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Topic: What can i use to modify ship sprites? (Read 1595 times)
The Guy
Zebranky food
Posts: 12
Recently i've been trying to modify the avenger sprite -it was too pink for me-, to turn it purple. I unzipped the images from the contents file and changed their color using Paint Shop Pro, the problem is, that the game doesn't recognize the new colors, now the avenger has a rainbow-like color, i tried a 256 and later a 16-color palette, but didn't work. Using Paint gave me a somewhat better result but it erased the transparent parts. What program can i use?
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 05:01:48 pm by The Guy »
Posts: 709
Sharing is good.
While I have no idea what your color problem is being caused by, I can suggest one editor: GraphicsGale Free Edition. KolourPaint, part of the KDE package, might also work (it's essentially like MS Paint, but supports alpha transparency). There is also of course the GIMP, if you prefer something more like Photoshop.
Of course, since I have no idea what your color problem could be caused by, I'm not sure any of these will work, but they might be worth a try.
Posts: 1938
Fot or not?
When SC2 was originally made, PC games mostly used a 256-colour (indexed) graphics mode. Basically, only 256 colours from a predefined palette could be shown on screen at one time. UQM still assumes that you are using one and the same palette for almost everything in battle, so you can't change the palette. In other words, if you end up converting the image from indexed to RGB, you'll almost certainly end up with the wrong palette when you convert it back, and when UQM then tries to display your image with the standard palette, the colours will be all wrong. In GIMP, at least, you can do all your editing in indexed mode, avoiding this problem. You should be able to do this in Paint Shop Pro (or at least it was easy back in 1997; I haven't used PSP much lately).
UQM includes some support for 16-bit RGB, since that's what the 3DO version of SC2 uses for some graphics. Have you tried saving in 16-bit colour instead?
The Guy
Zebranky food
Posts: 12
thank you guys, i solved it
Saving in 16 bit RGB worked for big images and icons, but for medium and small images i had problems with the cloaking effect (they didn't turn white before disappearing) so i had to use GIMP for modding them
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