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Topic: How to fight? (Read 6578 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
I've started to play UQM and I think the storyline and dialog are excellent, however, I cannot learn how to fight. I read some info from wiki, but before making any manoeuvre I'm usually killed... Everything is to fast (I've got cyborg off).
How do you suggest to start to learn fighting? What should I choose in SuperMeele?
BTW. When do you plan in implemant mouse control. Keybord 'resolution', respond time are horrible and nearly kill ale joy of play.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 169

What can we do for
Tip #1. Don't fight with your main ship when possible. To start, it is a slow, cumbersome over-sized paperweight and no good for fighting. Early on in the game, you'll meet a scatterbrained Spathi named Fwiffo, and you should learn how to use his ship well. Many use him exclusively throughout the game, but I never had enough patience for Spathi Guerilla tactics...
Of course, towards the end you'll find your ship well equipped and flatten most targets in its path. 
In Super Melee, The Avatar is probably the "easiest" ship to pilot. It packs power, while retaining decent mobility.
The Arilou Skiff is also a good choice. With no inertia, it's extremely easy to pilot, and stupid mistakes can usually be fixed with a quick teleport. Because of its limited crew and propensity for draining its battery reserve, you should pick up things NOT to do in combat quickly enough. ^^
If you're upset at being too slow, no ship can match the Pkunk. It's notoriously difficult to keep under control though.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
And if you're not good at aiming, use the Earthling Cruiser. Its auto-lock laser and FAF nukes don't require much training on your part.
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
Yeah! The tonguing is the best part!
For practising specific fights, it's quite helpful to create some new battle groups made up of lots just one kind of ship. (And save them) Here's some tips for beating the ships you have to deal with at the start of the game, in roughly increasing order of difficulty:
Orz vs Slylandro: This is a stupid fight. Run away and launch 4 marines. The probe will go nuts trying to avoid the marines. While it's doing that, it's not shooting at you, and the marines will get it eventually.
Earthling vs Vux: Vuxen are fairly easy to kill with the Earthling. All you have to do is keep your distance and fire missiles. Unfortunately, the Vux will sometimes warp in right next to you and slag your ship before you can do anything. There's not much you can do about this 
Spathi vs Ur-quan: The puny Ur-quan Dreadnaught is helpless against the mighty Spathi. Keep out of range, and when it launches fighters, fire BUTTs at them. Or just fly around - the fighters will eventually hit asteroids and die. To kill the main ship, you need to fire BUTTs from just out of its range, while it is chasing you.
Spathi vs Ilwrath: The Ilwrath can be killed by almost anything with greater range and speed. And that's just about every other ship in the game. You can tell exactly where it is because it's always opposite you. Thrust away from it until you're moving at about the same speed, then turn round and shoot. The Spathi, ZokFotPik and Shofixti can kill it quite easily this way. The ZoqFotPik's scatter gun is hard to miss with (well, hard to miss every single shot with, anyway)
Spathi vs Kohr-ah: This is much harder than the Spathi vs green Ur-quan fight. Run away from it, dodging the saw-blades and firing BUTTs. Dodging the blades is the tricky part - it's best if the Kohr-ah is chasing you, because then you have much more time to react. You can't outrun the blades, so if one is coming up behind you, turn! It takes a long time to kill the Kohr-ah this way, because half your missiles will hit saw-blades or get F.R.I.E.D. But it eventually goes down.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 167

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
" respond time are horrible "
This may be due to some installation/hardware problem. Try changing your display settings (resolution, color depth) to see if it gets better.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
Thank you very much for your so fast and so wide response.
Do you think it can be useful to add this to Wiki?
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
I always use:
Chmmr: Good versus anyone Utwig: Very good against ur-quans Orz: Good against ur-quans and all slow. Pkunk: Very good also, in the end too.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Also, having finer turning control would overpower long-range ships like the Ur-Quan and Druuge. As it is, you need to line up your shot rather than just turn and shoot. Unrealistic, yes, but it balances the game.
Also, you will need to fight MUCH less if you max out your thrusters. Stock up on the little red things and they will save you. Scrap the ion cannon to get 4 more of them, it's worth it.
Deus Siddis
Posts: 1387
Such Cowardice.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
The slylandro are INSANE. It's only by abusing the AI that you can survive fights with them at all. Anyway, at high thrust not only do you have fewer fights but the game time slips past less rapidly.
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