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Topic: Quit-key doesn't work (no.keyboard) (Read 2339 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

Should i use sourceforge bugtracker or this forum .. ?
Anyway, as the subject says: The quit-key (backtick, according to the docs ?!) doesn't work. I'm using Linux, on a Norwegian keyboard, and to get a backtick (in console), i have to hold shift, press backslash (which is to the immediate left of backspace), release them, and press space (pressing fx. e in stead makes an accented è). This apparently doesn't work in UQM. Any chance of moving the quit-char to some other (sane) key, or adding 'quit game' in a menu ?
Btw, i'm a SC2 newbie.. The manual tells me to ask Starbase Commander Hayes for info, but it says nothing about where he is (some starbase ?), or how to talk to him ?
I never read about any quit key.. course I didn't try looking very hard.. before I accidentally discovered it, I was just assuming it was overlooked, and apparently left out, so I was always ctrl+alt+del'ing it. ;P The easy way to quit is just to press ` the key right below the escape key. Lets you quit from anywhere in the game.
...But of course, I am not awake and didn't read your post properly. Your kb probably doesn't even have that key, and if it does, it's probably somewhere else.
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