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Topic: 0.6 crashes (Read 9059 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
After going through all setup-screens in 0.6 (and not making any changes) the game crashes when returning to main menu. After that, the game won't start up anymore, saying that I should repair my keys.cfg to continue.
Help, anyone?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
For testing purposes I tried to reinstall the game. This time it didn't start up at all, just gave the same error message when I tried to run it for the first time. An stderr.txt was created in the game directory. The contents were as follows:
The Ur-Quan Masters v0.6.0 (compiled Dec 18 2006 13:29:21) This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see the included 'COPYING' file.
Netplay protocol version 0.3. Requiring remote UQM version 0.5.4. Initializing base SDL functionality. Using SDL version 1.2.12 (compiled with 1.2. Using config dir 'C:/Documents and Settings/Tommi Salminen/Application Data/uqm/' Using 'C:/Games/The Ur-Quan Masters/content' as base content dir. 1 available addon pack. 1. remix Saved games are kept in C:/Documents and Settings/Tommi Salminen/Application Data/uqm/save/. Initializing SDL with OpenGL support. SDL driver used: windib SDL initialized. Initializing Screen. Set the resolution to: 1024x768x32 (surface reports 1024x768x32) OpenGL renderer: RADEON X850 XT x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE2 version: 2.0.5696 WinXP Release Screen scalers are using SSE/MMX-Ext/MMX code 1 joysticks were found. The names of the joysticks are: Logitech Freedom 2.4 USB VControl: Expected 'key' or 'joystick' on config file line 78 VControl opened joystick: Logitech Freedom 2.4 USB 4 axes, 10 buttons, 1 hats. 1 errors encountered in key configuration file.
Repair your keys.cfg file to continue.
Apparently there is a problem with my joystick? The key configuration file is as follows:
version 4 Menu-Backspace: key Backspace Menu-Next: key Tab Menu-Select: key Return Pause: key Pause Menu-Edit-Cancel: key Escape Template-1-Escape: key Escape Template-2-Escape: key Escape Template-3-Escape: key Escape Template-4-Escape: key Escape Template-5-Escape: key Escape Template-6-Escape: key Escape Menu-Cancel: key Space Menu-Search: key / Template-3-Special: key [ Template-3-Weapon: key ] Template-2-Left: key a Template-4-Special: key a Template-2-Special: key b Template-2-Right: key d Template-4-Down: key d Template-4-Up: key e Template-4-Right: key f Template-4-Weapon: key q Template-2-Down: key s Template-4-Left: key s Template-2-Weapon: key v Template-2-Up: key w Menu-Delete: key Delete Menu-Cancel: key Keypad-0 Template-1-Special: key Keypad-0 Menu-End: key Keypad-1 Menu-Down: key Keypad-2 Template-1-Down: key Keypad-2 Template-3-Down: key Keypad-2 Menu-Page-Down: key Keypad-3 Menu-Left: key Keypad-4 Template-1-Left: key Keypad-4 Template-3-Left: key Keypad-4 Menu-Right: key Keypad-6 Template-1-Right: key Keypad-6 Template-3-Right: key Keypad-6 Menu-Home: key Keypad-7 Menu-Up: key Keypad-8 Template-1-Up: key Keypad-8 Template-3-Up: key Keypad-8 Menu-Page-Up: key Keypad-9 Menu-Delete: key Keypad-. Menu-Zoom-Out: key Keypad-- Menu-Zoom-In: key Keypad-+ Menu-Select: key Keypad-Enter Template-1-Weapon: key Keypad-Enter Menu-Up: key Up Template-1-Up: key Up Template-3-Up: key Up Menu-Down: key Down Template-1-Down: key Down Template-3-Down: key Down Menu-Right: key Right Template-1-Right: key Right Template-3-Right: key Right Menu-Left: key Left Template-1-Left: key Left Template-3-Left: key Left Menu-Home: key Home Menu-End: key End Menu-Page-Up: key PageUp Menu-Zoom-In: key PageUp Menu-Page-Down: key PageDown Menu-Zoom-Out: key PageDown Pause: key F1 Exit: key F10 Menu-Cancel: key RightShift Template-1-Special: key RightShift Menu-Select: key RightControl Template-1-Weapon: key RightControl joystick 0 threshold 10000 Menu-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative Template-5-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative Menu-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive Template-5-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive Menu-Up: joystick 0 axis 1 negative Template-5-Up: joystick 0 axis 1 negative Menu-Down: joystick 0 axis 1 positive Template-5-Down: joystick 0 axis 1 positive Menu-Cancel: joystick 0 