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Topic: urquan wiki - SQL dump? (Read 2773 times)
Zebranky food
Posts: 6
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hey guys, Many wikimedia projects including wikipedia provide SQL dumps of their SQL databases, for offline browsing, as part of the GPL licence.. I couldn't find such dump for the ur-quan wiki, so I assume there isn't any.... I would REALLY like if you could do that - it's not that hard , and instructions are provided in the wikipedia site..
Hope to hear positive answers
Zebranky food
Posts: 6
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I would like to get ANY comments.... At least , the E-mail of the Wiki administrator..
I really don't want to download the site with crawling software such as HTTrack, since they put heavy load on the servers..
Zebranky food
Posts: 6
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Look pal, I didn't come to fight anyone (particularly not the admin), so I'll just ignore your irritating (and 100% false) remarks about my honesty, my knowledge , etc. I'll ask again, where can I download a SQL dump of the database, which is perfectly legal as part of the Creative Commons License (BTW - about the GPL remark - since I participate in Wikipedia for a considerable time, I just got used to the GPL, and since the Ur-Quan Wiki looks almost the same as wikipedia, I just hadn't notice it's CC and not GPL).
Have a nice day, GNU
Zebranky food
Posts: 6
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I don't see the point of arguing...I'll just wait for Meep-eep to do what he said he can, and probably leave the way I came after that.
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
Let me put it this way: you try to convince me to make an SQL dump for you based on arguments that do not make sense. As those cannot be the real reasons, your real reason must be something else. I call that deceptive.
- "for offline browsing": You really think Wikipedia offers their 35GB of data "for offline browsing"? I doubt it.
- "as part of the GPL license": You make it sound like there's some legal requirement to provide you with SQL dumps. There isn't.
- "many wikimedia projects": The reason that many others do something is supposed to be an argument for us to do it too? You want me to go running MS Windows too? Besides, I suspect many more wiki projects don't offer SQL dumps.
- The logs clearly show that the IP that was used to leech the site is the same as you have used in your first posting. It's a proxy, but the information that the proxy sent along shows that the address behind the proxy is the same too.
I have my doubts about the "GNU" you use as a handle here too. It suggests that you are in some way representing GNU. At first I thought that the real reason for asking for SQL dumps could be found here. Perhaps you would just want an SQL dump available out of some "information should be free" principle. Or perhaps you don't want to be dependant on us (if you're afraid we would suddenly drop of the face of the Earth). Now I think deception because of principle is particularly dubious, but I can understand such reasons. I would expect that someone from GNU would be more interested in trying to convince us that providing SQL dumps are a good thing (they'd probably call it "ethical"), instead of using "the end justifies the means" tactics. But what I would really expect of someone from GNU is to know the difference between the GPL and the GFDL (which is what Wikipedia really uses). So if you're not actually representing GNU, why would you use the handle? Is it supposed to give extra weight to your arguments?
Anyhow, I've put up an SQL dump made earlier today on
Now that you've got your dump, and I can't take that back, I'm rather curious to know what you are planning to do with it, if you care to tell me.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Zebranky food
Posts: 6
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
First of all, sorry for the late response, I have been busy lately. Second of all, thanks for the dump. And here are answers to your questions -
1) Wikipedia DOES provide SQL dumps, and yes- although it's more than 20 GB - look in
2) Never said it's illegal to not provide the SQL dumps. I already mentioned that I was confused, and I know that Ur-Quan wiki is CC-Licensced. I did say that there's nothing illegal in providing the SQL dumps, though. Still, It's a choice of the admin, not obligation.
3) I mentioned other wiki project as an example only. Never said you must do anything because others do it. Don't turn my words into something they're not.
4) In fact, I'm representing only myself. Richard Stallman (The co-founder of GNU) has no connection to me or to what I do. GNU is only my nickname.
5) I wanted the SQL for me only, for curiosity and fun (I want to run my own private wiki server. don't worry - it'll be offline). Since Ur-Quan is a mid-size wiki project, and since I'm a big fan of this game, I thought it is a good option for first try (and I could use the wiki whenever I play, and don't have live internet connection).
Finally , I didn't came to argue, so I really don't understand your negative reaction to me. BTW, if anything I did violeted your robots.txt rules, let me know.
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
I don't dispute the statement that they provide SQL dumps. Just that they do it for offline browsing. As you're bound to notice, it will be hard to use dumps like this for offline browsing. (See below.)
2) Never said it's illegal to not provide the SQL dumps. I already mentioned that I was confused, and I know that Ur-Quan wiki is CC-Licensced. I did say that there's nothing illegal in providing the SQL dumps, though. Still, It's a choice of the admin, not obligation. How am I to take "provide SQL dumps [...] as part of the GPL license" then?
5) I wanted the SQL for me only, for curiosity and fun (I want to run my own private wiki server. don't worry - it'll be offline). Since Ur-Quan is a mid-size wiki project, and since I'm a big fan of this game, I thought it is a good option for first try (and I could use the wiki whenever I play, and don't have live internet connection). It's not going to be that easy. You've only got the tables relating to the actual textual content of the Ultronomicon. If you want, I can also give you some other tables (which for humans would generally not be very interesting), but I'm not going to provide the tables that contain user-specific data. And I don't know to what degree the MediaWiki software will work without those, without preprocessing.
Finally, I didn't came to argue, so I really don't understand your negative reaction to me. BTW, if anything I did violeted your robots.txt rules, let me know. My negative reaction stems from the dubious wording of your initial posting (I'm not alone in this btw). Perhaps it's just due to careless formulation, but to me it just reads like a salesman on commission trying to sell me something. You haven't violated any robots.txt; just etiquette.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
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