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Topic: Mac OS X HOWTO (Read 9103 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hello my friends.. I will be uploading the OS X .app package tonight, but you should also try to follow these directions as UQM still has some funky quirks that will make it necessary for you to continue updating UQM. i also write the following HOWTO for the Ur Quan Masters, which I have submitted in Rich Text format to the authors of this project. Here it is, probably not as pretty, but still hopefully helpful.
The Ur Quan Masters Mac OS X HOWTO by Robert McNamara (IamLindoro at Written to accommodate UQM CVS Version 0.13
Before installing, please read the following:
If you have sdl-image, or sdl-mixer installed through fink, remove them using the fink remove <packagename> command!
Do, however, install SDL itself through fink. We will install both the source AND the Fink version.
Fink is available at
Install it, then open a terminal app and type:
fink install sdl
Allow it to install any necessary dependancies, then close the Terminal.
In the coming sections, you will see many of the dependancies that you must fulfill before installing UQM. Even if you THINK you have one of these installed, you may not have it in the right spot... in many of these cases, the web sites for these libraries have Mac OS X "Packages" available for install. These WILL NOT WORK with UQM. They are of a different format and go to the wrong directory.
Also, some of the dependancies have some of their own dependancies... some of you may have problems compiling, others may not. If something doesn't work right, it's because you are lacking a dependancy, almost without question. Do NOT look to myself, any member of the UQM team, or whomever you got this from to solve these problems-- Go to the website of the package you are having trouble installing and they should be able to more thoroughly appraise you of the required dependancies for their package, as well as answer questions on their own software. Often, you can just do a google search for your error message and the answer will present itself.
Preparing your system for install:
Open a new Terminal App, and enter the following commands:
pico .cshrc
add this line at end:
set path = ( $path /usr/lib /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/local/bin )
press Control-O, then enter to confirm saving this file.
press Control-X to exit.
Close the terminal. This will allow our changes to take effect.
We will download all of the source code now. It would be helpful if you save this all in one directory, for the sake of installing it later.
Downloading the Source Code:
You need ALL of the following packages! Trust me!
Download zlib source code at: find that file and double click it. Stuffit expander should decompress it.
Download libpng source code at: find that file and double click it. Stuffit expander should decompress it.
Download libogg source code at: find that file and double click it. Stuffit expander should decompress it.
Download libvorbis source code at: find that file and double click it. Stuffit expander should decompress it.
Download SDL Source Code at: find that file and double click it. Stuffit expander should decompress it.
Download SDL_image Code using CVS: open a Terminal window. move to the directory you would like to put the sdl_image source code. cvs -d login press enter when it asks for a password. cvs -z3 -d checkout SDL_image
Download SDL_mixer using CVS: Open a terminal window. Move to the directory you would like to put the sdl_mixer source code. Enter the following: cvs -d login press enter when it asks for a password. cvs -z3 -d checkout SDL_mixer
Now we are going to compile all of the packages. This must be done in a very particular order, and all from the Terminal. Sorry!
Compiling all of the prerequisite packages:
zlib: Open a Terminal window and move to the folder where you decompressed zlib. change into that directory. In the case of the file referenced above, that will be:
cd zlib-1.1.4
(Now we shall compile. Enter the following:)
(now enter the password for your root account... you MUST be Superuser to make install at the end of each of these steps!)
make install
(you MUST be The root user to make this work!)
libPNG: Go navigate into the directory for libpng. In the case of above, it will be:
cd lpng125
cp scripts/makefile.darwin makefile
make install
Wait. Now libPng is installed. You're getting there!
LibOGG: Go navigate into the directory for libogg. In the case of above, it will be:
cd libogg-1.0
make install
Wait. Now libOGG is installed.
LibVORBIS: Go navigate into the directory for libvorbis. In the case of above, it will be:
cd libvorbis-1.0
make install
Wait. Now libvorbis is installed.
SDL: Go navigate into the directory for SDL. In the case of above, it will be:
cd SDL-1.2.5
make install
On to SDL_Image...
SDL_Image: Go navigate into the directory for SDL_Image. In the case of above, it will be:
cd SDL_image
make install
SDL_Mixer Go navigate into the directory for SDL_mixer. In the case of above, it will ALWAYS be (as it is CVS):
cd SDL_mixer
make install
Downloading and compiling The Ur-Quan Masters:
Now it's time to get the Ur Quan Masters CVS!
In a terminal:
cvs -d login
cvs -z6 -d checkout sc2
Sit back, get a beer. This will take a LONG time, even at pretty good speed.
When this process is done, we are ready to build the Ur-Quan Masters! From the Terminal, enter the following:
cd sc2
./ uqm
The build script will first check to make sure ALL of it's dependancies are satisfied. If you are not presented with a menu, it means something we tried to install above did not work! Thankfully, UQM will tell you what it cannot find and you can try that package again. SOME things may not be found, but if a menu comes up, it's not a show-stopping error.
A small text menu will appear. Choose the following options:
Change the first option to No debugging information.
You MAY be able to switch to OpenGL support, you may not. Covering that will occur in a later iteration of this document.
Change the sound system from SDL_Mixer to MixSDL. If it is already set to MixSDL, leave it alone.
finally, press enter to allow UQM to compile.