button 0 Template-5-Weapon: joystick 0 button 0 Menu-Select: joystick 0 button 0 Menu-Select: joystick 0 button 1 Template-5-Special: joystick 0 button 1 Menu-Cancel: joystick 0 button 1 Menu-Page-Up: joystick 0 button 4 Menu-Page-Down: joystick 0 button 5 Menu-Zoom-In: joystick 0 button 6 Menu-Zoom-Out: joystick 0 button 7 Menu-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left Template-5-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left Menu-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right Template-5-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right Menu-Up: joystick 0 hat 0 up Template-5-Up: joystick 0 hat 0 up Menu-Down: joystick 0 hat 0 down Template-5-Down: joystick 0 hat 0 down
How should I proceed?
« Last Edit: December 19, 2006, 04:49:26 pm by Tiberian »
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Your configuration file works fine under Linux and the first time around on Windows, then causes UQM to crash on startup as you described (when I enter the control configuration, at least).
Looks suspiciously like a bug in uio; UQM fails to read the config file on Windows if a new line starts right at the beginning of a 2K block. Work-around: change one of the keys in the beginning of the file (e.g. escape for template 6) to a key with a shorter name (e.g. Tab instead of Escape).
I think I may have to reopen bug #912.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2006, 06:41:12 pm by Novus »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
Alright, I changed the Template-6 key to Tab and at least I got to see the main menu. Then I entered setup again and when I came back to main menu, it crashed again. But at least now it starts up.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
Forgot to say, that my CPU runs at 100% all the time now
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

I can't duplicate the setup crash at all on my XP machine -- however, I also note that my XP machine doesn't have a joystick. If you unplug the USB joystick, does it become more stable? That may function as a workaround, at least.
For the main menu lockup, could you fire up your Keyboard Tester and see which underlying driver SDL is using? It might be a WinDIB vs. DirectX issue.
Michael Martin
Core Team
*Smell* controller
Posts: 387

Hum. I managed to scare up a PS2->USB converter and thus try it with a joystick, and it's not crashing there either. Another possible stab in the dark: You don't still have old content updates from CVS snapshots floating around, do you?
Also, on this Athlon 2800+ XP I'm looking at about 25% CPU usage from the main menu.
Also, all early adopters should do an MD5 sum check on their installers using a utility such as -- we had a showstopper bug report after an upload of the installer but before release, and the patched version may not have reached all mirrors yet.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
I can duplicate this problem using Tiberian's key configuration on a machine with XP and 1 joystick (2-axis, 2-button). Even though the configuration file looks OK as text, UQM crashes when trying to save the key configuration and generates a file that contains a null instead of a space at offset 0x802 (i.e. there's an otherwise valid line that goes "Menu-Left:<nul>joystick 0 axis 0 negative"). Interestingly, Notepad seems to convert the null to a space, which fixes the file. I'm trying to pinpoint the problem, but gdb on MinGW seems to be having trouble generating backtraces for me.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
I'd prefer a solution where I don't have to unplug the joystick, because I use it a lot.
I can play the game though as long as I don't enter setup.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Thank you, Tiberian; I've tracked your problem down. The underlying uio bug has been reported as bug 940. I suggest we continue this discussion in Bugzilla.
Frungy champion
Posts: 51
So this bug is present even in the 'fixed' 0.6.0 release and you have to download a snapshot from the development tree to get this fixed?
Oops... the snapshots are not compiling. The last four entries say 'compilation failed' -- did someone forget to change something when the version incremented to 0.6.0?
« Last Edit: December 23, 2006, 05:29:04 am by Yuptar »
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