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Topic: Yay, I won (Read 5670 times)
So i finally finished the game, but have a couple of questions:
1. Are the any hints within the game about the locations of the shattered worlds? I found the mycon egg case by dumb luck - not by intuitive problem solving. It was only after the game finshed and i looked at a SC1 map that I noticed Syra was at beta copernicus (i think). Are there any hints about Syras location in the game? If i had this info, i would have had no problems finding an egg case. This was my biggest annoyance in the game - certain things required random searching to find.
2. Why do the arlilou need a warp pod from a dreadnought to make the quasispace device? My assumption was that they can modify a warp pod to function as a quasispace device, but obviosly need a really powerful one (such as what a dreadnought would carry).
3. Whats the deal with the Orz? I didnt really understand them. They only thing that they give away (that i found) was that they reveal the location of the Taalo mind sheild (but i got this info from the melnorme ages earlier). Do they do anything else? having them allied and getting the nemesis ships is about all i could find.
4. Is there anyway to release the slave shield from the syreen homeworld? Talana says that this is her next goal - is there some way to do it? Obviously once the sa-matra is destroyed it can be done, but is there someway in the game earlier than that to do it?
5. Whats the deal with the 6 crew that get headaches? I assume the arilou do something, and this is just flavor material, but does it occur after some goal is reached?
6. Why is the Umgah caster on the spathi moon? And is there any difference between the two casters?
7. I missed it in the game, but where is the clue that reveals about the mycons having a sun device? I think tanaka says something about it. Could someone please enlighten me about what he says?
8. How can you get the rosy sphere without trading crew? This seems like an evil thing to have to do to complete the game. I noticed that they were willing to trade the portal spawner for drudge ships and crew, but what about the sphere? This was one area of the game i wish i spent more time exploring - i kinda missed all the druudge features, as once i got THE BOMB they hated me.
9. If the pkunk go to yehat space before you get the yehat to rebel, are they exterminated?
All in all this was a brilliant game - I liked the non linear plot, and how certain things could be solved in certain ways (such as getting the aqua helix, buy getting the thraddash to attack the ur-quan OR getting them to be allies)
My only gripe was that there required an anoyingly large amount of random searching to find things. Such as the egg pods, the location of the certain homeworlds, the androsynth ruins etc. Certain things i found by dumb luck (such as the slave shielded syreens), but later found there were hints in the game about their location. Somethings however, had no clues at all.
Zebranky food

Posts: 27

The Cats of Now and Forever
1. If there are any hints, I haven't found any.
2. Seems like other of those questions whose answers can be invented. The answer you included in the question is as good as any other.
3. One of the questions that the game doesn't answer. You can look at this article of the wiki of the game:, or go to the Androsynth homeworld (Eta Vulpeculae II).
4. No, although the Chmmr are supposed to remove all the shields after you win the game. By the way, is the Syreen's the slave shield that you want most to remove? Probably you haven't found the human colony of Unzervalt, where the Captain was born. ***Spoiler alert*** Unzervalt, aka Vela I. ***End of spoiler***
5. I think that it's impossible to do anything about that.
6. The Umgah caster was placed in the Spathi moon by the Umgah to scare the Spathi. And the other caster was placed in the Burvixese moon by the Druuge. The Melnorme can tell you the story (obviously, for a fee). The only difference between the Casters is their history.
7. If you go to the planet where the device is placed, they will tell you something about a Pod that opens and gives them heat and light.
8. Yes, it's evil. Maybe there is a way to avoid doing this, but I haven't found it.
9. Yes.
One last comment. You have won the game, but there's a lot of fun remaining. For example, you should try playing with the objective to make all the races your enemies. The game will be much more difficult, but you'll find lots of amusing dialogues. Bye!
« Last Edit: November 19, 2005, 04:16:23 pm by Vela »
Lord 666
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
1. Not really
2. Maybe the standard drive isn't powerful enough, so they needed a bigger one
3. Well, it is speculated that the Orz *ate* the Androsynth, more of their nature was revealed in SC3
4. No
5. Because they have psychic abilities they react to the Taalo shield?
6. The Difference is that you can sell the Burvix caster to the Druuge.
7. Don't remember, I guess I need to listen to the conversations more
8. I think You can trade the Burvix caster or Mycon egg(s) instead, since you don't really need Burvix caster if you have the Umgah one and don't need the eggs after you've brought them to Talana.
9. I think yes, but I've always gotten Yehat to rebel before they go there.
1. In the PC game, the Syreen would tell you where their homeworld is. Of course, this would lead you to one of the shattered egg cases. Unfortunately this is some of the dialog that got removed between the PC SC2 and the 3DO version (which is what UQM is).
2. Like the dialog says, they don't have any capability, power-wise to handle a ship as big as yours is. So they need the alien technology to be able to outfit your ship with the portal spawner.
3. The story of how the Androsynth disappeared is an interesting one, along with what the Arilou think of them.
4. No.
5. It's reaction to the psychic energy or whatever you call it from either the Talking Pet or the Taalo shield.
6. The Spathi got it from the Umgah. Assumedly it has something to do with the "Grand Master Planet Eaters" or some such thing. Functionally, the two casters are identical, though you can sell the Druuge caster back to them.
