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Author Topic: Melee on the iPhone? How to?  (Read 2984 times)
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Melee on the iPhone? How to?
« on: May 12, 2009, 07:42:31 pm »

Howdy folks.... long time no post. As you can imagine, my belove StarCon clone, Xeno Versus has been stuck in perpetual alpha for months now. The reason actually was because I got a publishing contract with Garage Games for a kit I developed... it helps people make racing games on the iPhone. That caused me to shelve XV while I finished up the kit.

Anyhow, I've found the iPhone to be a better source of income than PC. So I've started thinking about how a melee game would work on it. Tilt steer? A small interface, etc?

Any ideas?

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Re: Melee on the iPhone? How to?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2009, 10:06:50 pm »

I would assume the best bet would be a touch screen interface mimicing the key layout:


Or something like that. I don't think a tilt interface would work, as it would be quite disorienting to use, and how would you fire? Shake the unit?
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Re: Melee on the iPhone? How to?
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2009, 06:46:22 pm »

Right, I was leaning toward on-screen buttons. So here's a little bit of background for this:

I've been advertising Xeno Versus on this forum for, amazingly, years. It was close to publication at one point before a shakeup at GarageGames changed how they handled their game store in Fall '07. Discouraged, I went simpler and released 3 PC board games from my site just to learn the indie biz...

In Fall '08, I felt I needed to get back to my melee game. Interestingly enough, however, a little side project of mine gained a lot of attention. I had enabled 'mode7' in TGB, thus opening it up for games like Mario Kart, F-Zero, etc... So around January, at the alpha stage of Xeno Versus, I switched gears and cranked out the TGB Kart Kit which is now published with GarageGames.

Of course, I felt the kit needed to run on the iPhone... so to learn the ropes of porting to it, I first ported Mini Shogi... and somewhere along the lines I started calling this stuff a business and registered as Cascadia Games. Whew!

Mini Shogi is, by itself, going to bring in more money than my PC games combined sometime in the next month. And I have a couple other ports to iPhone underway... which brings me back to Xeno Versus. Do I release on PC / Mac? As coded, the game wouldn't port well to iPhone. But I'm not sure the money is in PC games to justify the time to finish the game.

So... what about a "mode7" melee on the iPhone? Perhaps in the vein of Wing Commander Arena?

Anyway, apologies for the mega post! I just wanted to explain where I'm at for those who've followed the Mega Thread about Xeno Versus!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 06:50:47 pm by xenoclone » Logged

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