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Topic: Melee on the iPhone? How to? (Read 2984 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
Howdy folks.... long time no post. As you can imagine, my belove StarCon clone, Xeno Versus has been stuck in perpetual alpha for months now. The reason actually was because I got a publishing contract with Garage Games for a kit I developed... it helps people make racing games on the iPhone. That caused me to shelve XV while I finished up the kit.
Anyhow, I've found the iPhone to be a better source of income than PC. So I've started thinking about how a melee game would work on it. Tilt steer? A small interface, etc?
Any ideas?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 104
Right, I was leaning toward on-screen buttons. So here's a little bit of background for this:
I've been advertising Xeno Versus on this forum for, amazingly, years. It was close to publication at one point before a shakeup at GarageGames changed how they handled their game store in Fall '07. Discouraged, I went simpler and released 3 PC board games from my site just to learn the indie biz...
In Fall '08, I felt I needed to get back to my melee game. Interestingly enough, however, a little side project of mine gained a lot of attention. I had enabled 'mode7' in TGB, thus opening it up for games like Mario Kart, F-Zero, etc... So around January, at the alpha stage of Xeno Versus, I switched gears and cranked out the TGB Kart Kit which is now published with GarageGames.
Of course, I felt the kit needed to run on the iPhone... so to learn the ropes of porting to it, I first ported Mini Shogi... and somewhere along the lines I started calling this stuff a business and registered as Cascadia Games. Whew!
Mini Shogi is, by itself, going to bring in more money than my PC games combined sometime in the next month. And I have a couple other ports to iPhone underway... which brings me back to Xeno Versus. Do I release on PC / Mac? As coded, the game wouldn't port well to iPhone. But I'm not sure the money is in PC games to justify the time to finish the game.
So... what about a "mode7" melee on the iPhone? Perhaps in the vein of Wing Commander Arena?
Anyway, apologies for the mega post! I just wanted to explain where I'm at for those who've followed the Mega Thread about Xeno Versus!
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 06:50:47 pm by xenoclone »
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