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Author Topic: The Orz voice  (Read 8447 times)

The Orz voice
« on: June 20, 2007, 05:50:58 pm »

Ha ha... yes, I've noticed that almost everybody has an obsession that the Orz voice is bad, similar to my own (and justified) obsession about the Utwig voice.
Well, what don't you like at the Orz voice?! Weird and wacky, just as the Orz. Orz, even if they are part of "Them", are not the classic mysterious and evil aliens.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2007, 06:56:43 pm by Valaggar the Wackrazy One » Logged
Zebranky food
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Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2007, 06:12:26 pm »

I like the Orz voice, myself. In the kind of crazy disembodied telephone operator voices, it suits them because they're obviously not from this universe. Their terms and such only help to confuse.

The Utwig voice, however, does make me quite *frumple*. I have tried *squeezing* the *juice*, but it does not even helping. Sad

EDIT: really, for the Utwig I just turn the volume down. I do agree the whininess was overdone.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2007, 10:33:51 pm by Sheridan » Logged
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Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2007, 08:41:30 pm »

I don't have a problem with any of the voices, personally.
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Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2007, 01:06:22 am »

I don't have a problem with any of the voices, personally.
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Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2007, 07:32:12 am »

I don't like the Slylandro much. It's just... dull.

The completely broken intonation for the Orz makes them awesome. As does that weird echo effect.
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Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2007, 11:34:35 pm »

the Slylandro speaker sounds pretty much normal.  Which contrasts their very abnormal nature, being sentient gaseous creatures.  He sounds like an everyday guy.

It's perfect.

Not everyone in the universe can have an awe-inspiring impressive voice. 
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Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2007, 04:18:41 am »

Hmm, well my thought is that the Orz voice matches the music perfectly. Of course, the music was created before the voice, so that was probably intentional.  Star Control II doens't even show us for sure that they even are villains. Just the *fishy* stuff with the Androsynth and then what the Arilou tell us... but the Arilou are shrouded in just as much mystery, so can we really know to trust them either? Anyhow, my point is, tehy don't need to sound evil. The only voice I don't like is the Dynnari. he doesn't realyl sound like the talking pets enough. They genetically altered their brains, not their vocal pitch. jsut my thoughts.
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Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2007, 08:17:32 am »

I like the Orz voice. 

I've noticed that almost everybody has an obsession that the Orz voice is bad
Link plz!

Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2007, 11:52:49 am »

Search here for "The Orz were a bad voice" and here for "Orz voice".

Also try this post by KanmuX.

Shiver also preferred the SCNot3 Orz voice - yes, that horrible voice.

Even TiLT (Espen Gätzschmann from the PRECURSORS) hates the Orz voice: look here.

And ChampionHyena has heard a lot of complaints: look here.

evktalo doesn't like it either.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2007, 11:59:23 am by Valaggar » Logged
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Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2007, 04:15:04 pm »

Also try this post by KanmuX.

He does not say anywhere in that post that he Orz voice is bad.  He simply suggests a way that he thinks the Orz voice might sound neat if redone.  Also a few posts back he implies that the Orz voice is not one of his favorite but he very plainly says that it's not the worst voice.  So nothing there.

Shiver also preferred the SCNot3 Orz voice - yes, that horrible voice.

Shiver actually considers the SC3 Orz voice to be very well done.  Don't confuse your opinion with his.  I prefer the Wii over the Xbox 360, but that doesn't mean I don't like the Xbox 360.  I like both, I just like the Wii more.

And ChampionHyena has heard a lot of complaints: look here.

Since you don't give a URL here I'm assuming that this is hearsay.


He's not showing any sort of disgust for it, he just has some criticisms.

No real "obsession" here at all, even for the ones that do say they dislike it.
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Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2007, 05:50:09 pm »

You're under the impression that Valaggar is speaking English. But in Valaggaria, they speak Valaggarese. "almost everybody has an obsession that the Orz voice is bad" translates to English as "a few people have remarked when the subject came up that the Orz voice could have been better".

Valaggaria n.
Imaginary place where every first theory which on first glance seems to match an inhabitant's world-view, is true. Population: 1. Currently at war with the distant realm of reality. Official language: Valaggarese.

