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Topic: The Israeli situation (Read 29134 times)
Posts: 817
i dont want to come off souding stupid, but what excatly are they fighting about. growing up, i didnt watch much news, and when i was back in high school, my school, due to an error on there part, i got to take the first half of history twice. to count for a full credit. so i missed ww1 on up. i never complained, but now some parts of history elude me. sometimes i can fill in the blanks, and my local public broadcasting helps alot, but theres just some things i missed.
so to make a short post long, whats up over there with all the fighting?
« Last Edit: December 30, 2003, 09:57:49 am by DEFIANT »
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
as an israeli i saw many times on tv how the palestinians(and some other arab countires too) teach little kids, and i mean little, starting at age 7 to carry weapon, make speeches about how israel is bad and how all jews should die. I think you're making two dangerous mistakes here, mistakes of the kind which are the cause of many of the problems like these in Israel: 1. People are all to happy to believe what they hear, without considering the motives of who is saying it, and without regarding the other side. I'm not saying this scene you described didn't happen, but I bet the tv channels you saw this on were Israeli channels. 2. People tend to generalise. What you saw was a couple of palestinians teach little kids to handle weapons etc, and some people from some other Arab countries doing the same thing. But what you say is "THE Palestinians", and "some other Arab COUNTRIES". I strongly doubt that all Palestinians are like this, and I also strongly doubt that the actions by people from other Arab countries were official government policy.
i hear many times on tv too, the racism about jews in general, correct me if i'm wrong but that could come up from jealousy from the 3rd world countries, that the jews are less then 1% in the world and making the buisness and money and "controling the world" -- you have no idea how many times i heard that by other people. i think that's one of the reasons the holocaust ever happened. One way to unite people is to give them a common enemy. In Nazi Germany this was the Jews (among others). I suspect that many things said then about the Jews were said to strengthen the view of the Jews as the enemy. And some of these ideas might have stuck around with some people in current days. I personally haven't heard anyone say anything like this about Jews, but that might be explained that the circles I'm in consist of well-educated people who usually try to think for themselves. Which brings me to what I consider to be the solution to problems like this in the world, which would be to teach people to learn to think for themselves. A problem with this is that it's hard for a goverment to control people who think for themselves, which might explain why in some highly developed countries the level of education is still very bad. (On the other hand, this may just be incompetance of the governments in question.)
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
Zebranky food

Posts: 16

Arilou Skiff
Well, I remember I heard on the news he gave them large amounts of money for weapons and such. Besides that, I don't think anything else connected to him happened(for example, more terrors attack because saddam is captured). And it isn't just my home, it is the home of Quarsell too!
P.S No, I wasn't even near a terror-striked place but still seeing it in the News is enough.
Hey pal! Long time no seen!
The name is Orsquall, or in short- Or. 
I know for a fact that the Palastiniens were close to Sadam, and when he was caught, they were really sad- and they didn't hide it, you could see it in the news.
However- the issue is not about who likes who, I belive that the most doesn't represent each and every one, and in the online community everybody should get an equal oppretunity.
If not at real life, then at least in the internet. Up till now 95% of the people I met are really great, they're all awesome, but lately I'v encountered a community who banned me because I'm from Israel, and they blame Israel for attacking the Palastiniens and making th eUSA attack Iraq..
That's sad- since I really wanted to help them with things, but if that's what they chose to do.. 
I'd like to finish with a small story, and tell you, that I, an Israeli - once played a 2vs2 battle in Warcraft, and my random ally was an Iraqi. Although he didn't really like me, he saved my base twice - and eventually we won, and that's what allying is about.
Also- my cousine founded a clan with an Irani guy, in Counter-Strike, and they were quite sucessfull..
So you see- no matter what you are going to talk about in this topic, always remember that the goverments don't always represent EVERYBODY.
Sorry I'm not going straight with the topic, I just had to offload all that. 
Oh- and DJ, I know I'm sometimes away for long, but I'm visiting from time to time. Sorry about that.
Bum Bum Bum Yipi
Zebranky food

Posts: 16

Arilou Skiff
One way to unite people is to give them a common enemy. In Nazi Germany this was the Jews (among others). I suspect that many things said then about the Jews were said to strengthen the view of the Jews as the enemy. And some of these ideas might have stuck around with some people in current days. I personally haven't heard anyone say anything like this about Jews, but that might be explained that the circles I'm in consist of well-educated people who usually try to think for themselves. Which brings me to what I consider to be the solution to problems like this in the world, which would be to teach people to learn to think for themselves. A problem with this is that it's hard for a goverment to control people who think for themselves, which might explain why in some highly developed countries the level of education is still very bad. (On the other hand, this may just be incompetance of the governments in question.)
Uhh- well, DJ might have only saw it on TV, but I saw it for real, and they blew the hell out of the mall near my house (DJ do you remember the attack on Dizingof Center?).
If you're asking why and who to blame, well I can tell you that you were right on the first part of your message: some Palastiniens & Israelis are not intrested in peace (e.g. Arafat, Sharon, and terrorists & settelers).
P.s. Sorry about the double post- I'm just trying to raise my post counter.. I'm sick of being some alien's food.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2004, 06:34:14 pm by Orsquall »
Bum Bum Bum Yipi
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