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Topic: Ship Ratings? (Read 5612 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Anywhere to see the ratings of ships Speed, Armor, and stuff like that? Trying to get the hang of this game
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 209
The Armor parameter does not exist in UQM. Each weapon that exists in the game does a fixed amount of damage to all ships (well, the Mycon Podship's plasmoids weaken over time, and the damage dealt by the Shofixti Scout's Glory Device is dependent on its distance from the enemy ships, but still, armor never comes into play in UQM).
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 12:21:51 pm by PRH »
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Nope, indeed. Each ship has a certain amoutn of life (green dots). Once expended, ship dies. Slylandro Probes use grey dots with the same function, and your flagship's last dot is blue, indicating the player (you). If that one dies, you're dead. The ships also have a red bar, indicating the amount of stored energy. Which is needed to fire primary / secondary weapons. And reload speed depends on the ship. Also the energy usage depends on ship. E.g. the Pkunk fury don't have a secodary weapon, pressing the secondary will reload the batteries, using the energy of using expletives thrown at your enemy. The Shofixti Scout can use its secondary only thrice: once to turnt he control light from green to yellow, a second time to turn the light red, and the third time is used to activate the glory device (self destruct). And the Slylandro Probe uses the secondary to reload batteries (if it touches an asteroid at the same time). And the Umgah Drone reloads all in one go if you do not use your primary for a while.
For some ships, you can find the stats here: with images like

But the ships added in SC2/UQM over SC1 do not appear there.
A quick rundown of the all ships can be found here: But means looking at each page for primary and secondary weapons. And the Orz Nemesis has a third weapon. Pressing primary and secondary at the same time launches a *GO*-*GO* (a space marine). One post would be far too short to do justice to the variety of ships in-game.
edit: a rather "dry" overview of some stats of all Melee ships can be found at the page No indication of what the primary/secondary weapons are.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2018, 02:49:39 pm by Krulle »
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
A list I compiled quite a while ago: I don't even have the .txt file anymore, but a website published it around 2000.... And their UI is messed up... So I have to google the thing every time I want to look something up.
Androsynth Guardian: A typically hit-and-run weapon. Normally a slow ship, whose blurps are slow and searching with the chaos-tracking. Speciality: Turning into a red flame, which is a fast ship, as long as the energy supply lasts. To kill the enemy in this state you must touch him. Kabonky kamikazers! NOT EXISTANT IN THE GAME ITSELF. It is available in Melee, though.
Ariloulaleelay Skiff: THE classical UFO! No gravity, small, round and fast! A small, automatically aiming laser. Speciality: Warp! Warps at a random chosen place in the fightarena.
Chenjesu Broodhome: Slow and heavy. Sends out a bulkshot which splits into 6 smaller shots the moment fire is released. Speciality: Energydogs. They search for the enemy, try to touch him and by touching stealing a vast amount of energy. NOT EXISTANT IN THE GAME ITSELF. It is available in Melee, though.
Chmmr Avatar: Very heavy and quite slow. Has three satelites which shoot at any enemy whith a little laser. The Avatar itself shoots with a laser which costs a tremendous amount of energy. The battery is reloaded very fast. Speciality: Gravityfield. The Avatar generates a gravityfield which sucks your enemy just in front of your laser. YEEHA!
Druuge Mauler: Slow. Very strong shot which makes the Mauler fly backwards. The battery is loaded extremely slow, so the Speciality: is to load the battery. The cost for this is one live!
Human Cruiser: A typical human piece of technology: Heavy, slow but a high turning rate. A powerful and fast seeking atomar missile which has a low turning rate and which can easily be defended. Speciality: Pointdefense laser.
Ilwrath Avenger: Slow, but always a dangerous opponent! Spits short-range fire like a dragon which can melt any weapon within seconds! Speciality: Invisibility! (NOT Invincibility!) (If firing while invisible, the ship uncloaks AND automatically points in the direction of the enemy)
Kohr-Ah Marauder: A slow and heavy destructor. Sends small turning razor-blades into space, which keep on going as long as fire is pressed. Speciality: A ring of fire, very effective defense.
Melnorme Trader: Funny weapon. Shoots an energycrystal. When keeping Fire pressed, the energy won't refill the battery but make the crystal more dangerous. When you release Fire the crystal will be shot. Speciality: Plasmashot, which will make the opponent spin round and round. The opponents steering and speciality won't work while spinning around.
Mmrnmhrm X-Form: Transformer. Has two forms: 1. A small, slow fighter which has a high turning rate and a dangerous short-range laser. 2. A small, fast fighter which has a low turning rate and some self-seeking nearly harmless missiles which are fast with a low turning rate. Speciality: Transform from one form to the other form. NOT EXISTANT IN THE GAME ITSELF. It is available in Melee, though.
Mycon Podship: Slow. Powerfull searching energypods. The farther the pod has to travel, the less effective it gets. The weapon can hit the Mycon itself. The Podship can get tremendous speed by passing the planet with a minimum distance. When you're fast, DON'T fire forward, only backwards! Speciality: 4 crewmembers can be quick defreezed (equals 4 members more).
Orz Nemesis: The Nemesis can let little, intelligent fighters (*Go-Go*) follow the enemy when Specialty and Fire are pressed together. Normal shot is a shot in the shooting direction. Speciality: Turn the shooting direction.
Pkunk Fury: Extremely light and extremely fast starship. Shoots in three directions (front, left and right). Speciality: Refill energy by swearing.
Shofixti Scout: Light and fast starship. Has a glory device, which is the only weapon in the Scout which is good. Normal shot is just an undangerous shot to the front. Speciality: On the closeup view of the Scout on the right side of the screen are in the lower right corner three switches and a light. Normally, the light is green, if the first switch is turned, the light turns yellow, next time red and with the third switch the glory device will be activated, which results in a big explosion. The speciality is switching the switches. KAMIKAZE!
Slylandro Probe: Fast, automatically moving starship. Uses flashes to kill the enemy. Speciality: When bumping into an asteroid while Speciality is pressed, the asteroid will be materialized and the battery of the Probe will be reloaded.
Spathi Eluder: Big, but fast starship. Has a small machine gun in front. Speciality: Slow, automatically seeking missiles.
Supox Blade: Spits some shots in front, just like a machine gun. Speciality: Press right to fly sidewards to the left side and vice versa. Press forward to fly backwards. Works only when the specialkey is pressed.
Syreen Penetrator: Light orange rocket. Sends a small shot in front. Speciality: Sing the enemycrew into space and collect them! Reload your own crew! The captain can't be sung out, only shot out!
Thraddash Torch: Normally slow. Has a small shot, which reaches quite far. Speciality: AFTER BURNER! Can get very fast and leave some flames in space. These flames can kill any enemy if he flies over it!
Umgah Drone: Very slow. Antimatter field in front, which uses no energy. Can also be used as a shield against other weapons. Speciality: Fly extremely fast backwards. (Do not press forward at the same time!)
Ur-Quan Dreadnought: Slow and heavy. Has a powerful fusion blaster. Speciality: Small fighters, which can easily be destroyed.
Utwig Jugger: Slow and heavy, but a high turning rate. Shoots six times with one shot. Uses no energy! Speciality: Energy absorbing shield. To reload battery, use the shield to absorb shotenergy. Very good against the Dreadnought, the Marauder, the Mauler, the Terminator and the Avatar.
VUX Intruder: Slow and a low turning rate. Gigawatt laser. Speciality: Slime balls which slow down the enemy.
Yehat Terminator: Slow, but has two effective machine guns. Speciality: Energy shield.
Zoq-Fot-Piq Stinger: Fast. Only a short range weapon. Shoots some very small shots which won't go straight forward. Speciality: Tongue. This tongue can kill any enemy within a short time. Unluckily, you need to be VERY near (kiss) the enemy.
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
I see that it has 7 ships for each side but not all the ships. Are these ratings for the first game?
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Which of the many links provided by us are you referring to?
If you're going for the one with the images, then yes. The images were taken from the Star Control IV game (which commonly is named SC1, the IV was a joke referring to Star Wars episode IV (the first film published), and also left room for prequels, if ever desired). UQM is a remake of SC2, with more ships than SC1 had.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 209
If you're going for the one with the images, then yes. The images were taken from the Star Control IV game (which commonly is named SC1, the IV was a joke referring to Star Wars episode IV (the first film published), and also left room for prequels, if ever desired).
It was actually "Star Control: Famous Battles of the Ur-Quan Conflict Volume IV", not "Star Control IV". Star Control IV never got released. 
As for the ship stats, they are listed at the bottom of each of the articles about each specific ship, like this one: Sadly, though, the table at the bottom does not list the damage dealt by the ships' weapons.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2018, 04:55:57 pm by PRH »
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Any good strategy guides for this game either? Id like to know what alliances I can make or cant make in the single player camaign.
Zebranky food

