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Topic: Winning on the cheap (Read 4329 times)
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Another challenge: How little can you spend and still win UQM? Losing "found" ships like fwiffo, your 1st cruiser, etc. in battle is not considered an expense, but if you sell them for their RUs, then use the RUs for something, you need to itemize it. :-/ Even Melnorme Credit needs to be itemized, although you can use a different column. In this game, the only mining that will be of any use will be the initial radioactives...
Extra twist: You can use the RU's gained from selling found ships to offset buying something with RU's from found ships. Example: You sell your earthling cruiser; you now have 1100 RU that you can use to offset expendatures of 1100 RUs you spent from selling fwiffo (esentially 2 for 1 RU use, but only from found/gift ships). This twist is intended to make it easier to spend some money, but also encourage selling off the only few precious ships you're likely to have.
Time is not a factor (unless your vessal moves so slow that the Kohr-Ah win).
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
I think the fastest game will tend to be the cheapest.
Also, if you pull the Druuge fuel trick, you have only really spent the burvix caster... so if you re-spend the RU from that on something else, does that count?
Wait a moment, are you counting net outgoes or gross? I don't get the bit with found ships if it's the latter, and if it's the former, well, normal mining games will have a massive profit, not a loss.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
It's gross expendatures, so profit is worthless in this challenge; it's all about how much you spend (which is why I said mining is worthless). Tricking the Druuge into giving you fuel doesn't add to the "spent total" but if you converted the fuel into RUs, and spend those RUs on anything other than fuel, then that adds to your "spent total". Also, keep in mind that any fuel pods purchased for the Druuge trick need to be added to the "spent total."
Faster is cheaper? Hmmm. You have to spend a lot of money to get more thrusters...
The Extra Twist is for people who find the original challenge too restrictive (but it still encourages people to be thrifty). For this example I'll use an earthling cruiser and an arilou skiff:
Jimmy starts with (1230 net RU, 0 RU from found ships, 30 spent RU, 0 spent from found ships)
Jimmy sells his earthling cruiser (2330 net RU, 1100 RU from found ships, 30 spent RU, 0 spent from found ships)
Jimmy sells his skiff (3930 net RU, 2700 RU from found ships, 30 spent RU, 0 spent from found ships)
Jimmy buys 2 thruster modules, and deducts the RUs from his "from found ships" field (2930 net RU, 1700 RU from found ships, 30 spent RU, 1000 spent from found ships) (1030 total spent RU)
Jimmy uses the "Extra twist" rule to deduct 1000 RU from his "RU from found ships" field, making it just like any other RU: worthless. In turn, he removes 1000 RU from his "spent from found ships" field, lowering his gross expendature (impossible, but true! There's got to be a net in there somewhere ) (2930 net RU, 700 RU from found ships, 30 spent RU, 0 spent from found ships) (30 total spent RU)
Now, Jimmy has two new thrusters for his flagship without raising his score, but he also lost two ships... it's a trade-off.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
How about take this from the other side and say you should do it with the fewest possible total resources? Screw all this with deducting incomes from outgoes etc. Just measure the amount of RU you rake in, and try to minimize that.
You can count 'found ships' in this income or not, whatever
« Last Edit: December 19, 2003, 12:08:11 am by Death_999 »
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
I think Deep Jiffa has the idea. Remember you can only erase the debt from "found ship RUs", not from spent melnorme credit or from spent RUs that are obtained from minerals, or battle salvage.
I suppose you could sell fwiffo and the earthling cruiser, go pick up some pkunk ships, sell them, go get arilou gifts, maybe umgah ships... But at some point, you _might_ have to buy fuel with something other than "found ship" RUs.
One thing I negelected to mention as a monetary system: crew... since that's technically barter and not expenditure, I'll allow it. So, the evil stingy Captain can refuel at the druuge with the crew he obtains from the gift ships...
« Last Edit: December 19, 2003, 01:23:44 am by Culture20 »
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
No, that's not the part he's talking about. If you start the revolution then hang out in the dominantly rebel area, you can ask for ships, and they will give you a few.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
And, Unlimited RU is worthless in this challenge. Even infinitely wealthy people can be misers.
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