Zebranky food

Posts: 1
Hello everybody.
I just want to make a small press-release about coming-soon browser-based MMO which we are making. It's not official press-release, but since I am fan of SC2, I want to share some secrets with other fans of my favorite game.
The main gameplay will remind you melee of SC2, but it will be different game. No reuse of SC2 content, too.
We are planning to release our game at november 2009 (open beta-test). but everybody from SC2 community are welcome to take participation in closed beta-testing, which will begins (hopefully) at september.
You will find our site here: www.planewars.com It's only on Russian, though - new version of the site (on english) is in process and will be released in a month, together with some concept-arts, game screenshots and probably videos.
Hope to see you all in our game soon!
Cheers, - Anti