7. The Mycon will make vague reference to it when you hit the planet. The Shofixti and the Yehat can both tell you about it too.
8. If you offer up items for trade, they will suggest the trade for the sphere instead of whatever it is. You can trade the spawner, the caster, or any one of the three Mycon shattered egg cases in the game. In fact, Talana doesn't take the egg shell you show her from you, so you can sell it to the Druuge for the sphere. What else is worth doing with the Druuge? You can usually get more of those egg cases to trade if you want their ships. Then with the caster (and this is worth doing at least once), show up there with your ship almost drained of fuel and filled with nothing but hi-eff fuel tanks, then trade the caster for "all the fuel your ship can hold"'s a fun play for RU because of the dialogue that comes up. Called "the Druuge fuel trick" on here.
9. Yes and no. I don't know how the UQM game works, but with the PC one you could do it anytime and get the Pkunk to smooth things over in the end.
My only gripe was that there required an anoyingly large amount of random searching to find things. Such as the egg pods, the location of the certain homeworlds, the androsynth ruins etc. Certain things i found by dumb luck (such as the slave shielded syreens), but later found there were hints in the game about their location. Somethings however, had no clues at all.
Usually a lot of the things in the game are simple easter eggs. If you happen upon them, fine, but if you don't happen upon them you don't need to know them to complete the game. Like the Yehat or VUX homeworlds for example. But like I eluded to above, they removed certain parts of dialogue that were important when they ported the game from PC to 3DO. The two worst examples are the Syreen homeworld, and the Mycon homeworld (the Mycon tell you that when you first talk to them in the PC version).
Frungy champion
Posts: 63
1. Are the any hints within the game about the locations of the shattered worlds? I found the mycon egg case by dumb luck - not by intuitive problem solving. It was only after the game finshed and i looked at a SC1 map that I noticed Syra was at beta copernicus (i think). Are there any hints about Syras location in the game? If i had this info, i would have had no problems finding an egg case. This was my biggest annoyance in the game - certain things required random searching to find. If you have purchased the original game it came with a 4ft by 5ft full map of the galaxy (also provided if you bought the SC3 version which came with SC1 and SC2), a star chart created by your precoursor vessel, which contained markings indicating star system which contain unusual energy signatures. Those reveal MOST systems of importance. Also.... First time I played through I did not use the map... but you will notice all three egg fragments are within a very small area in the center of mycon space. Furthermore. you only need ONE egg fragment (and the location of one IS given by the syreen). To show the syreen and then trade for the rosy sphere, a second egg fragment could be traded for a druuge ship (or you can trade both for druuge ships and buy the sphere with crew), and thats it, they refuse to buy the thirds one. (so if you already traded two to the druuge, you can always find the third one and show the syreen...) -Actually, there are three clues, and several plot info tidbits that require you to plot on the map. You really only need a regular ruler to do that, but its definatly fun. Many of the clues are not like in other games where you have to get in game info for everything, but actual info you can use to solve a problem in one of many ways.
2. Why do the arlilou need a warp pod from a dreadnought to make the quasispace device? My assumption was that they can modify a warp pod to function as a quasispace device, but obviosly need a really powerful one (such as what a dreadnought would carry). The arilou never bothered developing really large warp pods, they always prefered smaller ships and focused on interdimensional travel. Perhaps they did have the tech to make really large pods, but they will have to first construct a factory capable of produce such huge cores and then manufacture one... too time consuming.
3.Whats the deal with the Orz? I didnt really understand them. They only thing that they give away (that i found) was that they reveal the location of the Taalo mind sheild (but i got this info from the melnorme ages earlier). Do they do anything else? having them allied and getting the nemesis ships is about all i could find. The orz are from another dimension. The arilou explain they modified humans to make them invisible to creatures like the orz. But that merely understanding their nature undoes it and renders you visable, and very much endangered. If you explored certain derilict worlds you would notice some of your crew who found out what the androsynth found out and were attacked by unseen incorperal intradimensional beings. In SC3 the orz are explained further, but basically they are all extensions of a malicious interdimensional evil being. Also, they speak in code. for example, dance = fight. If you go through the entire dialogues involving orz in both games you eventually receive some understanding of it. Keep in mind that the goal of the game is not to "resolve" everything... you CANNOT resolve the issue with the orz, they are far more dangerous, malicious, and misunderstood then the ur quan or most evil guys in SC3. They will make a good ultimate doom for SC4 if its ever made.
4. Is there anyway to release the slave shield from the syreen homeworld? Talana says that this is her next goal - is there some way to do it? Obviously once the sa-matra is destroyed it can be done, but is there someway in the game earlier than that to do it? All slave shields are removed after you win the game. Only one can be removed during the game, and thats the one over the chmmr homeworlds, which is removed when you activate the sun device, focing them to merge faster, but in an incomplete manner (I wonder how powerful they would have been had the process worked properly)
5. Whats the deal with the 6 crew that get headaches? I assume the arilou do something, and this is just flavor material, but does it occur after some goal is reached? The taloo device is a psi-inhibeter. All those six crew members are suffering headaches since they posses weak ESP powers, and are thus targeted by the taloo device (which is a scrambler of sorts). The device is improperly installed though, and fails to completely protect you from the dynyarri.
