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Topic: Combat "trainer"? (Read 2339 times)
Zebranky food
Posts: 3
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I realize I'll probably be flamed to a crisp for asking this, but is there any way to cheat past the combat please? I wasn't very good at it 10 years ago, and it seems I haven't become any better either. Hell... I can't even get past that first fight anymore :-/
I remember back in the old days, I used to have a trainer that made it impossible for the last crew member to die. Please... I just want to fiddle with the resource management and see the full storyline since I never actually completed the game before.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 150
Well, there's always cyborg mode. The one that lets the computer control your battles. This is only effective to a certain point, though. For instance, never use it when you're fighting the Thraddash.
That manual is terrible, whomever wrote it should be fired.
You can find some manuals for Star Control II over at PNF, but they're only available via FilePlanet, and FilePlanet blows; (sorry Chad) so I'll cut-and-paste the pertinent sections here:
Game Options By choosing GAME from the Flagship Command Menu, you gain access to several commands which let you SAVE your game in progress, LOAD a game in progress, change play SETTINGS, or QUIT the game altogether.
Combat This submenu of SETTINGS allows you to change how the game conducts space combat. By modifying these settings you can have the computer fight your battles for you, and/or speed-up how fast the game conducts the combat.
Cyborg: If both your arms are broken, or you are suffering from a serious disease, you may wish to toggle the CYBORG setting on and have the computer fight your battles for you. Of course, some players have been known to use this feature WITH NO ADEQUATE EXCUSE! Harumph!
Zebranky food
Posts: 3
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Ahh there it is, thanks! :-)
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