Posts: 10
That, is for us to know, and you to find out through experience. But honestly, you get the most fun out of just trying things out and seeing what will and wont work. I think it took me multiple tries and LOTS of reloads to finally finish, and I still didn't do everything there is.
But thats just my opinion on it, I'm sure there are many different guides out there I am just unaware of them.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Some of the most fun we've had lately is reading peoples' play logs. It's always interesting to see what people pick up on, etc.
Posts: 1118

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Indeed, the Troglodytes play log is very entertaining to read, especially if you know the game plots. But beware, his thread is full of spoilers, and many of them are rather irrelevant for you, as likely you'll be going along a different path.
BTW: just play, and save regularly. I usually had one save slot for whenever I left StarBase, and one before mejor encounters or planet inspections. So I could go back quite a bit, or only before the encounter to limit my losses.
And once you encounter difficult situations in-game, you can go back to Super Melee and practice the exact situation with the ships you have.
In my first run I was able to finish the game on time, so it's not that hard. (But I did loose, and had to rewind before a crucial meeting, as I accidentally activated a device, which meant automatic "you loose". Oh, was I furious with myself for hitting the wrong button. Don't worry, the device comes with plenty of in-game instructions to not activate it. The moment my finger pressed the button I knew what it meant.)
Zebranky food

Posts: 8
Speaking of ship ratings. I’ve noticed some ships have empty spaces In the ratings. Does this mean the value of a attribute can be anting from one to nine?
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