6. Why is the Umgah caster on the spathi moon? And is there any difference between the two casters? The game depends on you aquiring a caster (well, plotwise, otherwise you cant know that the chmmr need a sun device), there are two casters to make it less likely that you will be stuck unable to find a caster, there are plenty of clues for BOTH casters, and one can be sold to the druuge.
7. I missed it in the game, but where is the clue that reveals about the mycons having a sun device? I think tanaka says something about it. Could someone please enlighten me about what he says? I think the mycon mention it, but if its like anything else in the game then there are at least 3 or 4 clues to it. Probably the melnorm mention it too. Aswell as the syreen.
8. How can you get the rosy sphere without trading crew? This seems like an evil thing to have to do to complete the game. I noticed that they were willing to trade the portal spawner for drudge ships and crew, but what about the sphere? This was one area of the game i wish i spent more time exploring - i kinda missed all the druudge features, as once i got THE BOMB they hated me. Don't trade any crew. When you try to sell them an item, they will first try to unload the rosy sphere on you. A mycon shell or one of the hyperwave casters will do fine for that. Don't bother buying the other items, they are useless junk.
9. If the pkunk go to yehat space before you get the yehat to rebel, are they exterminated? Correct, you can stop them twice though by telling them the ooga board says no, or something about planetary alignment, just as long as you dont try to reason with them.
My only gripe was that there required an anoyingly large amount of random searching to find things. Such as the egg pods, the location of the certain homeworlds, the androsynth ruins etc. Certain things i found by dumb luck (such as the slave shielded syreens), but later found there were hints in the game about their location. Somethings however, had no clues at all.
There were at least 3 clues for every single thing of import, and there are very few ways to ruin the game. You can also aquire most things in several different ways. From direct fighting, to deception, to trade, to tricking another race into killing the first. The melnorme can be found by accident, by being told about them by the drooge, or by using a hyperwave caster in hyperspace (which when you do item analysis on a hyperwave caster they mention things will come if you using it in hyperspace). The melnorme can sell you information about alien speicies, history, etc... and they give a clue for everything in the game (in addition to your normal clue which are aquired from various species.)
« Last Edit: November 20, 2005, 07:37:30 am by taltamir »
Frungy champion
Posts: 63
Clarification: the original PC version came with the colour map that lacked these extra markings (it showed information available to Star Control when the expedition to Vela left) and most later versions with the Deluxe map (which is full of spoilers and was originally supplied with the hint book). Yea, that deluxe map is kinda spoilerish
In the PC dialogue, the Syreen tell you where their home planet, Syra, was (Beta Copernicus, I think). In the 3DO version and UQM they don't. Well, UQM IS open source... why not just add that specific clue back in? I am sure it was an accident that it was omitted in the first place.
If the pkunk go to yehat space before you get the yehat to rebel, are they exterminated? Nope. Just make sure the Yehat revolution happens, and they'll be back. They ARE exterminated. However, if th revolution has at least started, then a survivor of the pkunk will be chosen as the new queen. If they are NOT exterminated, then a pkunk will be chosen as a queen anyways, it just wouldn't be a survivor. Keep in mind that the yehet and the pkunk are the same race, just a different culture. like say, comparing an irishman to a scotsman.
Well, UQM IS open source... why not just add that specific clue back in? I am sure it was an accident that it was omitted in the first place.
This has been a frequent topic of discussion. While the words can be added back in, what do you do with the recorded voice dialog? Exactly.
Frungy champion
Posts: 63
You mean to tell me that those shitty voice acting and recording quality (low quality microphones, I can tell) were mede by a professional company? I always thought the voice acting was added by the open source community... What a disgrace.
Looking at the 3DO credits, it seems that most of the voice acting for 3DO SC2 was done by the development team and their friends/relatives. I strongly doubt these people were professional voice actors. The low sound quality may also be partly due to the crude sound compression used on the 3DO voices. UQM makes matters slightly worse by recompressing the sound in another lossy format (Vorbis), but the savings in space are IMHO worth the minor additional quality loss. I was mainly refering to things like "echoing" "microphone bump" and "hearing the person breath between words". Which are caused by low quality recording equipment / actors holding the mic an inch or less from their mouth / lack of quality control (sometimes there is a mic problem and if you catch it you should rerecord that sentance). Quality microphones can properly record the sound from a foot away, where you dont have most of those issues.
But yea, there is also the intonation problem (sentances were obviously not rehersed/memorised), those were DEFINATELY not professional voice actors. Is there a way to disable the voices in UQM and have it as text only? Also, is there a side project for remaking the voice overs?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
The Pkunk survive. Period.
If you do not start the revolution, you do not verify that this is the case in-game, but they do survive.
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