Valaggarese n.
Official language of Valaggaria. Similar in syntax to English, but with less rules semantically; in fact, anything goes. Not yet a dead language, though we keep trying.


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Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2007, 05:56:50 pm »

I'm under the impression that Valaggar is just  really really obsessed with voices. I'm glad he's never heard mine.

EDIT: Also, to contribute I suspect I agree with Shiver. I think the SC3 voice is much better, but I don't dislike the SC2 voice. Of course, this may be because I actually heard the SC3 voice first.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2007, 06:09:53 pm by Lukipela » Logged

What's up doc?

Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2007, 06:58:10 pm »

OK, OK, OK. I just was under the impression that many people dislike the Orz voice... maybe because that's what they are always criticizing when I begin ranting about the Utwig voice...

And ChampionHyena has heard a lot of complaints: look here.

Since you don't give a URL here I'm assuming that this is hearsay.
Not true. Here's the correct URL, rais afsojap afspo a.

Quote from: meep-eep
Valaggaria n.
Imaginary place where every first theory which on first glance seems to match an inhabitant's world-view, is true. Population: 1. Currently at war with the distant realm of reality. Official language: Valaggarese.
WHAT?!! "Imaginary place"?! I can assure you that this place is VERY real! More real than reality, because I say so!

By the way, meep, you seem to be fit for an invitation to Valaggaria. Do you want just a temporary valapermission, or a lifelong galvennimmigratiocard?

Quote from: Lukipela
I'm under the impression that Valaggar is just  really really obsessed with voices.
You are veeeery right...  Roll Eyes

P.S.: I hate the Utwig voice!

Now, if you want a serious reply (to a not-so-serious statement)...
I don't do like that ("every first theory which on first glance seems to match my world-view, is true"). Let's dissect i ton a case-by-case basis.
1. Utwig voice - I would prefer them not to be emo. OK, so what? This is not a theory, it is a preference.
2. This thread - as I've said, whenever I start with qualms about the Utwig voice, people (generally people who half-agree with me) say that the Orz voice is poorly done.
3. When I turned the "Ground weaponry" thread into a "what-if" thread, claiming that it was meant like that in the first place - I didn't review the introduction after writing the first post (which turned into a "what-if" post because otherwise only two-three races would have had ground weaponry)
4. In general - "I tend to swallow some worlds."

<turns off translator>
Hello extremely! I hope you like to *play*.

(much more intelligible, isn't it?)
« Last Edit: June 26, 2007, 07:34:06 pm by Valaggar » Logged
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Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2007, 08:33:33 pm »

Now, if you want a serious reply (to a not-so-serious statement)...
I don't do like that ("every first theory which on first glance seems to match my world-view, is true"). Let's dissect i ton a case-by-case basis.
1. Utwig voice - I would prefer them not to be emo. OK, so what? This is not a theory, it is a preference.
2. This thread - as I've said, whenever I start with qualms about the Utwig voice, people (generally people who half-agree with me) say that the Orz voice is poorly done.
3. When I turned the "Ground weaponry" thread into a "what-if" thread, claiming that it was meant like that in the first place - I didn't review the introduction after writing the first post (which turned into a "what-if" post because otherwise only two-three races would have had ground weaponry)
4. In general - "I tend to swallow some worlds."

Ok, I'm now supremely confused. I assume some of that is in response to meep (or is all of it?), even though it is directly below your quoting of me. I also don't know what the ground weaponry thread, or swallowing words has to do with meeps post (or mine if this is somehow responding to that).

Abort Retry Fail?

EDIT: Or is case by case different threads? How does swallowing words have anything to do with worldviews or philosophies?

What's up doc?

Re: The Orz voice
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2007, 11:46:47 am »

It's in response to meep's "Valaggaria n.
Imaginary place where every first theory which on first glance seems to match an inhabitant's world-view, is true. Population: 1. Currently at war with the distant realm of reality. Official language: Valaggarese.".

EDIT: Or is case by case different threads? How does swallowing words have anything to do with worldviews or philosophies?
Of course it is case by case. Also, I don't think meep-eep referred only to philosophies - look: "Imaginary place where every first theory which on first glance seems to match an inhabitant's world-view, is true.": it is about any type of theory, not only world-views.

Abort Retry Fail?
Just Retry until the computer explodes.
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