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Topic: Just my thanks (story included)! (Read 3053 times)
A spathi Eluder
It was somewhere in the early 1990's when I was a kid and went to my friend's place to play some game his big brother had just bought. I remember flying in space with a slow moving space vessel. I was trying to kill my friend who had this bizarre fast ship with many green, blue and red round "modules" pointing at random directions. They were connected to a larger red module via gray tubes. He shot homing little purple missiles and I didn't have a chance killing him. I thought his ship was some kind of a super ship I was never going to beat. A vague memory about this appealing ship was imprinted in my memory. There was just someting amazing about that game when I think about it, something beautiful, yet I never even found out it's name.
Years went by and I didn't think about the game at all. It was probably one of the first games I ever played. A couple of times I had flashes about the fight and at some point I even saw a picture about it in a magazine and found out it was called Star Control. This was much later... I thought it was some old, crappy graphics game which probably would give me a headache if I seriously tried to obtain it. So I just let it stay in the vast void in my mind.
More years went by and just recently, maybe 3 weeks ago, I found out about a project called "Ur-Quan Masters".
"Too weird name: this is probably some crappy, boring, crashing old-game some freak-fans have revived to recreate their "golden days"... Like NetHack.", I said. Yet, I noticed some pictures and the flash of the fight game back. I read the review, noticed the game was highly appraised and decided to check it out. And o' boy what did I find! An amazing story, awesome music (really reminded me about just how important sounds in a game are) with fantastic alien races! Action that really got my blood pressure sky-high and simply marvellous dialogue (tiny SPOILER: it took me quite a long time to figure out that "We've got signals coming somewhere around Uranus... Definetly within this solar system" was actually a real clue instead of a joke! ). I got instantly hooked and I'm just about to start my third new game.
So... THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THIS WONDERFUL PORT! It has given me a massive amount of enjoyment and I expect it to give more. I know I should thank the makers of the original version, but I thought since you are the ones doing current work on your free time and keeping the game alive, you should get more credit than you have. This game is a real masterpiece and a timeless jewel that deserves a bigger title than just "old, bad graphic junk with crippled interface".
THANKS AGAIN and I hope you, the people responsible for this port, have the energy to improve your project (although in my eyes it is already near perfection)!
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
*sniff* *sniff* So heart-warming
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
Tilt, Void, and Mark Vera?
Zebranky food

Posts: 20

Pkunk Monk
I had a rather similar experience. I remember in my youth reading about this game, thinking all the races sounded 'nifty' and all that. Though little did I expect the game to be all that and more. I'd say for me, not that it's an important viewpoint but I'll share it anyway, it's the charm of the races. You always have a reason to like them. One doesn't even have to be purely Pkunk to see it either, I wouldn't imagine. Even the destructive Ur-Quan aren't all "Rrr. Bad guyz R Vee! Raa! Fear!" It was wholly refreshing. You'd fly around and wonder who the real threat really was. In the end, the most fun came from sitting around and talking to the races. The jovial charm presented, and the underlying warmth was pleasing to me. The game understood some basic truth about cammeraderie, even with races you'd just met ("Goodbye Slylandro gas-bags!", "Goodbye, human fluid sacks!"). And even with races that are your enemy, in almost all cases you could understand them, relate to them and even accept their reasoning.
The charm and the humour created a wholly wonderful experience and one that, speaking of character alone, I hadn't seen a worthy match to for years. I hope there will be some kind of ToysForBob sequal someday, wholeheartedly and vehemently so and such a thing has my support. I would love to see that charm and cammeraderie again, and the wonderfully tasteful humour wouldn't go amiss either. I could hug those developers. They're great.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2004, 07:43:30 am by Picowoof »
Posts: 917

Vlik Dweller
oops, guess I missed that
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