSVC users should remove '/D "HAVE_ZIP"' from the compile flags. Unix users can choose from the config menu.
A note on making your own .zip files Traditionally, .zip files couldn't store empty directories (they could only store files). If your zip program adds entries for directories, you'll see some warnings about that when the program runs, but they're harmless. I'll add support for this extension lateron. For files that compress well, you might notice a loading speedup, as disk access is much slower than decompression time. For files that don't, in particularly .ogg files, you're likely to notice a slowdown. You should therefor instruct your zip program not to compress .ogg files, but only store them. .ogg files hardly compress at all, so nothing is lost there, but you'll have the fastest loading times.
General note: For some reason, when using .zip files in debug builds with MSVC, loading will go very much slower. I don't know yet why this is, but it doesn't occur with release builds, nor on Linux.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2003, 01:08:38 am by meep-eep »
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Has anyone managed to compile for Windows with MinGW/MSYS after the new resource system was committed?
I get the following error: gcc -o obj/debug/./src/sc2code/libs/uio/stdio/stdio.o -c -I/usr/local/cross-tools/i386-mingw32msvc/include/SDL -Dmain=SDL_main -I/usr/local/cross-tools/i386-mingw32msvc/include/SDL -Dmain=SDL_main -g -O0 -W -Wall -DDEBUG_TRACK_SEM -DGFXMODULE_SDL -DHAVE_OPENGL -DSOUNDMODULE_SDL -DHAVE_ZIP=1 -I src -I src/sc2code -I src/sc2code/libs src/sc2code/libs/uio/stdio/stdio.c src/sc2code/libs/uio/stdio/stdio.c: In function `stdio_mkdir': src/sc2code/libs/uio/stdio/stdio.c:157: too many arguments to function `mkdir' make: *** [obj/debug/./src/sc2code/libs/uio/stdio/stdio.o] Error 1
Core Team
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 121

I installed MinGW myself and there's still lot of errors in compilation so it will take some time to fix all of them. Meep-Eep said he'll start looking at my build logs tomorrow.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2003, 08:34:41 am by admin »
I appreciate that you are already trying to fix it. I will not be able to give any feedback for about a week but I guess that Mika can supply you with new build logs if needed.
Since the cvs lag was short I had time to test it and it works just fine now. Thanks!
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