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Topic: CHMMR CHALICE - June SuperMelee Knockout Tournament (Read 3698 times)
Posts: 701

Okay, its time for another one of these - the June version (not to be confused with the May version which was also held in June).
This is the Chmmr Chalice! A trophy more than worthy of the race it is named after
Date: 23 June 2007 Time: Saturday from 4pm EDT Place: #uqm-arena at irc://
Be here for this fifth ever online Star Control Super-melee knockout tournament!
Time where you live Sun 6 am Sydney Sun 8 am Kawakawa Sat 1 pm Los Angeles Sat 4 pm New York Sat 9 pm London Sat 10 pm Paris Sat 11 pm Helsinki
Tournament structure Basic Knockout tournament (just like the tennis). Seedings based partly order of entry but mostly on your NetPlay tournament record.
Provisional Schedule (all EST) 16.00 Check-in/Register 16.20 Cut-off for entry 16.30 Round of 16 begins 17.15 Quarterfinals 18.00 Semifinals 18.45 Final – Chmmr Chalice
Following weekend can be employed if required
Game rules 1) Maximum 200 pts per fleet 2) Maximum one of each ship type per fleet (no duplicates) 3) Maximum 40 minutes per melee - Timed out games result in both players losing and exiting the tournament (an effort to nullify boring stalemates) 4) You must have your team set up before melee - this prevents you adjusting your line-up to counter your opponent’s team! 5) Thraddash ARE allowed 6) Organiser’s decision is final on all matters and can override rules 1 through 5.
It is not a rule, but you are highly encouraged to capture your melee with VidShot or similar application. This may help you in case of dispute. Otherwise you risk the tournament administrator making an arbitrary decision with the sole purpose of getting on with it.
Everyone in the universe should enter. The tournament will be structured in such a way to give newer players easier games early on.
I hope to see you there! Nice people who don't complain/make excuses when they lose are especially encouraged. Remember, this is about funness. New people are especially encouraged - even if you don't know the pointy end of a Druuge from the butt end.
Posts: 701

I don't imagine you will, you don't normally do you? Good if you can make it anyway.
You should kick EP and Tiberian out, then let the tournament winner play a bonus match against one of them. That's much nicer for newbies (if we can get any).
Posts: 701

Quite possibly, I can check it out when I next get to my computer.
Either way more the merrier. I intend to promote 'seeded' players to upper stages, so newer players will be sheltered from them early on. It's likely that Tiberian and Elvish (should they enter) would go straight through to the semifinals, with everyone else contesting that other two spots. This is effectively the same as your proposal Shiver, except Tib and EP still get the right to contest the silverware. I would have done that last time but we ony had four entrants anyway! This time I'm hoping for 32 
EP and Tib both have win ratios of around 80% so they have earned top seedings. But let's not forget that the likes of Elerium and AngusThermopyle might have something to say if we give them too easy a ride.
All you new people, don't be put off by all this talk of intimidating melee superstars, the more that enter, the more fun it will be for everyone.
Posts: 701

Yes I'm reminding you all to come to this tournament on Saturday. It will be awesome. I have it on good advice that both George Clooney and the Pope will be there.
Seeya then then!
Posts: 701

Whew! Congratulations Elvish_Pillager who beat Shiver by 30 in the final. A close one.
See below for my immaculately presented KO tree
Elvish_Pillager | |------------Elvish_Pillager Meep-Eep | | |----------------Meep-Eep | Gaeamil | |--------Elvish_Pillager BurvixeseWarrior | |-----------------Shiver | Shiver | | |-------------Shiver Tomsik | |---------------Cedric6014 Cedric6014
See you all for the next one in July. Keep your eyes peeled for the next League, to commence 7 July!
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 03:30:41 am by Cedric6014 »
Posts: 701

In war, death is the greatest glory you can achieve. Come next time and experience the blood lust! HAHAHAHAAAA
A bit of SuperMelee trivia: After recent success with Kohr-Ah Cup and Chmmr Chalice, Elvish_Pillager has now displaced Tiberian as UQM's most successful combatant.
Top 4: Elvish_Pillager 81.0% (17-4) Tiberian 77.3 % (17-5) AngusThermopyle 70.0 % (7-3) Cedric6014 54.5% (12-10)
Titles Elvish_Pillager 3 (2 league, 1 KO) Tiberian 3 (3 KO) Cedric6014 1 (1 KO)
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 12:10:38 pm by Cedric6014 »
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