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Topic: Posting a saved file (Read 2005 times)
chad of Toronto
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
I was browsing around the Starcontrol2/uqm files to see if I could find where the save files are. I was thinking of posting one online for everyone or just plain backing them up.
I've got a saved file with 30-40k Rus and all the Technological upgrades. I thought some people may want to do the events without the troubles of mining. Especially with uqm having slylandor probes in the star systems.
My saved file has:
All the races met. A few Thradash blown up The pkunk told to return once 40k RU 500 Melnorme credits + quite a bit of biological data for sale 5 Rainbow worlds explored All Melnorme Technological upgrades. Fwiffo's ship sold 4 Pkunk Furies sold. 4 arilou skiffs 2 Orz Nemisis Devices: Portal spawner & Clear Spindle device only!
The Following info has already been provided in discussion in the game and you will need to know it if you're new to the game:
-A spathi, thinking you're going to torture him gives you this info:Spathi homeworld: Epsilon gruis, Password: huffi-muffy-guffi
- Vux suggest you speak Admiral Zex who ACTUALLY likes humans at Beta Mira (I think), because they can't stand the site of you.
-Zot-Foq-pik emmisaries spoken to at Rigel and require you speak to their leaders at their homeworld at alpha Tucanae
-Arilou found a dying talking pet and tried to help it recover but it was dying despite their best efforts so they gave it to the Umgah who are superior bio technologically.They suggest if you're near Umgah space to inquire about it.
-The Melnorme would like to trade. They suggest if you're interested to meet them at alpha Cerenkov.
-The starbase Commander read the report on the probe that attacked you on the trip from Vela . He suggest s you find the manufacturer of the probe and have them stop making them because they are replicating at a geometric rate and are going to be a real mess.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2007, 11:20:16 pm by chad of Toronto »
chad of Toronto
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
No ofcourse you don't need my save file.
You can get another 4 pkunk furies every year, ally with them and buy 4 more, or use the furies the pkunk queen of the yehat give you when you engage the samatra.
In the very beginning of the game. I like to sell those furies to pay for turning jets and thrusters.
chad of Toronto
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
With the pkunk I talked to them to get their ships and they gave me the spindle. With the Supox I said good bye right away.
You're right. There was only 3 Arilou skiffs.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2007, 11:09:06 pm by chad of Toronto »
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