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Topic: Chmrrr whiplash (Read 12689 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 10

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
All I have to say is, my girlfriend is not only a gamer chick, but she's almost a bigger gaming geek than I am. we're putting in DSL next week, and she squealed with joy when the hardware showed up today.
Also, she keeps saying how nice it'll be to have a connection worth playing online games with. Jedi Knight 2, modified, in particular.
And, unlike most girls I've known, her only question when I told her I had preordered a dreamcast was "When can i play it?", and it's *her* fault I spent money I shouldn't have on a Gamecube.
Gamer chicks are the absolute BEST. Cherish them. Nuture them. And if some non-gamer chick wants to try out some game you've been playing, by all means, patiently teach her. You might be able to convert her.
I know we've just got a couple people making noises of disbelief that a girl'd be at all interested in games, and SC2 in particular, but I have to put in my 2 cents on the topic of girls and their ability to be sexily geeky on principle. I'm a man with a mission to promote equality of the sexes in the gaming world. 
Cause let's face it, when girls play games with us, we all win. 
Anyway, getting abck to the original topic, that's one of my favorite SC2 amusements-- Ship-throwing. i don't really do it to win, though. Just out of amusement. Another fun trick is to practice aiming with a Chmmr Whiplash, so you can throw small ships at planets.
the trick, of course, comes if your opponent is smart, and wipes out your zapsats in one of a few ways. The tactic fails *miserably* against a Thraddash Torch if the Chmmr is moving, for instance, and an Umgah Drone's primary will do a lot of damage if they're good, too. Plus the secondary, if I recall correctly, will stop a tractor whip cold.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 311

Eddie wants Ur-Quan Trophies!
Azzizi - spoken like a true Jedi - uh, Warrior, - no, GAMER!
I wish there were more than just a few girls interested in computer gaming. Usually it's very frustrating to even bring up the topic 'cause all THEY wanna do with a computer is check out the net or write eMails or whatever, if even!
Usually they just treat one like the geek one tries not to become (maybe too late?) - They just don't understand that gaming is a lot of fun. Okay, there's always interesting board-games and other stuff you can do with a woman, but...
Oh, Omni-Sama, I am a German, living about 2hrs away from the Netherlands, but I've only been there once during 10th grade (and that was a time when I didn't know yet what was good
Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
They might get the Mycon in Butter, actually. An order for Supox is just wrong -- and, fortunately, unlikely to go filled.
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