Requesting hints 101: Specify which game it is you want help with. Keep in mind, this is a UQM/SC2 board, so that's what we'll assuem you're having trouble with. Ifso, you don't actually need to speak with a Deep Child, only find out what it is.
On the off chance that you are talking about SC3 (since you've plastered help posts about that game all over the forum), I have no clue. As I recall, it's enough to just show up insystem, but it's been a very logn time since I've played it. Perhaps someone else can help you, or you could turn to the Star Conttrol Discussion Board over at, which has a help section for all three games.
Requesting hints 101: Specify which game it is you want help with. Keep in mind, this is a UQM/SC2 board, so that's what we'll assuem you're having trouble with. Ifso, you don't actually need to speak with a Deep Child, only find out what it is.
On the off chance that you are talking about SC3 (since you've plastered help posts about that game all over the forum), I have no clue. As I recall, it's enough to just show up insystem, but it's been a very logn time since I've played it. Perhaps someone else can help you, or you could turn to the Star Conttrol Discussion Board over at, which has a help section for all three games.
Hey! I was going to write that! I nominate Lukipela as my successor should I suddenly disappear from this board.