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Topic: Riddles..... (have any good ones?) (Read 12981 times)
Posts: 1059

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D_999's little puzzle has inspired me to make a thread about riddles. Then again, a good joke is also welcome, so if you have any good ones, do share!
(Hopefully, this thread won't be a flop as my last one was.... )
Well, I guess I had better start and I am going to start with two riddles:
Riddle #1!
A explorer was traveling in the deepest of africa and there he was caught by cannibals. Now, the cannibles (being weird of course) loved it when the prisoner decided his/her own fate. So they said to the explorer,
"You are going to be allowed to say one statement. If the statement that you make is true, you will be burned alive at stake. (Course, then the cannibals would miss out of a meal... ) If the statement you make is false, you will be boiled alive in a huge pot of water."
Yet the explorer was so smart he said a statement that let him go. What was it?
NOTE: The statement is a statement, not a question. Also, it is a definite statement if you know what I mean. Example, the statement would NOT be something like, "My favorite color is blue." as the cannibals would not know.
EDIT! - Do you Lukipela's umm.... different, but I guess valid answer, I am pointing out now that the explorer has no connections with anyone alive and has only one pair of clothes. No weapons, explosives, etc. (Thanks Luki )
Riddle #2!
Find a 4-letter word (not a swear! ) that, if you take away three letters, the remaining letter means the same thing the word did.
I am going to give you one of the solutions to give you an idea of what I mean. The four letter word is "zero" Take out "z" "e" "r" and you get o. O means zero. (As you can see, it symbolizes zero.)
Anyone know the answers or have other jokes/riddles?
« Last Edit: August 30, 2004, 08:43:36 pm by FalconMWC »
Posts: 1059

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That was not exactly the answer I was looking for, so I am going to be cheap and edit the post...
Posts: 1059

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Lets start with #1
"This statement is false."
Close, not quite though.
The answer to number one is "You will burn me at the stake." The cannibals don't know if he's telling the truth or lying, because he's judging his own fate. They didn't make room for that in their twisted plot, so they let him go.
The closest answer so far, but Rib-Dib pointed out where you were wrong.
The correct answer is:
"I will be boiled alive in a huge pot of water."
Why? Well, because if they to burn them alive at stake, that would make the statement false, so they boil him alive. That would make the statement true however, so they burn him, which would make the statement false, but boiling him would make the statement true, so....... (so on and so forth).
No one got really close to that one, so here is the answer....
"Five" is the correct answer, Take out "F" "i" "e" and you have V. V is the roman numeral for 5.
Now, how about some others?
How about:
#3: You are walking along a road in which you cannot go backwards. (or turn around)
Now, you want to head to this certain city. This city is called the city of truth. You are walking along and come to a split in the road, with a person right on the split. You know that one of the forks leads to the city of lies and the other to the city of truth. Now, you can ask the person one question and one question only. Now, here is the twist. The people from the city of truth can ONLY tell the truth. It is the oppisite for the city of lies. Come from there and you can only tell them. So, the question is, what question would you ask the man to go to the city of truth if you don't know which way he was from?
#4 (this is the easiest of all the riddes so far) There are three men that are walking alongside the back of a riverback and they want to cross. They find a boat, but the boat can only hold 200 pounds. Luckily for the men, there is a scale nearby to way themselves. They do and discover that two of the "men" (boys really ) weigh 100 pounds. The other man weighs 200 pounds. How do they get across if they can't swim or don't have any sort of thing but what is on their backs. (That right, Lukipela, no jump-jet boosters, subs, nor other boats. )
« Last Edit: August 31, 2004, 08:04:18 pm by FalconMWC »
Posts: 1059

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I know what you are talking about Necro, but there is only ONE person that you can ask. (there is another riddle that there is 2 people you can ask...)
« Last Edit: August 31, 2004, 08:35:00 pm by FalconMWC »
Zebranky food

Posts: 37

Oooh, riddles! This should be fun!
Answers: #3: "Which way to your house?" The truthteller will tell you the way to his home, the liar will tell you the way to the city of truth.
#4: Both 100 pounders cross in the boat, one returns and the other remains on the far bank. Then the 200 pounder crosses alone, then the 100 pounder on the far bank returns with the boat. Finally, both 100 pounders cross to finish the river crossing.
How about these riddles? The first is pretty simple, but the second is fairly tough!
#5: You have 9 coins, 8 weigh the same amount, but the 9th weighs slightly more. All appear the same, so visual examination yields no differences. You have a scale, but can only use it twice. How would you go about separating the heavier coin from the others?
#6: There are 100 prisoners held in prison. There are 99 regular cells, and 1 "special" cell. The regular cells are nondescript, and are exactly the same. The "special" cell, however, contains a light that can be switched on an off by the prisoner in it. Every day, the jailers randomly assign rooms to the prisoners. Aside from the light, there are no other means of possible communication between the prisoners (no Morse code, no writing on the walls, the light cannot be seen from other cells, etc.)
Now the jailers, having a sadistic streak, make a challenge. If a prisoner can tell the jailers, with certainty, exactly which day each prisoner has been to the "special" cell at least once, all the prisoners can all go free. The jailers give the prisoners an hour to formulate a plan, then cart them off to their cells.
After many days, the jailers are surprised when a prisoner correctly informs them that every prisoner has been in the "special" cell at least once. Shocked, the guards follow their word and release all the prisoners. How did the prisoners know when each of them had visited the "special" cell at least once?
EDIT- Hidey-ho for the answers...
« Last Edit: August 31, 2004, 09:55:06 pm by neo_b »
Posts: 1059

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O, I know both of these.... (neo_b - could you put the answers in blue so people don't read the answer by mistake?
I will say the 5#th one and post the #6th one later....
Saay.... Wasn't the second one said on cartalk? (radioshow)
Anyway, regarding coins:
You divide the coins in groups of three. Then you weigh two of them. If:
They are equal, then take the one you did not weigh, take two of those coins and wiegh them.
If: the coins are the same, well, then the coin that you did not weigh is the heavy one. If: The scale tips one way, there is your answer as well.
Now, on the otherhand, one of the orginal two you weighed is heavier than the other one, again, separate two coins, weigh them and if they are equal, then the one not weighed is faulty. If one is heavier, than you again have your answer....
« Last Edit: August 31, 2004, 09:47:19 pm by FalconMWC »
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