After a little while, you should be returned to the command prompt. Assuming everything went well, you can invoke the Ur Quan Masters by typing the following from the command line:
To see other command line options, type:
./uqm --help
There it is! I have also submitted a script to the writers of UQM that packages the program as a mac APP, which can simply be invoked from the finder. Hopefully soon we will be able to simply invoke a build option that leaves us with a complete app. Until that point, I shall create app versions myself. PLEASE continue to support the members of the UQM team (I am not a member) and tell them what amazing work they are doing bringing back what is for many one of the greatest games of all time.
Robert McNamara 01/31/03
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
All right, lots of updates since I first wrote this howto.
First off, SDL_Mixer is no longer necessary to compile, as is indicated in the new HOWTO.
Second, I am now distributing the OS X version WITH it's required libraries in a MAC OS X installer package. No more need to fink, compile or otherwise manipulate the required libraries.. it's all done with an installer. Good stuff, right?
The Howto, Library Installer, and UQM Installer are all hosted at Nics web site. I have also uploaded a DMG containing everything you need, which will soon be linked from his top page.
Please let me know what you think, ease of use, etc.
Irresponsible Capt. Tylor
Hey Robert,
Thanks for all your help on this. I followed your directions exactly, and am still unable to compile/run sdl dependant Apps. I was most pleased when you announced your inependent, installer package. Unfortunately, it still won't work for me. I ran first the library install, then the Ur-QuanMasters install. When I try to run the app, it opens, then immediately closes and prints this in the console window:
dyld: /Applications/Games/Ur-Quan Masters/Ur-Quan can't open library: /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.1.dylib (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
I did a search for that file, and can't find a libGL.1.dylib anywhere on the system. (There is a plane libGL.dylib in the root level library frameworks directory)
Any help? Thanks again,
Irresponsible Capt. Tylor
Ok. When I try to open and install the new UrQuanMastersLibraries package that you posted, I get the following error message:
The Installer package "UrQuanMastersLibraries" cannot be opened. The Bill of Materials for this package was not found.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
That's strange-- that means the file is incomplete, but it's fine here, and appears fine on the server. Let me download that version and see if it works here.
Just uppdated the DMG, that should include the new libnraries too.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Okay, downloaded the libraries package from the server, and it worked fine-- you must somehow have an incomplete file.. that's the same error I get when I try to run the package before i have finished building it. So, download the file again, and it should be fine.
Also, the .DMG file now contains the updated library installer.
Irresponsible Capt. Tylor
Ok. The new library installer ran this time. Must have gotten corrupted during download the first time. UQM is still not running though. I am getting the same error message as before with an added crash dump that I don't recall being there before:
dyld: /Applications/Games/Ur-Quan Masters/Ur-Quan can't open library: /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.1.dylib (No such file or directory, errno = 2) Feb 4 21:07:31 h00039313bf90 crashdump: Crash report written to: /Users/mwoods/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/uqm.crash.log
The following was written to the crash log:
Date/Time: 2003-02-04 21:07:31 -0500 OS Version: 10.2.3 (Build 6G30) Host:
Command: uqm PID: 643
Exception: EXC_BREAKPOINT (0x0006) Code[0]: 0x00000001Code[1]: 0x8fe01280
Thread 0 Crashed: #0 0x8fe01280 in halt #1 0x8fe0329c in load_library_image #2 0x8fe06134 in load_images_libraries #3 0x8fe026e8 in load_executable_image #4 0x8fe01410 in _dyld_init
PPC Thread State: srr0: 0x8fe01280 srr1: 0x0002f030 vrsave: 0x00000000 xer: 0x20000000 lr: 0x8fe0a064 ctr: 0x8fe28f78 mq: 0x00000000 r0: 0x00000004 r1: 0xbffffb70 r2: 0x24008280 r3: 0x000000aa r4: 0x00000000 r5: 0x000000aa r6: 0x0000290a r7: 0x726e6f20 r8: 0x66696c65 r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0xbffff8eb r11: 0x00000026 r12: 0x8fe71ad2 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00002d20 r15: 0x00000000 r16: 0xbffffe14 r17: 0x00000001 r18: 0x00000000 r19: 0x00001c48 r20: 0x00000001 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x00000000 r23: 0x00000000 r24: 0x8fe4b3dc r25: 0x00000002 r26: 0x00000002 r27: 0x00000000 r28: 0x00001b10 r29: 0x00000000 r30: 0x8fe484d8 r31: 0x8fe09ecc I don't have a /usr/X11R6 directory. Should I? Should your library installer create this? Thanks for the help.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Did you install it to your first drive?
If not, do so and try again.
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Wait, may have not forced it to ask for root password. Will create again and reupload
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Damn, okay, I have uploaded another updated version; I think that by not asking for the root password, you lacked the privileges to write the X11R6 folder... try this one and see if it works.
Irresponsible Capt. Tylor
Progress. The new installer now creates the usr/X11R6 directory. Still crashes saying it is missing a file though. Console now reads as follows:
dyld: /Applications/Games/Ur-Quan Masters/Ur-Quan can't open library: /usr/X11R6/lib/libXext.6.dylib (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
contents of /usr/X11R6/lib/ are as follows:
libgl.1.2.dylib libgl.1.dylib libgl.a libgl.dylib
Thanks, -Tylor
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
*grumbles about dependancies* Rassafrassa....
Okay, have uploaded ANOTHER version of the libraries.. I *THINK* this last one should do it.
Am still in the midst of uploading it, will be okay to download after 12:20 AM East coast time. Give this a try and let me know as soon as you can if it works.
Irresponsible Capt. Tylor
Hooray! The new library installer worked and UQM is up and running. Pity I have lots of work to do today. Anyway thanks, you can post that library installer as working.
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